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Bydwraig o Syria, sy'n fyfyriwr yn Y Rhyl, ar Restr Fer ar gyfer Gwobr Genedlaethol

Mae myfyrwraig o Goleg Llandrillo, oedd yn gweithio fel bydwraig yn Syria cyn iddi orfod symud i Brydain gyda'i theulu, wedi cyrraedd rhestr fer ar gyfer Gwobr Genedlaethol.

Mae Amal Alkhatib sy'n byw yn Y Rhyl wedi bod yn dilyn amrywiaeth o gyrsiau ESOL (Saesneg ar Gyfer Siaradwyr Ieithoedd Eraill) yn y coleg dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf ac mae hi wedi ei henwebu ar gyfer gwobr Womenspire 2021 - Chwarae Teg.

Gadawodd Amal yr ysgol yn 18 cyn mynd ymlaen i ddilyn cwrs nyrsio a chymhwyso fel bydwraig. Gweithiodd ym mhrifddinas Syria, Damascus, am saith mlynedd cyn symud gyda'i theulu i Libanus. Ar ôl cael ei gorfodi i newid lleoliad eto yn Libanus - pum gwaith mewn pum mlynedd - daeth Amal i'r DU fel ffoadur.

Pan gyrhaeddodd hi'r DU, doedd hi ddim yn siarad dim Saesneg. Felly, ar ôl ymgartrefu yn y Rhyl cofrestrodd ar nifer o gyrsiau yng ngholeg y dref honno.

Cafodd ei henwebu ar gyfer y wobr gan Llinos Blackwell, ei thiwtor, a nododd bod Amal wedi "gwneud cynnydd ardderchog ar ei chwrs". Enillodd Amal le yn ddiweddar ar y cwrs Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a'i nod ydy dychwelyd at ei diddordeb gwreiddiol, bydwreigiaeth.

Meddai Llinos: “Mi wnes i enwebu Amal ar gyfer y wobr oherwydd roeddwn i eisiau i'w hagwedd gadarnhaol, ei hymroddiad a'i pharodrwydd i gefnogi eraill gael ei gydnabod yn ehangach. Mae hi'n ysbrydoliaeth i eraill."

Dywedodd llefarydd ar ran Chwarae Teg: "Unwaith eto eleni rydym yn llawn parch at y menywod anhygoel sydd wedi cael eu henwebu ar gyfer ein Gwobrau Womenspire. Cafodd staff Chwarae Teg oedd ar y panel beirniadu eu cyffwrdd gan hanesion y rhai a gafodd eu henwebu ac rydym yn edrych 'mlaen at gyflwyno'r rhestr fer i chi, sy'n cynnwys unigolion a ddewiswyd o blith cannoedd o geisiadau o bob cwr o Gymru.

Mae Womenspire yn cydnabod cyflawniad menywod ym mhob agwedd o fywyd: o gyflawniadau personol i gyfraniadau anhygoel. Mae Gwobrau Womenspire Chwarae Teg yn rhoi lle blaenllaw i gyflawniadau anhygoel menywod o bob cwr i Gymru fydd yn ysbrydoli erial yn y dyfodol.

Mae Chwarae Teg yn elusen sy'n ysbrydoli, yn arwain ac yn darparu cydraddoldeb ar sail rhyw yng Nghymru. Ers 1992 mae wedi bod yn gweithio i sicrhau bod menywod yng Nghymru yn cael mynediad at y gweithle, i ddatblygu eu sgiliau a dilyn gyrfaoedd llwyddiannus.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau ESOL, neu unrhyw gyrsiau eraill ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn Y Rhyl, ffoniwch 01745 354 797, anfonwch e-bost at:

neu ewch i wefan

Amal Alkhatib, who lives in Rhyl and has been studying on a range of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses at Rhyl College over the past five years, is in the running for Chwarae Teg’s ‘Womenspire Award 2021’.

Amal left school at 18 to study nursing and eventually became a qualified midwife. She worked in Syria’s capital Damascus for seven years before having to move her family to Lebanon. After having to relocate again whilst she was in Lebanon - five times in five years - Amal came to the UK as a refugee.

When she arrived in the UK she spoke no English whatsoever. So after settling in Rhyl she enrolled on several courses at the town’s college.

Her ESOL tutor Llinos Blackwell nominated her for the award, stating that Amal has “truly excelled in her learning”. Amal recently obtained a place on a Health and Social Care course, as her goal is to return to her original passion, midwifery.

Llinos said: “I nominated Amal for the award because I wanted her positivity, dedication and willingness to support others to be recognised. She is a truly inspirational woman.”

A spokesperson from Chwarae Teg said: “For the sixth year in a row, we’ve been in awe of the incredible women nominated for our Womenspire Awards. Chwarae Teg staff on the judging panel have been moved by the stories from our shortlisted nominations and we’re excited to bring you the 2021 finalists, whittled down from hundreds of entries from across Wales.”

Womenspire recognises women’s achievements in every aspect of life: from personal achievements to outstanding contributions. Chwarae Teg Womenspire Awards showcase the remarkable accomplishments of women across Wales and will inspire future generations.

Chwarae Teg is the charity inspiring, leading and delivering gender equality in Wales. Since 1992, it has been working to ensure that women in Wales can enter the workplace, develop their skills and build rewarding careers.

For more information on English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses, or any other courses at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus, telephone 01745 354 797, email: or got to

Amal Alkhatib, who lives in Rhyl and has been studying on a range of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses at Rhyl College over the past five years, is in the running for Chwarae Teg’s ‘Womenspire Award 2021’.

Amal left school at 18 to study nursing and eventually became a qualified midwife. She worked in Syria’s capital Damascus for seven years before having to move her family to Lebanon. After having to relocate again whilst she was in Lebanon - five times in five years - Amal came to the UK as a refugee.

When she arrived in the UK she spoke no English whatsoever. So after settling in Rhyl she enrolled on several courses at the town’s college.

Her ESOL tutor Llinos Blackwell nominated her for the award, stating that Amal has “truly excelled in her learning”. Amal recently obtained a place on a Health and Social Care course, as her goal is to return to her original passion, midwifery.

Llinos said: “I nominated Amal for the award because I wanted her positivity, dedication and willingness to support others to be recognised. She is a truly inspirational woman.”

A spokesperson from Chwarae Teg said: “For the sixth year in a row, we’ve been in awe of the incredible women nominated for our Womenspire Awards. Chwarae Teg staff on the judging panel have been moved by the stories from our shortlisted nominations and we’re excited to bring you the 2021 finalists, whittled down from hundreds of entries from across Wales.”

Womenspire recognises women’s achievements in every aspect of life: from personal achievements to outstanding contributions. Chwarae Teg Womenspire Awards showcase the remarkable accomplishments of women across Wales and will inspire future generations.

Chwarae Teg is the charity inspiring, leading and delivering gender equality in Wales. Since 1992, it has been working to ensure that women in Wales can enter the workplace, develop their skills and build rewarding careers.

For more information on English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses, or any other courses at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus, telephone 01745 354 797, email: or got to

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