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Cyfansoddiadau Cyn-fyfyriwr yn Cael eu Ffrydio 125 Miliwn Gwaith ar Spotify

Mae cyn-fyfyriwr o'r cwrs Technoleg Cerddoriaeth yng Ngholeg Menai yn ei seithfed nef ar ôl i'w gyfansoddiadau cerddorol gael eu ffrydio fwy na 125 miliwn o weithiau ar Spotify!

Mae Alex Stephens, sy'n hanu o Gaernarfon, hefyd yn defnyddio'r enw 'Strawberry Guy'. Cafodd un 'symffoni hi-fi', fel y mae'n galw ei draciau, effaith arbennig ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, gan gael 83 miliwn ffrwd ar TikTok yn unig!

Ar ôl cwblhau ei astudiaethau Lefel 3 yn y coleg, cafodd le yn yr Institute of Performing Arts yn Lerpwl.

Bydd Alex yn brysur yn teithio yn 2022: bydd yn perfformio mewn cyngherddau amlwg yng Nghaliffornia cyn dychwelyd i’w famwlad i chwarae yng Ngŵyl y Dyn Gwyrdd yr haf hwn.

Disgrifia Alex ei hun fel 'argraffiadydd un-dyn, sy'n paentio seinweddau mawreddog, gan gyfuno geiriau gonest gyda threfniannau lysh er mwyn creu bydau newydd sy'n cyffroi'. Caiff ei ysbrydoli gan gyfansoddwyr o'r cyfnod Rhamantaidd, yn ogystal â Debussy, Ravel, a chyfansoddwyr clasurol eraill o'r 1800au.

Dywedodd: "Mae fy uwchlwythiadau diniwed o 'Without You' ac 'F-Song' yn dod â chysur i dros ddwy filiwn o wrandawyr Spotify bob mis. Mae ‘Mrs Magic’ wedi'i ffrydio 30 miliwn o weithiau hyd yn hyn, gan ddod yn rhif 13 yn y siart, ac mae fy nilynwyr wedi creu fideos di-rif a'u rhoi ar YouTube."

Alex Stephens, who is originally from Caernarfon, also goes by the name ‘Strawberry Guy’. One ‘hifi symphony’ - as he calls his tracks - particularly lit up social media, gaining 83 million streams on TikTok alone!

After completing his Level 3 studies at the college, he gained a place at Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA).

2022 will be a busy year of touring for Alex: he will perform high-profile concerts in California before returning to his homeland to play at the Green Man Festival in the summer.

Alex describes himself as a ‘one-man impressionist, painting majestic soundscapes, blending truthful lyrics with lush arrangements to conjure new emotive worlds’. He is inspired by composers of the Romantic period, as well as Debussy, Ravel, and other classical artists from the 1800s.

He said: “My innocent uploads of 'Without You’ and ‘F-Song’ comfort two million Spotify listeners a month. ‘Mrs Magic’ has received 30 million streams to date, landing at number 13 in its chart, and countless fan-created videos have also appeared on YouTube.”

Alex Stephens, who is originally from Caernarfon, also goes by the name ‘Strawberry Guy’. One ‘hifi symphony’ - as he calls his tracks - particularly lit up social media, gaining 83 million streams on TikTok alone!

After completing his Level 3 studies at the college, he gained a place at Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA).

2022 will be a busy year of touring for Alex: he will perform high-profile concerts in California before returning to his homeland to play at the Green Man Festival in the summer.

Alex describes himself as a ‘one-man impressionist, painting majestic soundscapes, blending truthful lyrics with lush arrangements to conjure new emotive worlds’. He is inspired by composers of the Romantic period, as well as Debussy, Ravel, and other classical artists from the 1800s.

He said: “My innocent uploads of 'Without You’ and ‘F-Song’ comfort two million Spotify listeners a month. ‘Mrs Magic’ has received 30 million streams to date, landing at number 13 in its chart, and countless fan-created videos have also appeared on YouTube.”

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