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Cyn-fyfyriwr yn ennill ysgoloriaeth gwerth £1,500 yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol

Dyfarnwyd yr Ysgoloriaeth Artist Ifanc i Llŷr Evans, cyn-fyfyriwr o Goleg Menai, yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol eleni.

Enillodd Llŷr, o Lanallgo, Ynys Môn, y wobr gwerth £1,500 yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llŷn ac Eifionydd ym Moduan.

Mae ei waith yn cael ei arddangos yn Y Lle Celf yn yr Eisteddfod, a bydd yn cael cynnig lle i arddangos ei waith yno eto yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Rhondda Cynon Taf y flwyddyn nesaf.

Dilynodd Llyr, 23 oed, gwrs Diploma Sylfaen mewn Celf yng Ngholeg Menai, ac mae ar fin dechrau ei flwyddyn olaf yn astudio am radd BA (Anrhydedd) mewn Ffasiwn, Cyfathrebu a Hyrwyddo yn Central Saint Martins yn Llundain.

Enillodd yr ysgoloriaeth ar ôl cyflwyno chwe darn o'r ffotograffiaeth portreadau, gyda'i arddull unigryw wedi creu argraff ar y beirniaid, y modd y llwyddodd i ddangos cymeriad gwahanol bobl a'r elfen o hwyl yn ei waith.

Mae Llŷr yn arbenigo mewn ffotograffiaeth celfyddyd gain a ffotograffiaeth ddogfennol, a bydd yn defnyddio'r wobr i'w gynorthwyo gyda chostau astudio yn y brifddinas.

"Roedd ennill yn syndod i mi," meddai Llŷr. "Mae'n braf iawn cael arddangos fy ngwaith, mae hynny'n eithaf newydd i mi.

Llyr, from Llanallgo on Anglesey, won the £1,500 prize at this year’s Llŷn and Eifionydd Eisteddfod in Boduan.

His work is on show at Y Lle Celf at the Eisteddfod, and he will also be offered a space to exhibit at next year’s event in Rhondda Cynon Taf.

Llyr, 23, studied the Foundation Degree in Art and Design at Coleg Menai, and is about to enter the final year of his BA (Hons) in Fashion, Communication and Promotion at Central Saint Martins in London.

He won the Eisteddfod scholarship after entering six pieces of his portraiture photography, with judges impressed by his distinctive style, the way he captured different people and the element of fun in his work.

Llyr specialises in documentary and fine art photography, and will use the prize money to help with the cost of studying in the capital.

“I was surprised to win,” said Llyr. “It’s really nice to be exhibited, that’s quite new to me. The Eisteddfod has 150,000 people visiting every year so it’s really valuable exposure, especially for someone starting out like myself.”

Llyr has fond memories of his time at Coleg Menai, saying his former tutors created an environment in which he and his fellow students could thrive and grow.

Llyr, from Llanallgo on Anglesey, won the £1,500 prize at this year’s Llŷn and Eifionydd Eisteddfod in Boduan.

His work is on show at Y Lle Celf at the Eisteddfod, and he will also be offered a space to exhibit at next year’s event in Rhondda Cynon Taf.

Llyr, 23, studied the Foundation Degree in Art and Design at Coleg Menai, and is about to enter the final year of his BA (Hons) in Fashion, Communication and Promotion at Central Saint Martins in London.

He won the Eisteddfod scholarship after entering six pieces of his portraiture photography, with judges impressed by his distinctive style, the way he captured different people and the element of fun in his work.

Llyr specialises in documentary and fine art photography, and will use the prize money to help with the cost of studying in the capital.

“I was surprised to win,” said Llyr. “It’s really nice to be exhibited, that’s quite new to me. The Eisteddfod has 150,000 people visiting every year so it’s really valuable exposure, especially for someone starting out like myself.”

Llyr has fond memories of his time at Coleg Menai, saying his former tutors created an environment in which he and his fellow students could thrive and grow.

“Mae 150,000 o bobl yn ymweld a'r Eisteddfod bob blwyddyn, felly mae'n werthfawr iawn cael arddangos fy ngwaith, yn enwedig i rywun fel fi sy'n dechrau yn y maes hwn."

Mae gan Llŷr atgofion melys am ei gyfnod yng Ngholeg Menai, gan ddweud fod ei gyn-diwtoriaid wedi creu amgylchedd a oedd yn ei alluogi ef a'i gyd-fyfyrwyr i ffynnu a thyfu.

"Cefais gyfnod gwych yng Ngholeg Menai," meddai. "Roedd yn un o flynyddoedd gorau fy mywyd. Roedd gen i diwtoriaid cefnogol iawn, yn cynnwys Owein Prendergast, Iwan Gwyn Parry, Miranda Meilleur, Tim Williams a Darren Hughes.

"Maen nhw'n gadael i chi ganfod yr hyn sy'n ei ysgogi, ac maen nhw'n dal yn gefnogol hyd heddiw. Maen nhw'n rhannu llwyddiannau pobl ac yn rhannu cyfleoedd ar Facebook o hyd, mae fel cymuned.

"Roedd yn flwyddyn dda iawn i benderfynu beth oeddech chi am ei wneud a rhoi'r sylfaen yna i chi. Hyd yn oed rwan, pan fydda i'n meddwl am ddechrau prosiect newydd, rydw i bob amser yn meddwl am yr hyn roedd Iwan yn ei ddweud yn y darlithoedd. Roedd ei gyngor mor ddefnyddiol."

Mae Llŷr yn bwriadu teithio i Batagonia'r flwyddyn nesaf i ddogfennu'r cymunedau sy'n siarad Cymraeg ar gyfer ei brosiect blwyddyn olaf. Ar ôl iddo raddio'r haf nesaf mae'n gobeithio aros yn Llundain a chael swydd ym maes ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn neu ffotograffiaeth celfyddyd gain.

“I had a great time in Coleg Menai,” he said. “It was one of the best years of my life. I had really supportive tutors including Owein Prendergast, Iwan Gwyn Parry, Miranda Meilleur, Tim Williams and Darren Hughes.

“They let you find your thing, and they’re still supportive to this day. On Facebook they’re always sharing people’s achievements and sharing opportunities, it’s like a community.

“It was a really good year to find out what you want to do and for giving you that grounding. Even now when I’m thinking about starting a new project, I always think about what Iwan was telling me in those lectures. It was so useful.”

Llyr plans to travel to Patagonia next year to document Welsh-speaking communities for his final-year degree project. After graduating next summer, he hopes to stay in London and find a job within fashion or fine art photography.

“I had a great time in Coleg Menai,” he said. “It was one of the best years of my life. I had really supportive tutors including Owein Prendergast, Iwan Gwyn Parry, Miranda Meilleur, Tim Williams and Darren Hughes.

“They let you find your thing, and they’re still supportive to this day. On Facebook they’re always sharing people’s achievements and sharing opportunities, it’s like a community.

“It was a really good year to find out what you want to do and for giving you that grounding. Even now when I’m thinking about starting a new project, I always think about what Iwan was telling me in those lectures. It was so useful.”

Llyr plans to travel to Patagonia next year to document Welsh-speaking communities for his final-year degree project. After graduating next summer, he hopes to stay in London and find a job within fashion or fine art photography.

Gellir gweld ei waith ar Instagram @llyr.evans, ac ar ei wefan -

Yn ystod wythnos yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol mae'r Lle Celf, a gefnogir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, wedi bod yr arddangosfa gelf dros dro fwyaf yn Ewrop, gyda dwsinau o eitemau celf wedi'u dethol yn ofalus i'w gweld yno.

Dywedodd Elin Huws, Cadeirydd Pwyllgor Celf Eisteddfod Llŷn ac Eifionydd: "Mae'r Eisteddfod yn rhoi lle i artistiaid ddangos eu gwaith ac, am un wythnos bob blwyddyn, Y Lle Celf ydi'r oriel gelf fwyaf poblogaidd yng Nghymru.

"Mae'r arddangosfa hon wedi datblygu i fod yn un broffesiynol iawn ac mae ennill gwobr yn bwysig iawn i enw da artist."

Mae gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai stondin yn yr Eisteddfod yr wythnos hon (stondin 317-320) tan ddydd Sadwrn.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cyrsiau Celf a Dylunio a Ffotograffiaeth sydd ar gael yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai cliciwch yma.

His work can be seen on Instagram @llyr.evans, and on his website

During the week-long National Eisteddfod, Y Lle Celf, supported by the Arts Council of Wales, has been the largest temporary art exhibition in Europe with dozens of carefully selected art items on display.

Elin Huws, chair of the art committee in Llyn and Eifionydd, said: “The Eisteddfod gives artists a place to display their work and for one week every year Y Lle Celf is the most popular art gallery in Wales.

“This exhibition has become a very professional show and winning an award is extremely important to an artist’s reputation.”

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai has a stand at this week’s Eisteddfod (stand 317-320), which runs until Saturday.

For more information about the Art and Design and Photography courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

His work can be seen on Instagram @llyr.evans, and on his website

During the week-long National Eisteddfod, Y Lle Celf, supported by the Arts Council of Wales, has been the largest temporary art exhibition in Europe with dozens of carefully selected art items on display.

Elin Huws, chair of the art committee in Llyn and Eifionydd, said: “The Eisteddfod gives artists a place to display their work and for one week every year Y Lle Celf is the most popular art gallery in Wales.

“This exhibition has become a very professional show and winning an award is extremely important to an artist’s reputation.”

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai has a stand at this week’s Eisteddfod (stand 317-320), which runs until Saturday.

For more information about the Art and Design and Photography courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

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