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Cyn-fyfyriwr yn cael ei chydnabod fel Llysgennad STEM Rhyngwladol

Mae Kathryn Whittey, sydd yn gyn fyfyriwr Lefel A yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor, wedi ei dewis fel un o lysgenhadon rhyngwladol Homeward Bound.

Mae Homeward Bound yn fudiad rhyngwladol sydd yn gweithio er mwyn gosod merched yn ganolog, ac mewn safleoedd arweiniol yn y meysydd STEMM ar draws y byd.

Er mwyn cefnogi merched mewn STEMM (Gwyddoniaeth, Technoleg, Peirianneg, Mathemateg a Meddygaeth) i wella eu heglurder, eu hyder, eu gweledigaeth a’u gallu strategol yn sylweddol, yn gwella eu cyfle i ymgymryd â rolau arwain yn fyd-eang, ac i gyfrannu’n rhagweithiol at gynlluniau cynaliadwy.

Mae Kathryn wedi ei dewis fel un o’r llysgenhadon fydd yn gweithio i wireddu gweledigaeth Homeward Bound.

Bu Kathryn yn fyfyriwr Lefel A yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor ar safle Pwllheli, cyn iddi symud ymlaen i astudio Bioleg Mor yn y Brifysgol. Wedi iddi raddio, daeth yn ôl i’r coleg am gyfnod i weithio fel darlithydd, cyn symud ymlaen i astudio am ei PhD ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Mae Kathryn yn angerddol am gadwraeth forol ac fel rhan o’i PhD sefydlodd brosiect riff artiffisial cydweithredol o’r enw Fish Hives. Trwy Fish Hives a’i hymchwil arall mae’n gobeithio lledaenu ymwybyddiaeth o ddirywiad creigresi cwrel.

Mae Kathryn yn siarad Cymraeg, ac yn gweithio i weld mwy o fynediad i astudiaethau STEMM drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn cael eu cynnig.

Fel rhan o gynllun Homeward Bound, mae Kathryn wedi ei dewis i fynd ar daith ymchwil i Antartica diwedd y flwyddyn.

Gan fod rhanbarthau Antarctica yn dangos yr ymatebion cyflymaf i rai o'r problemau cynaliadwyedd byd-eang sy'n ein hwynebu ar hyn o bryd. Mae Antarctica yn cynnig cyfle heb ei ail i arsylwi’n uniongyrchol ar ddylanwad gweithgareddau dynol ar yr amgylchedd a darparu mewnwelediad beirniadol i’r newid ar raddfa fyd-eang sydd ei angen. Mae’r amgylchedd eiconig hwn wedi dal dychymyg arweinwyr yn y gorffennol ac mae’r profiad o ymweld ag Antarctig yn gyfle i greu cysylltiadau cryf rhwng cyfranogwyr y prosiect.

Dywedodd Beth Lloyd Owen-Hughes, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen Addysg Gyffredinol, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

“Mae’r coleg yn eithriadol o falch o ddysgu am lwyddiant ysgubol Kathryn. Mae cael lle ar brosiect Homeward Bound yn eithriadol o gystadleuol, dim ond y gorau sydd yn cael eu dewis. Fel coleg sydd yn angerddol dros weld merched yn cael mynediad hafal i astudio pynciau STEMM, mae hyn yn newyddion gwych”


“Ers i Kathryn ein gadael, mae’r coleg wedi buddsoddi’n sylweddol mewn labordai newydd, yn y gobaith y byddwn ni’n gweld llawer o fyfyrwyr yn dilyn ôl troed Kathryn. Da iawn ti Kathryn, mae’r coleg yn hynod o falch o dy lwyddiant”

I ddysgu mwy am gyrsiau Lefel A yn y coleg, clicia YMA

Kathryn Whittey will form part of Homeward Bound’s international ambassador programme, which aims to heighten the influence and impact of women in making decisions that shape the planet.

As part of the programme, Kathryn will go on a research trip to Antarctica at the end of the year with a cohort of 103 women who have been selected based on their outstanding potential to lead and create better outcomes for the planet.

Following her studies at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Kathryn moved on to study Marine Biology at University. After graduating, she returned to college for a while to work as a lecturer, and now studies PhD at Cardiff University.

Kathryn is passionate about marine conservation and as part of her PhD she set up a collaborative artificial reef project, ‘Fish Hives’. Through ‘Fish Hives’ and her other research she hopes to spread awareness of the decline of coral reefs.

Kathryn speaks Welsh, and works to see more access to STEM studies through the medium of Welsh being offered.

Bethan Lloyd Owen-Hughes, A Level Programme Area Manager at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said,

“We are extremely proud to learn of Kathryn's resounding success. Getting a place on the Homeward Bound project is extremely competitive - only the best are chosen”

She added,

"Since Kathryn left us, the college has invested significantly in new laboratories in the hope that we will see many students following in Kathryn's footsteps. Well done Kathryn, the college is extremely proud of your success"

If you would like to learn more about our A Level provision, please click here.

Kathryn Whittey will form part of Homeward Bound’s international ambassador programme, which aims to heighten the influence and impact of women in making decisions that shape the planet.

As part of the programme, Kathryn will go on a research trip to Antarctica at the end of the year with a cohort of 103 women who have been selected based on their outstanding potential to lead and create better outcomes for the planet.

Following her studies at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Kathryn moved on to study Marine Biology at University. After graduating, she returned to college for a while to work as a lecturer, and now studies PhD at Cardiff University.

Kathryn is passionate about marine conservation and as part of her PhD she set up a collaborative artificial reef project, ‘Fish Hives’. Through ‘Fish Hives’ and her other research she hopes to spread awareness of the decline of coral reefs.

Kathryn speaks Welsh, and works to see more access to STEM studies through the medium of Welsh being offered.

Bethan Lloyd Owen-Hughes, A Level Programme Area Manager at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said,

“We are extremely proud to learn of Kathryn's resounding success. Getting a place on the Homeward Bound project is extremely competitive - only the best are chosen”

She added,

"Since Kathryn left us, the college has invested significantly in new laboratories in the hope that we will see many students following in Kathryn's footsteps. Well done Kathryn, the college is extremely proud of your success"

If you would like to learn more about our A Level provision, please click here.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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