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Cyn-fyfyriwr yn dod O’r UDA i Ymweld â Glynllifon i Lansio Prosiect Cyfeillio Newydd

Yn ddiweddar, daeth Taff Hughes sydd yn wreiddiol o Lannor ger Pwllheli, ond sydd bellach yn byw yn Ellinwood, Kansas ar ymweliad arbennig a Choleg Glynllifon er mwyn rhannu ei brofiadau, ac i gychwyn prosiect cyfeillio newydd cyffrous.

Bu Taff yn fyfyriwr Peirianneg yn y coleg, cyn iddo fudo i Unol Daleithiau’r America yn ŵr ifanc i weithio mewn rhai o ffermydd mwyaf y wlad. Bellach mae Taff yn berchennog un o gwmnïau contractio cynaeafu mwyaf y wlad, sydd yn cyflogi degau o weithwyr. Mae ei gwmni Hughes Harvesting yn cynaeafu cnydau amrywiol mewn ardal ddaearyddol anferthol, o Texas yr holl ffordd i fyny drwy ganol y wlad i North Dakota.

Mae’r cwmni yn berchen rhai o’r peiriannau cynaeafu mwyaf soffistigedig sydd ar y farchnad, ac yn gweithio mewn caeau oddeutu milltir sgwâr o ran maint, yn cynaeafu cnydau megis, corn, india corn a soia.

Yn ystod yr ymweliad, rhoddwyd gwybod i fyfyrwyr y coleg, bod cwmni 'Hughes Harvesting' yn cynnig cynllun cyfeillio newydd i fyfyrwyr a chyn-fyfyrwyr y coleg, a fyddai’n golygu, cael y cyfle i fynd draw i weithio gyda’r cwmni yn yr Unol Daleithiau am dymor. Bydd y cynllun cyffrous yn cael ei lansio ym mis Mawrth 2023.

Dywedodd Rhodri Manod Roberts, Pennaeth Fferm Coleg Glynllifon,

“Mi oedd hi’n fraint cael croesawu Taff Hughes i’r coleg yn ddiweddar. Mi oedd gwrando arno yn rhannu ei brofiadau gyda myfyrwyr amaeth a pheirianneg Glynllifon, wirioneddol yn wych. Dyma hogyn o Lannor, a aeth yn ŵr ifanc i America, ac sydd wedi llwyddo i gychwyn un o’r cwmnïau contractio mwyaf blaenllaw a llwyddiannus yn y wlad. Mi oedd ein myfyrwyr gwirioneddol wedi eu cyfareddu gan ei stori”

“Mae cael clywed am lwyddiannau ysgubol rhai o’n cyn myfyrwyr fel hyn yn bwysig iawn i ni fel coleg, ac yn dangos yn glir i’n myfyrwyr bod modd llwyddo drwy waith caled a dycnwch.”

“Mae’r hyn sydd yn cael ei gynnig gan Hughes Harvesting wirioneddol yn hynod o gyffrous. Mae ein diolch i Taff, ac i’r cwmni yn anferthol. Nid ar chware bach y mae gwneud cynnig o’r math yma. Diolch i chi, ac rydym fel coleg yn gobeithio gallu cyd-weithio am flynyddoedd lawer i’r dyfodol”

Dywedodd Taff Hughes o gwmni Hughes Harvesting,

“Mae fy niolch i Goleg Glynllifon yn anferthol. Heb y seiliau a osodwyd yma, bron i 40 mlynedd yn ôl bellach, dwi’n sicr na fyddai fy mywyd wedi dilyn yr un trywydd. Yn ŵr ifanc, mi wnes i fynd ar un antur fawr i America, disgyn mewn cariad gyda’r wlad, a gyda’r bobol, a chael gweithio yn y maes Peirianneg Diwydiannau’r Tir, cyn cychwyn fy musnes fy hun.”

Ychwanegodd Taff,

“Mae creu cysylltiadau gyda Chymru yn bwysig iawn i mi, mae fy nheulu yn parhau i fyw yn yr ardal lle ges i fy magu, ac mae hi bellach yn amser i mi gynnig rhywbeth yn ôl i’r gymuned honno, ac yn arbennig i’r Coleg. Dyna pam felly, bod cwmni Hughes Harvesting yn cynnig prosiect cyfeillio newydd gyda’r coleg, sydd yn golygu y bydd modd i fyfyrwyr ymgeisio am le, i ddod i weithio gyda’r cwmni am dymor yn America. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i unrhyw un sydd gyda diddordeb yn y maes hwn. Byddwn yn hyfforddi’r myfyrwyr i ddefnyddio peiriannau cynaeafu, yn rhoi’r cyfle iddynt weithio ar ffermydd amrywiol ar hyd a lled y wlad. Felly bachwch y cyfle”

Am fwy o fanylion, mae croeso i chi gysylltu gyda’r coleg, neu gyda chwmni Hughes Harvesting yn uniongyrchol -

Taff Hughes - who is originally from Llannor near Pwllheli but now lives in Ellinwood, Kansas - was an engineering student at the college, before he emigrated to the United States of America as a young man to work on some of the country's largest farms.

Taff is now the owner of one of the largest harvesting contracting companies in the country, employing tens of workers. His company 'Hughes Harvesting', harvests various crops across a huge geographical area: from Texas all the way up to North Dakota!

The company owns some of the most sophisticated harvesting machines on the market which work in fields approximately one square mile in size, harvesting crops such as corn, maize and soya.

During the visit, Taff informed college students that his company was offering a new scheme for students and former students of the college, where they could get the opportunity to go over to the USA and work with the company for a season.

Rhodri Manod Roberts, head of Coleg Glynllifon Farm, said: “It was a privilege to welcome Taff Hughes to the college. Listening to him share his experiences with Glynllifon's agriculture and engineering students was a real pleasure; our students were really captivated by his story. This is a lad from Lannor who went to America as a young man, and succeeded in growing one of the most successful contracting companies in the country.”

Rhodri added: “Being able to hear about the resounding successes of some of our former students like this is very important to us as a college, and clearly demonstrates to our current students that anything is possible with tenacity and hard work."

Taff Hughes from Hughes Harvesting said: “I will forever be grateful to Coleg Glynllifon. Without the foundations laid here almost 40 years ago now, I am certain that my life would not have followed the same path. As a young man, I went on one big adventure to America, fell in love with the country and the people, and got to work in the land-based engineering field before starting my own business.

“Creating links with Wales is very important to me. My family continues to live in the area where I grew up, and it is now time for me to offer something back to that community, and especially to the college.

“That is why the Hughes Harvesting company is offering a new befriending scheme in partnership with the college, affording students the opportunity to come and work with the company for a term in America. We will train the students to use harvesting machines and give them the opportunity to work on various farms all over the country. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in this field…so I urge students to grab the opportunity with both hands!"

Rhodri Manod Owen added: “What is being offered by Hughes Harvesting is really exciting. Making this kind of offer is no small thing. Thank you Taff, I hope that we can continue to work together for many years to come."

For more details, please feel free to contact the college, or the Hughes Harvesting company directly at

Taff Hughes - who is originally from Llannor near Pwllheli but now lives in Ellinwood, Kansas - was an engineering student at the college, before he emigrated to the United States of America as a young man to work on some of the country's largest farms.

Taff is now the owner of one of the largest harvesting contracting companies in the country, employing tens of workers. His company 'Hughes Harvesting', harvests various crops across a huge geographical area: from Texas all the way up to North Dakota!

The company owns some of the most sophisticated harvesting machines on the market which work in fields approximately one square mile in size, harvesting crops such as corn, maize and soya.

During the visit, Taff informed college students that his company was offering a new scheme for students and former students of the college, where they could get the opportunity to go over to the USA and work with the company for a season.

Rhodri Manod Roberts, head of Coleg Glynllifon Farm, said: “It was a privilege to welcome Taff Hughes to the college. Listening to him share his experiences with Glynllifon's agriculture and engineering students was a real pleasure; our students were really captivated by his story. This is a lad from Lannor who went to America as a young man, and succeeded in growing one of the most successful contracting companies in the country.”

Rhodri added: “Being able to hear about the resounding successes of some of our former students like this is very important to us as a college, and clearly demonstrates to our current students that anything is possible with tenacity and hard work."

Taff Hughes from Hughes Harvesting said: “I will forever be grateful to Coleg Glynllifon. Without the foundations laid here almost 40 years ago now, I am certain that my life would not have followed the same path. As a young man, I went on one big adventure to America, fell in love with the country and the people, and got to work in the land-based engineering field before starting my own business.

“Creating links with Wales is very important to me. My family continues to live in the area where I grew up, and it is now time for me to offer something back to that community, and especially to the college.

“That is why the Hughes Harvesting company is offering a new befriending scheme in partnership with the college, affording students the opportunity to come and work with the company for a term in America. We will train the students to use harvesting machines and give them the opportunity to work on various farms all over the country. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in this field…so I urge students to grab the opportunity with both hands!"

Rhodri Manod Owen added: “What is being offered by Hughes Harvesting is really exciting. Making this kind of offer is no small thing. Thank you Taff, I hope that we can continue to work together for many years to come."

For more details, please feel free to contact the college, or the Hughes Harvesting company directly at

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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