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Dau ar garlam i Bencampwriaethau Traws Gwlad yn Nottingham

Mae dau o fyfyrwyr Coleg Menai wedi cael eu dewis i gynrychioli Chwaraeon Colegau Cymru ym Mhencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol Cymdeithas y Colegau (AoC) yn Nottingham dros y penwythnos.

Bydd Dion Griffiths, sy'n dilyn cwrs Gwyddor Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff, a Noa Vaughan sy'n dilyn cwrs Peirianneg, yn cystadlu yn nigwyddiad chwaraeon mwyaf Ewrop i fyfyrwyr. Roedd bron i 2,000 yn y gystadleuaeth y llynedd.

Cawsant eu dewis ar ôl gorffen ymhlith y pedwar rhedwr cyflymaf ym Mhencampwriaethau Traws Gwlad Ysgolion Cymru a gynhaliwyd yn Nhrefynwy ym mis Tachwedd 2022. Daeth Noa yn 2il yn y categori i redwyr o dan 17 oed a gorffennodd Dion yn 3ydd yn y ras i redwyr dan 20 oed.

Dywedodd Marc Lloyd Williams, Arweinydd Maes Rhaglen a Rheolwr Academi Coleg Menai:

'Bydd yn brofiad gwych i Dion a Noa, sydd wedi bod yn gweithio ac yn hyfforddi'n galed dros y misoedd diwethaf er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn. Mae'n destun clod i'r ddau ohonyn nhw, ac yn destun balchder i Goleg Menai bod dau o'u myfyrwyr athletaidd yn cystadlu ar y lefel hon."

Mae Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol yr AoC yn dathlu chwaraeon cystadleuol mewn Colegau, ac yn cynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr ddangos eu dawn a chystadlu yn erbyn myfyrwyr eraill.

Dywedodd Dean Hardman, Cyfarwyddwr Chwaraeon a Phrofiad Myfyrwyr gyda'r AoC:

“Mae pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol yr AoC yn uchafbwynt yng nghalendr chwaraeon mewn colegau. Mae'r colegau, eu staff a'u myfyrwyr wedi gweithio mor galed i ennill eu cystadlaethau rhanbarthol ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen yn arw at groesawu pawb i Nottingham. Bydd cystadlu brwd yno ac, yn bwysicaf oll, bydd y myfyrwyr yn mwynhau'r profiad o fod mewn amgylchedd pencampwriaeth aml-chwaraeon a chystadlu yn erbyn y myfyrwyr athletaidd gorau o bob cwr o'r wlad.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i: 2023 National Championships | Association of Colleges

Dion a Noa yn cystadlu mewn pencampwriaethau traws gwlad cenedlaethol

Dion Griffith, a Sports and Exercise Science student, and Noa Vaughan, who studies Engineering, will compete at the the largest annual student sporting event in Europe - where almost 2000 students competed last year.

Dion and Noa were selected for the Championships after finishing in the top 4 runners at the ‘Welsh Schools Cross Country Championships’ in Monmouth, back in November 2022. Noa finished 2nd in the under 17 category, and Dion finished 3rd in the under 20 category.

Marc Lloyd Williams, Programme Leader and Academi Coordinator at Coleg Menai said:

‘It will be a fantastic experience for both Dion and Noa who have been working and training hard over the past few months gearing up for this event. It is a great honour not only for both learners but also for Coleg Menai to have these two athletes competing at this level”.

The AoC National Championships celebrate competitive sports within Colleges while allowing students to show their talent and compete against like-minded individuals.

Dean Hardman, AoC Director of Sport and Student experience said:

“The AoC Sport National Championships are the pinnacle of college sport. Colleges, their staff and their students have worked so hard to win their respective regional tournaments and we cannot wait to welcome everyone to Nottingham, where we know competition will be fierce and, perhaps more importantly, the students will have a great time experiencing a multi-port championships environment and testing themselves against some of the best student-athletes from across the country”.

For more information head to: 2023 National Championships | Association of Colleges

Dion a Noa yn cystadlu mewn pencampwriaethau traws gwlad cenedlaethol

Dion Griffith, a Sports and Exercise Science student, and Noa Vaughan, who studies Engineering, will compete at the the largest annual student sporting event in Europe - where almost 2000 students competed last year.

Dion and Noa were selected for the Championships after finishing in the top 4 runners at the ‘Welsh Schools Cross Country Championships’ in Monmouth, back in November 2022. Noa finished 2nd in the under 17 category, and Dion finished 3rd in the under 20 category.

Marc Lloyd Williams, Programme Leader and Academi Coordinator at Coleg Menai said:

‘It will be a fantastic experience for both Dion and Noa who have been working and training hard over the past few months gearing up for this event. It is a great honour not only for both learners but also for Coleg Menai to have these two athletes competing at this level”.

The AoC National Championships celebrate competitive sports within Colleges while allowing students to show their talent and compete against like-minded individuals.

Dean Hardman, AoC Director of Sport and Student experience said:

“The AoC Sport National Championships are the pinnacle of college sport. Colleges, their staff and their students have worked so hard to win their respective regional tournaments and we cannot wait to welcome everyone to Nottingham, where we know competition will be fierce and, perhaps more importantly, the students will have a great time experiencing a multi-port championships environment and testing themselves against some of the best student-athletes from across the country”.

For more information head to: 2023 National Championships | Association of Colleges

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