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Cyn myfyriwr yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor yn ennill Medal Ddrama'r Urdd.

Miriam Elin Sautin o Lanbedrog ym Mhen Llŷn yw enillydd Medal Ddrama Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2020-21.

Bu Miriam yn astudio lefel A mewn Ffrangeg, Hanes, Cymraeg a Saesneg ar gampws Pwllheli rhwng 2012 – 2014. cwblhaodd radd mewn Ffrangeg a Sbaeneg ym Mhrifysgol Durham.

Treuliodd ddwy flynedd yn dysgu Saesneg ym Mhrifysgolion Limoges a Lyon yn Ffrainc, lle'r oedd hi hefyd yn cynnig gwersi ysgrifennu creadigol.

Mae hi bellach yn byw yng Nghaerdydd ac yn gweithio i Lenyddiaeth Cymru.

Trwy gydol yr wythnos hon mae Eisteddfod yr Urdd yn gwobrwyo'r holl waith cyfansoddi a chreu buddugol ddaeth i law yn 2020.

Bu'n rhaid gohirio'r Eisteddfod yn Ninbych y llynedd oherwydd pandemig Covid-19.

Yn yr un gystadleuaeth daeth un o’n myfyrwyr cyfredol Elis Siôn Pari o Aberdaron yn drydydd.

Fel rhan o’r wobr bydd Miriam ac Elis gwahoddiad i gymryd rhan yng Nghwrs Olwen yng Nghanolfan Ysgrifennu Tŷ Newydd, y ganolfan ysgrifennu genedlaethol.

Dywedodd Llinos Gerallt a Sian Naiomi, beirniaid y gystadleuaeth.

"Fe hawliodd y ddrama hon ein sylw o'r dudalen gyntaf.

"Mae'r berthynas rhwng dwy ffrind yn gymhleth a chyfoethog, gyda'r plot yn datblygu'n gelfydd wrth inni dyrchu i'w gorffennol.

"Drama sy'n llawn dirgelwch ac amwynder gyda diweddglo cryf. Mae cymhlethdod a blerwch bywyd i gyd yma.

"Mae'r dramodydd hefyd yn fardd, ond yn gofalu nad yw'r farddoniaeth yn tarfu ar lif a thempo'r ddrama."

Dywedodd Bryn Hughes-Parry, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

“Mae gan Goleg Meirion-Dwyfor hanes hir ac anrhydeddus o feithrin enillwyr cenedlaethol mewn rhai o brif gystadlaethau llenyddol ein gwlad. Mae llwyddiant Miriam ac Elis yn rhan o’r traddodiad anrhydeddus hwn.

“Rydym fel Coleg yn estyn ein llongyfarchiadau gwresog i Miriam ac i Elis, ac yn diolch i holl staff adran lefel A Pwllheli am eu cefnogaeth ac arweiniad”

Cynhelir digwyddiad agored Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf. Mae digwyddiadau agored yn gyfle i weld ein campysau a'n cyfleusterau tan gamp, i gyfarfod a'r tiwtoriaid ac i ddod i wybod rhagor am y dewis eang o gyrsiau rydym yn eu cynnig.

Er mwyn archebu lle ar ein digwyddiadau agored

Miriam Elin Sautin from Llanbedrog on the Llŷn Peninsula is the winner of the ‘Urdd Eisteddfod Drama Medal’ for 2020-21.

Miriam studied A-levels in French, History, Welsh and English at the college’s Pwllheli campus, before going on to complete a degree in French and Spanish at Durham University.

Following her university studies, Miriam spent two years teaching English at the universities of Limoges and Lyon in France, where she also taught creative writing. She now lives in Cardiff and works for Literature Wales.

Throughout this week, the Urdd Eisteddfod has been awarding creative work that was submitted in 2020, before having to postpone their national youth festival on two occasions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor had double cause for celebration, as in the same competition, one of its current students, Elis Siôn Pari from Aberdaron, came third.

As part of the prize, Miriam and Elis will be invited to take part in the Olwen Course at Tŷ Newydd, the National Writing Centre of Wales. This course is for the main literary competition winners at the Urdd Eisteddfod, and its aim is to encourage the young writers to continue with their writing under the tutelage of a professional author or poet.

Critiquing Miriam’s winning entry, competition judges Llinos Gerallt and Sian Naiomi commented: "This play gained our attention from the first page. The relationship between two friends is complex and rich, with the plot developing skilfully as we delve into their past.

“A drama full of mystery and amenity with a strong finale. The complexity and messiness of life is all here. The playwright is also a poet, but takes care that the poetry does not interfere with the flow and tempo of the play."

Bryn Hughes-Parry, assistant principal, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said: “Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor has a long and honourable history of nurturing national winners in some of our country's major literary competitions. The successes of Miriam and Elis is part of this fine tradition.

"We extend our warm congratulations to them both, and thank all the staff at Pwllheli’s A-level department for their support and guidance."

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s first on-site Open Events for nearly two years will be held in the coming weeks. Open Events are an opportunity to see our great campuses and facilities, meet the tutors and find out more about the wide range of courses we offer.

To book a place at any of the Open Events, go to

Miriam Elin Sautin from Llanbedrog on the Llŷn Peninsula is the winner of the ‘Urdd Eisteddfod Drama Medal’ for 2020-21.

Miriam studied A-levels in French, History, Welsh and English at the college’s Pwllheli campus, before going on to complete a degree in French and Spanish at Durham University.

Following her university studies, Miriam spent two years teaching English at the universities of Limoges and Lyon in France, where she also taught creative writing. She now lives in Cardiff and works for Literature Wales.

Throughout this week, the Urdd Eisteddfod has been awarding creative work that was submitted in 2020, before having to postpone their national youth festival on two occasions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor had double cause for celebration, as in the same competition, one of its current students, Elis Siôn Pari from Aberdaron, came third.

As part of the prize, Miriam and Elis will be invited to take part in the Olwen Course at Tŷ Newydd, the National Writing Centre of Wales. This course is for the main literary competition winners at the Urdd Eisteddfod, and its aim is to encourage the young writers to continue with their writing under the tutelage of a professional author or poet.

Critiquing Miriam’s winning entry, competition judges Llinos Gerallt and Sian Naiomi commented: "This play gained our attention from the first page. The relationship between two friends is complex and rich, with the plot developing skilfully as we delve into their past.

“A drama full of mystery and amenity with a strong finale. The complexity and messiness of life is all here. The playwright is also a poet, but takes care that the poetry does not interfere with the flow and tempo of the play."

Bryn Hughes-Parry, assistant principal, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said: “Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor has a long and honourable history of nurturing national winners in some of our country's major literary competitions. The successes of Miriam and Elis is part of this fine tradition.

"We extend our warm congratulations to them both, and thank all the staff at Pwllheli’s A-level department for their support and guidance."

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s first on-site Open Events for nearly two years will be held in the coming weeks. Open Events are an opportunity to see our great campuses and facilities, meet the tutors and find out more about the wide range of courses we offer.

To book a place at any of the Open Events, go to

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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