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Cyn Myfyriwr Coleg sydd bellach yn beiriannydd gyda Rolls Royce yn Dychwelyd i Ysbrydoli Myfyrwyr

Dychwelodd cyn-fyfyriwr o Goleg Meirion-Dwyfor sydd bellach yn cael ei gyflogi gan un o gynhyrchwyr ceir moethus gorau’r byd- i gampws peirianneg y coleg yn yr Hafan ym Mhwllheli.

Croesawyd Thomas Morris i'r man lle cychwynnodd ei yrfa beirianyddol. Tra yn ysgol Eifionydd astudiodd Thomas ar gyfer BTEC Lefel 2 mewn Peirianneg Gyffredinol ochr yn ochr â'i bynciau TGAU. Yna symudodd ymlaen i gwrs Peirianneg Uwch BTEC Lefel 3 yn yr Hafan Pwllheli.

Bellach mae Thomas yn cael ei gyflogi gan Rolls Royce ar y cynllun Prentisiaeth Ymarferol Uwch yn ei adran injan awyrennau masnachol.

Rhoddodd Thomas gyflwyniad dadlennol i fyfyrwyr peirianneg bresennol y flwyddyn gyntaf ar ei brofiadau ers gadael y coleg: o fynd drwy’r broses ddethol gychwynnol yn Rolls Royce, i’r gwaith y mae wedi bod yn ei wneud yn adran Peiriannau Hedfan Masnachol Rolls Royce

Dywedodd Emlyn Evans, Tiwtor Peirianneg yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor

“Mae Thomas yn dilyn llwybr gyrfa gyffrous gyda Rolls Royce. Mae staff yr Hafan yn falch o'i gyflawniadau ar ôl derbyn ei hyfforddiant sylfaen mewn peirianneg yma gyda ni yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor. Pwy a ŵyr, efallai mai ein myfyrwyr presennol ni fydd y genhedlaeth nesaf o beirianwyr i ddilyn yn ôl troed Thomas”

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dilyn Peirianneg Gyffredinol yng Ngholeg Meirion Dwyfor, cysylltwch ag neu ewch i’n gwefan am fwy o wybodaeth

It was a welcome return for Thomas Morris to the place where his engineering career took off. Whilst at Eifionydd school Thomas studied for a BTEC Level 2 in General Engineering alongside his GCSE subjects. He then progressed onto the BTEC Level 3 Enhanced Engineering course at Hafan Pwllheli.

Turn the clock forward, and Thomas is now employed by Rolls Royce on the Advanced Practical Apprenticeship scheme in its commercial aircraft engine division.

Thomas gave an illuminating presentation to current first year engineering students regarding his experiences since leaving college: from going through the initial selection process at Rolls Royce, to the work he has been doing at the company’s Engine Testing Facility in Derby. Rolls Royce is also at the forefront of aviation technology.

One tutor said: “Thomas is following an exciting career path with Rolls Royce. The staff at Hafan are proud of his achievements after receiving his foundation training in engineering here with us at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. Who knows, maybe our current students could be the next generation of engineers to follow in Thomas’ footsteps and become high-flyers too.”

If you are interested in following General Engineering at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, please contact or visit our site for more information

It was a welcome return for Thomas Morris to the place where his engineering career took off. Whilst at Eifionydd school Thomas studied for a BTEC Level 2 in General Engineering alongside his GCSE subjects. He then progressed onto the BTEC Level 3 Enhanced Engineering course at Hafan Pwllheli.

Turn the clock forward, and Thomas is now employed by Rolls Royce on the Advanced Practical Apprenticeship scheme in its commercial aircraft engine division.

Thomas gave an illuminating presentation to current first year engineering students regarding his experiences since leaving college: from going through the initial selection process at Rolls Royce, to the work he has been doing at the company’s Engine Testing Facility in Derby. Rolls Royce is also at the forefront of aviation technology.

One tutor said: “Thomas is following an exciting career path with Rolls Royce. The staff at Hafan are proud of his achievements after receiving his foundation training in engineering here with us at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. Who knows, maybe our current students could be the next generation of engineers to follow in Thomas’ footsteps and become high-flyers too.”

If you are interested in following General Engineering at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, please contact or visit our site for more information