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Derbynnydd Cyntaf y Darian er cof am Gryffudd Rhun Jones wedi ei Enwi

Myfyriwr disglair o Adran Peirianneg Fodurol campws Coleg Menai yn Llangefni, yw'r cyntaf i dderbyn Tarian er cof am Gryffudd Rhun Jones.

Enwebwyd Gethin Owen, sydd yn Fecanic Cerbyd Prentis (Lefel 3) yng Ngholeg Menai, i dderbyn y Darian a gwobr o £100 am y cynnydd arbennig a ddangosodd eleni.

Mae'r Darian er cof am Rhun Jones, cyn-fyfyriwr ar gampws Coleg Menai yn Llangefni a fu farw mewn damwain car erchyll, fis Chwefror 2020. Mae ei rieni wedi penderfynu cyflwyno Tarian Gryffudd Rhun Jones er cof amdano am y deng mlynedd nesaf, ynghyd â gwobr ariannol o £100, i ddysgwr ymroddedig sy'n dilyn cyrsiau mewn Peirianneg Cerbydau Modur yng Ngholeg Menai.

Roedd Rhun yn fyfyriwr yng Ngholeg Menai, ac fe gwblhaodd Brentisiaeth Lefel 3 mewn Peirianneg Cerbydau Modur rhwng 2012 a 2015. Derbyniodd gefnogaeth gan ei gyflogwr Iolo Evans, Garej Glanafon, Abersoch i gwblhau'r rhaglen Brentisiaeth, a bu'n gweithio yno am gyfnod o saith mlynedd. Yn dilyn hynny, gweithiodd Rhun i gwmni North Wales Rally Services gyda'i ewythr, Robin.

Mae Gethin yn gweithio yn "Valley Motors" yn Fali, Ynys Môn. Mae yn barod wedi cyflawni a chwblhau yn ei astudiaethau galwedigaethol Egwyddorion Cynnal a Chadw a Thrwsio Cerbydau Ysgafn drwy basio'r V.M.R. Tystysgrif dechnegol a'r cymhwyster Lefel 2 City & Guilds. Mae nawr yn gweithio tuag at gyflawni ac ennill y Dystysgrif dechnegol V.M.R. a'r cymhwyster Lefel 3 City & Guilds.

Dywedodd Arfon Roberts, Darlithydd Peirianneg yng Ngholeg Menai,

Mae Gethin yn ddysgwr medrus iawn, sydd wedi dangos diddordeb byw yn ei astudiaethau galwedigaethol yng Ngholeg Menai ers iddo ddechrau astudio yma gyda ni yn 2018."

"Mae wedi cynhyrchu gwaith o safon cyson uchel drwy gydol ei astudiaethau ar gyfer y cymwysterau Lefel 2 a 3 - fo ydy'r cyntaf bob amser i ateb cwestiwn yn y dosbarth ac mae'n dangos gwybodaeth dechnegol dda a chadarn. Mae'r agwedd ardderchog a ddangosir yn y coleg yn bendant i’w weld eto yn ei bortffolio NVQ o dystiolaeth a gynhyrchwyd yn ei weithle - Valley Motors. "

"Bydd ei bortffolio NVQ Lefel 2 a 3 hefyd yn cael ei fabwysiadu fel ffeil enghreifftiol i ddangos yr hyn sydd yn bosib ar gyfer mintai'r flwyddyn nesaf!"

Dywedodd Gethin, gan siarad wedi derbyn y Darian,

"Rwyf yn falch iawn o fod wedi erbyn y Darian er cof am Gryffudd Rhun Jones, a hoffwn fynegi fy niolchgarwch i rieni Rhun am y cyfle gwych hwn".

"Cefais amser gwych yng Ngholeg Menai, ac mae wedi fy helpu i baratoi ar gyfer cyflogaeth amser-llawn yn y diwydiant Peirianneg Fodurol"

Dywedodd Linda Jones, mam Rhun,

"Rydym yn ddyledus iawn i'r Coleg am y profiad a'r gefnogaeth a dderbyniodd Rhun yn ystod ei amser fel myfyriwr yma, a'i galluogodd ef i gyflawni ei freuddwyd o ddod yn fecanig o'r radd flaenaf."

"Llawer o ddiolch i bawb yn yr adran cerbydau modur. Roedd yn braf iawn i gyfarfod Gethin - llongyfarchiadau iddo a dymunwn y gorau iddo ar gyfer y dyfodol. Rydym yn falch o fedru symbylu a helpu myfyrwyr eraill i gyflawni eu nodau er cof am Rhun. "

Gethin Owen, who is an Apprentice Vehicle Mechanic (Level 3) at Coleg Menai, was nominated to receive the Shield and prize of £100 for his outstanding progress shown this year.

The Shield is in remembrance of former student Rhun Jones, who sadly passed away in February 2020 following a tragic car accident. To honour the memory of Rhun, his parents pledged to award the Gryffudd Rhun Jones Shield for the next ten years, along with a £100 prize, to a deserving learner on the Automotive Engineering courses delivered at Coleg Menai.

Rhun was a student at Coleg Menai, where he successfully completed his Level 3 Automotive Engineering Apprenticeship between 2012 and 2015. He completed his Apprenticeship programme through the support of his employer of seven years, Iolo Evans at Glanafon Garage, Abersoch. More recently, Rhun worked at North Wales Rally Services with his uncle, Robin.

Gethin works at ‘Valley Motors’ of Valley on the Isle of Anglesey. He has already achieved and attained his vocational studies in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair by passing the V.M.R. Technical certificate and the NVQ City & Guilds Level 2 qualification.

He is now working toward achieving and attaining the V.M.R. Technical certificate and the City & Guilds Level 3 qualification.

Arfon Roberts, Automotive Engineering Lecturer at Coleg Menai, said,

“Gethin is a very capable learner, who has demonstrated an excellent interest in his vocational studies at Coleg Menai since he began his studies with us in 2018.”

“He has produced work of a consistently high standard throughout his studies for the Level 2 and 3 qualifications - He is always the first to answer a question in class and shows good, sound technical knowledge. The excellent attitude shown in college has definitely shown through in his NVQ portfolio of evidence produced at his workplace - Valley Motors.”

“His Level 2 and 3 NVQ portfolio will also be adopted as an exemplar file to demonstrate what is achievable for next year’s cohort!”

Gethin, speaking after receiving the Shield, said,

“I am extremely proud to have been awarded the Gryffudd Rhun Jones Remembrance Shield, and would like to express my gratitude to Rhun’s parents for this great opportunity”

“My time at Coleg Menai has been fantastic, and has helped to prepare me for full-time employment in the Automotive Engineering industry”

Linda Jones, Rhun’s mother, said,

“We owe a great deal to the College for the experience and support Rhun received during his time as a student here, which enabled him to fulfil his dream of becoming a world class mechanic.”

“Special thanks to everyone in the automotive department. It was wonderful to meet Gethin - congratulations to him and we wish him all the best for the future. We are proud to be able to motivate and help other students to achieve their goals in Rhun's memory.”

Gethin Owen, who is an Apprentice Vehicle Mechanic (Level 3) at Coleg Menai, was nominated to receive the Shield and prize of £100 for his outstanding progress shown this year.

The Shield is in remembrance of former student Rhun Jones, who sadly passed away in February 2020 following a tragic car accident. To honour the memory of Rhun, his parents pledged to award the Gryffudd Rhun Jones Shield for the next ten years, along with a £100 prize, to a deserving learner on the Automotive Engineering courses delivered at Coleg Menai.

Rhun was a student at Coleg Menai, where he successfully completed his Level 3 Automotive Engineering Apprenticeship between 2012 and 2015. He completed his Apprenticeship programme through the support of his employer of seven years, Iolo Evans at Glanafon Garage, Abersoch. More recently, Rhun worked at North Wales Rally Services with his uncle, Robin.

Gethin works at ‘Valley Motors’ of Valley on the Isle of Anglesey. He has already achieved and attained his vocational studies in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair by passing the V.M.R. Technical certificate and the NVQ City & Guilds Level 2 qualification.

He is now working toward achieving and attaining the V.M.R. Technical certificate and the City & Guilds Level 3 qualification.

Arfon Roberts, Automotive Engineering Lecturer at Coleg Menai, said,

“Gethin is a very capable learner, who has demonstrated an excellent interest in his vocational studies at Coleg Menai since he began his studies with us in 2018.”

“He has produced work of a consistently high standard throughout his studies for the Level 2 and 3 qualifications - He is always the first to answer a question in class and shows good, sound technical knowledge. The excellent attitude shown in college has definitely shown through in his NVQ portfolio of evidence produced at his workplace - Valley Motors.”

“His Level 2 and 3 NVQ portfolio will also be adopted as an exemplar file to demonstrate what is achievable for next year’s cohort!”

Gethin, speaking after receiving the Shield, said,

“I am extremely proud to have been awarded the Gryffudd Rhun Jones Remembrance Shield, and would like to express my gratitude to Rhun’s parents for this great opportunity”

“My time at Coleg Menai has been fantastic, and has helped to prepare me for full-time employment in the Automotive Engineering industry”

Linda Jones, Rhun’s mother, said,

“We owe a great deal to the College for the experience and support Rhun received during his time as a student here, which enabled him to fulfil his dream of becoming a world class mechanic.”

“Special thanks to everyone in the automotive department. It was wonderful to meet Gethin - congratulations to him and we wish him all the best for the future. We are proud to be able to motivate and help other students to achieve their goals in Rhun's memory.”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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