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Cyn-fyfyriwr Coleg Menai i Gystadlu ar Lwyfan Ewropeaidd mewn Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Weldio

Bydd Aron Jones, cyn-fyfyriwr Weldio a Ffabrigo, yn cystadlu yng nghystadleuaeth World Skills yn Leon, Ffrainc yn fuan.

Ers iddo gwblhau'r cwrs Weldio a Ffabrigo ar gampws Coleg Menai yn Llangefni, mae Aron wedi sefydlu cwmni weldio ei hun. Mae bellach yn treulio ei amser rhydd yn helpu darpar fyfyrwyr i baratoi ar gyfer cystadlaethau sgiliau eraill fel Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru.

Yn ystod ei gyfnod yng Ngholeg Menai, enillodd Aron wobr Dysgwr y Flwyddyn 2022, a chafodd ei goroni’n bencampwr Weldio Cymru yng Nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru.

Roedd Aron hefyd yn llwyddiannus iawn yn rownd derfynol cystadleuaeth genedlaethol Welder World Skills y DU yng Ngholeg Middlesbrough, a chafodd ei ddewis i fod yng ngharfan World Skills y DU yn Leon, Ffrainc, yn 2024.

Dywedodd Chris Hughes, Darlithydd Weldio yng Ngholeg Menai:

"Yn ystod ei drydedd flwyddyn yn y coleg cefnogodd Aron ddysgwyr Weldio a Ffabrigo'r flwyddyn gyntaf a’r ail i baratoi ar gyfer eu cystadlaethau eu hunain gan drosglwyddo’r wybodaeth a ddysgodd wrth gystadlu yng nghystadlaethau weldio Cymru a'r DU.

“Mae gan Aron yr amynedd i egluro, a’r gallu i ddangos sgiliau weldio a ffabrigo ymarferol iddynt, ac yn sicr ysbrydolodd y myfyrwyr eraill yn ystod ei gyfnod yn y coleg ac roedd yn esiampl iddynt.

“Yn ystod ei gyfnod yng Ngholeg Menai, mae wedi bod yn llawn cymhelliant, yn ddibynadwy, yn gyfrifol, yn onest, ac yn gwrtais. Mae Aron wedi bod yn fyfyriwr poblogaidd gyda myfyrwyr yn yr ail a’r drydedd flwyddyn.

“Mae tîm weldio Coleg Menai yn falch iawn o’i gyflawniadau yn ystod ei gyfnod yn y coleg, ac yn dymuno pob llwyddiant iddo yn ei yrfa.”

Meddai Aron Jones,

“Mae’r sgiliau rydw i wedi’u meithrin ar y cwrs a’r cystadlaethau nid yn unig wedi fy helpu i sefydlu busnes llwyddiannus, ond hefyd wedi rhoi llwybrau gyrfa posib i mi gan fod llawer o fusnesau proffesiynol yn mynychu’r cystadlaethau i sgowtio darpar weithwyr.

“Mae fy nhiwtoriaid wedi rhoi llawer o amser ac ymdrech i fy helpu i baratoi ar gyfer y cystadlaethau trwy ddysgu sgiliau ychwanegol i mi a darparu hyfforddiant uwch.

⁠”Rydw i’n ddiolchgar iawn i Goleg Menai hefyd am ddarparu llawer o’r offer Weldio i mi ac am roi cymorth ychwanegol i mi gydag agweddau damcaniaethol Weldio, megis mathemateg, gwyddoniaeth, a dulliau ymchwil.

“Yn ogystal â helpu yn ystod fy mlwyddyn olaf, rydw i bellach yn mynychu'r coleg dwywaith yr wythnos i helpu myfyrwyr eraill i baratoi ar gyfer cystadlaethau. Mae Coleg Menai wedi fy helpu i ac rydw i am dalu'r gymwynas yn ei hôl."

After completing his Welding and Fabrication course at Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus, Aron now has his own welding business, and dedicates his spare time helping aspiring students to prepare for other skills competitions such as Skills Competition Wales.

During Aron’s time with Coleg Menai, he won learner of the year 2022, and was crowned Welsh champion in Welding by Skills Competition Wales.

Aron also demonstrated great success at the UK Welder WorldSkills National final in Middlesbrough College, and was selected to be in the UK WorldSkills squad, competing at the EuroSkills competition in Gdansk, Poland, later this year.

Chris Hughes, Welding Lecturer at Coleg Menai said,

“During Aron’s 3rd year at college, he supported the 1st and 2nd year Welding and Fabrication learners to prepare for their own competitions, passing on the knowledge he had gained from competing at the Wales & UK Welding competitions.

Aron has the patience to explain, and the ability to demonstrate the practical skills in welding and fabrication, during his time at college he inspired other students, who looked up to him as a role model.

During the years he has been with Coleg Menai, he has been motivated, dependable, responsible, honest, and courteous. A has been a popular student with both 2nd & 3 year students.

The welding team at Coleg Menai are very proud of his achievements during his time at college, & wish him every success with his career”.

Aron Jones said,

“The skills I have learnt from the course and the competitions have not only helped me in having a successful business, but have provided me with potential career paths as many professional businesses attend the competitions to scout potential employees.

My tutors have put a lot of time and effort into helping me prepare for the competitions by teaching me additional skills and providing advanced training.

I am very thankful to Coleg Menai as they have also supplied a lot of the Welding tools and have provided additional support with the theoretical aspect of Welding, such as maths, science, and research methods.

As well as helping in my final year, I now attend the college 2ce a week, leading up to competition time to help other students prepare for their competitions. Coleg Menai have helped me and I want to return the favour”.

After completing his Welding and Fabrication course at Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus, Aron now has his own welding business, and dedicates his spare time helping aspiring students to prepare for other skills competitions such as Skills Competition Wales.

During Aron’s time with Coleg Menai, he won learner of the year 2022, and was crowned Welsh champion in Welding by Skills Competition Wales.

Aron also demonstrated great success at the UK Welder WorldSkills National final in Middlesbrough College, and was selected to be in the UK WorldSkills squad, competing at the EuroSkills competition in Gdansk, Poland, later this year.

Chris Hughes, Welding Lecturer at Coleg Menai said,

“During Aron’s 3rd year at college, he supported the 1st and 2nd year Welding and Fabrication learners to prepare for their own competitions, passing on the knowledge he had gained from competing at the Wales & UK Welding competitions.

Aron has the patience to explain, and the ability to demonstrate the practical skills in welding and fabrication, during his time at college he inspired other students, who looked up to him as a role model.

During the years he has been with Coleg Menai, he has been motivated, dependable, responsible, honest, and courteous. A has been a popular student with both 2nd & 3 year students.

The welding team at Coleg Menai are very proud of his achievements during his time at college, & wish him every success with his career”.

Aron Jones said,

“The skills I have learnt from the course and the competitions have not only helped me in having a successful business, but have provided me with potential career paths as many professional businesses attend the competitions to scout potential employees.

My tutors have put a lot of time and effort into helping me prepare for the competitions by teaching me additional skills and providing advanced training.

I am very thankful to Coleg Menai as they have also supplied a lot of the Welding tools and have provided additional support with the theoretical aspect of Welding, such as maths, science, and research methods.

As well as helping in my final year, I now attend the college 2ce a week, leading up to competition time to help other students prepare for their competitions. Coleg Menai have helped me and I want to return the favour”.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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