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Llwyddiant i Ganolfan Technoleg Bwyd yng Ngwobrau Rhwydwaith Gwledig Cymru

Mae prosiect a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru a’r UE, sy’n cael ei redeg gan Ganolfan Technoleg Bwyd, wedi cipio dwy wobr mewn seremoni i ddathlu prosiectau sydd wedi elwa ar Raglen Datblygu Gwledig yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (RDP).

Enwyd Prosiect HELIX, sy’n darparu cymorth technegol a masnachol i weithgynhyrchwyr bwyd a diod yng Nghymru, yn enillydd cyffredinol ac enillydd y categori Bwyd a Thwristiaeth yng Ngwobrau Rhwydwaith Gwledig Cymru 2022. Mae’r Ganolfan Technoleg Bwyd, Llangefni yn cyflawni Prosiect HELIX ochr yn ochr â’r ddwy ganolfan fwyd arall yng Nghymru sy’n ffurfio Arloesi Bwyd Cymru.

Rhoddodd y digwyddiad Dathlu Cymru Wledig, a gafodd ei gynnal ar Faes Sioe Frenhinol Cymru ar 9 a 10 Mehefin, gyfle i edrych ar gyflawniadau prosiectau RDP, y gwahaniaeth y maent wedi’u gwneud i bobl a chymunedau ac i edrych ar ddull Llywodraeth Cymru o ymdrin â’r economi wledig yn y dyfodol.

Mae cyllid RDP wedi cefnogi prosiectau yng Nghymru ers sawl blwyddyn, a daw i ben yn 2023 yn dilyn ymadawiad y DU o’r UE. Ymhlith amcanion yr
RDP yr oedd cynyddu cynhyrchiant, amrywiaeth ac effeithlonrwydd busnesau ffermio, annog arferion rheoli tir cynaliadwy a hyrwyddo twf economaidd gwledig cadarn a chynaliadwy.

Cipiodd Prosiect HELIX y wobr yn y categori Bwyd a Thwristiaeth yn ogystal â’r wobr gyffredinol am ei gyflawniadau hyd yma. Mae’r prosiect wedi cefnogi busnesau bwyd drwy uwchsgilio’r gweithlu, cefnogi busnesau newydd a helpu busnesau i dyfu a ffynnu. Mae hyn wedi sicrhau effaith o fwy na £215m i ddiwydiant bwyd a diod Cymru ac wedi arwain at greu 485 o swyddi a diogelu mwy na 2,600.

Esboniodd, Martin Jardine, Cyfarwyddwr Bwyd Amaeth:
“Mae’r gwobrau hyn yn cydnabod y cyfraniad gwerthfawr y mae Prosiect HELIX wedi’i wneud i ddiwydiant bwyd a diod Cymru. Trwy hyrwyddo arloesi, effeithlonrwydd ac agwedd strategol at fusnes, mae Prosiect HELIX wedi cefnogi cwmnïau Cymreig i dyfu a chystadlu’n fwy effeithiol mewn marchnad gynyddol gystadleuol. Rydym wrth ein boddau bod y prosiect wedi cael effaith uniongyrchol ar fusnesau ym mhob sir, ledled Gogledd Cymru”

Dywedodd Lesley Griffiths, y Gweinidog Materion Gwledig: “Wrth i gymorth RDP ddod i ben, mae’n briodol iawn ein bod ni’n dathlu gwaith ac ymdrechion gwych unigolion, grwpiau a sefydliadau ledled Cymru wrth wneud y gorau o’r cyllid hwn i helpu pobl a chymunedau. “Cafwyd sawl prosiect llwyddiannus a hoffwn longyfarch pob un ohonynt, gan gynnwys y pedwar sy’n derbyn gwobrau yn nigwyddiad Dathlu Cymru Wledig, am y cyfraniadau pwysig a wnaed ganddynt.
“Wrth inni ddatblygu agwedd wirioneddol Gymreig at yr economi wledig i’r dyfodol, mae’n hanfodol ein bod ni’n dysgu o’r prosiectau hyn ac yn adeiladu arnynt.”

Project HELIX, which delivers technical and commercial support to food and drink manufacturers in Wales, was named overall winner and winner of the Food and Tourism category at the Wales Rural Network Awards 2022.

The Food Technology Centre, based in Llangefni delivers Project HELIX alongside the two other food centres in Wales which form Food Innovation Wales.

The Celebration of Rural Wales event, which took place at the Royal Welsh Showground on 9 and 10 June, provided the opportunity to look at the achievements of RDP projects, the difference they have made to people and communities and look at the Welsh Government’s future approach to the rural economy.

RDP funding has supported projects in Wales for many years and it will come to end in 2023 following the UK’s exit from the EU. The objectives of the RDP have included increasing the productivity, diversity and efficiency of farming businesses, encouraging sustainable land management practices and promoting strong, sustainable rural economic growth.

Project HELIX picked up the award in the Food and Tourism category as well as the overall award for its achievements to date. The project has supported food businesses through upskilling the workforce, supporting new business start-ups and helping businesses grow and thrive. This has delivered an impact of over £215m to the Welsh food & drink industry and led to the creation of 485 jobs and safeguarded more than 2,600.

Martin Jardine, Director of Agri Food, explained:

“These awards recognise the valuable contribution that Project HELIX has made to the Welsh food and drink industry. By championing innovation, efficiency and a strategic approach to business, Project HELIX has supported Welsh companies to grow and compete more effectively in an ever increasingly competitive marketplace. We are delighted that the project has had a direct impact on businesses in each county, across North Wales”

Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths said: “It is very appropriate as RDP support comes to an end, we celebrate the great work and efforts of individuals, groups and organisations across Wales in making the most of this funding to help people and communities. “There have been many successful projects and I want to congratulate each and every one of them, including the four receiving awards at the Celebration of Rural Wales event, for the important contributions they have
made. “As we develop a truly Welsh approach to the rural economy going forward, it is crucial we learn from these projects and build on them.”

Project HELIX, which delivers technical and commercial support to food and drink manufacturers in Wales, was named overall winner and winner of the Food and Tourism category at the Wales Rural Network Awards 2022.

The Food Technology Centre, based in Llangefni delivers Project HELIX alongside the two other food centres in Wales which form Food Innovation Wales.

The Celebration of Rural Wales event, which took place at the Royal Welsh Showground on 9 and 10 June, provided the opportunity to look at the achievements of RDP projects, the difference they have made to people and communities and look at the Welsh Government’s future approach to the rural economy.

RDP funding has supported projects in Wales for many years and it will come to end in 2023 following the UK’s exit from the EU. The objectives of the RDP have included increasing the productivity, diversity and efficiency of farming businesses, encouraging sustainable land management practices and promoting strong, sustainable rural economic growth.

Project HELIX picked up the award in the Food and Tourism category as well as the overall award for its achievements to date. The project has supported food businesses through upskilling the workforce, supporting new business start-ups and helping businesses grow and thrive. This has delivered an impact of over £215m to the Welsh food & drink industry and led to the creation of 485 jobs and safeguarded more than 2,600.

Martin Jardine, Director of Agri Food, explained:

“These awards recognise the valuable contribution that Project HELIX has made to the Welsh food and drink industry. By championing innovation, efficiency and a strategic approach to business, Project HELIX has supported Welsh companies to grow and compete more effectively in an ever increasingly competitive marketplace. We are delighted that the project has had a direct impact on businesses in each county, across North Wales”

Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths said: “It is very appropriate as RDP support comes to an end, we celebrate the great work and efforts of individuals, groups and organisations across Wales in making the most of this funding to help people and communities. “There have been many successful projects and I want to congratulate each and every one of them, including the four receiving awards at the Celebration of Rural Wales event, for the important contributions they have
made. “As we develop a truly Welsh approach to the rural economy going forward, it is crucial we learn from these projects and build on them.”

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