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Digwyddiadau Ffair y Glas i'w cynnal ar draws Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Bydd cyfle i fyfyrwyr newydd fwynhau digwyddiadau Ffair y Glas ar gampysau Grŵp Llandrillo Menai dros y pythefnos nesaf.

Mae cannoedd o ddysgwyr eisoes wedi cofrestru ar gyrsiau ar gampysau'r Grŵp ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn academaidd newydd.

Mae nifer cyfyngedig o lefydd yn dal ar gael yng Ngholeg Menai, Coleg Llandrillo a Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor. ⁠I gael rhagor o wybodaeth a gwybodaeth am sut i wneud cais, ewch i wefan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

Cynhelir digwyddiadau Ffair y Glas o ddydd Llun 11 Medi ymlaen ar gampysau Bangor, Llangefni, Parc Menai, Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, Glynllifon, Dolgellau a Phwllheli i groesawu myfyrwyr newydd (rhestr lawn yn cynnwys dyddiadau, lleoliadau ac amser isod)

Yn ystod y digwyddiadau bydd cyfle i ddysgwyr gwrdd â chynrychiolwyr clybiau, busnesau ac elusennau sydd yno i'w cynorthwyo i wneud y gorau o'u cyfnod yn y coleg. Bydd cyfle hefyd i gael sgwrs gyda staff y coleg fydd ar gael i roi cyngor ar bopeth, o gyllid a chludiant i academïau chwaraeon.

Ymhlith y sefydliadau a fydd yn bresennol yn y digwyddiadau gwahanol mae Zip World, Undeb Rygbi Cymru, Prifysgol Bangor, Prifysgol Glyndŵr Wrecsam, Y Brifysgol Agored, GIC, Adran Recriwtio i'r Fyddin, Y Llynges Frenhinol, Mind, Childline, Gyrfa Cymru, Sextember, Mr Ricky 'Prince of Desserts', Barnardo’s, Academi Taekwondo Sir Ddinbych, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Fitness First, Syniadau Mawr Cymru a'r cynghorau sir.

Hundreds of learners have enrolled on courses across the Grŵp’s campuses as the new academic year begins.

There are still limited places available at Coleg Menai, Coleg Llandrillo and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. Anyone interested can find out more information, including how to apply, on the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai website.

From Monday, September 11, Freshers’ Fair events will be held at campuses in Bangor, Llangefni, Parc Menai, Rhos-on-Sea, Rhyl, Glynllifon, Dolgellau and Pwllheli to welcome the new students (full list of dates, locations and times below).

At the events, learners will be able to meet representatives of clubs, businesses and charities who can help them make the most of their time in college. They will also have the chance to talk to college staff who can advise on everything from finance and transport to sports academies.

Organisations expected to attend the various events include Zip World, the Welsh Rugby Union, Bangor University, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, The Open University, the NHS, Army Recruitment, The Royal Navy, Mind, Childline, Careers Wales, Sextember, Mr Ricky Prince of Desserts, Barnardo’s, Denbighshire Taekwondo Academy, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Fitness First, Big Ideas Wales and the county councils.

Hundreds of learners have enrolled on courses across the Grŵp’s campuses as the new academic year begins.

There are still limited places available at Coleg Menai, Coleg Llandrillo and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. Anyone interested can find out more information, including how to apply, on the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai website.

From Monday, September 11, Freshers’ Fair events will be held at campuses in Bangor, Llangefni, Parc Menai, Rhos-on-Sea, Rhyl, Glynllifon, Dolgellau and Pwllheli to welcome the new students (full list of dates, locations and times below).

At the events, learners will be able to meet representatives of clubs, businesses and charities who can help them make the most of their time in college. They will also have the chance to talk to college staff who can advise on everything from finance and transport to sports academies.

Organisations expected to attend the various events include Zip World, the Welsh Rugby Union, Bangor University, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, The Open University, the NHS, Army Recruitment, The Royal Navy, Mind, Childline, Careers Wales, Sextember, Mr Ricky Prince of Desserts, Barnardo’s, Denbighshire Taekwondo Academy, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Fitness First, Big Ideas Wales and the county councils.

Meddai Aaron Beacher, Swyddog Cyfoethogi Profiadau Myfyrwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai: "Mae'r digwyddiadau hyn yn gyfle gwych i ni groesawu myfyrwyr newydd ac yn gyfle iddyn nhw ddod o hyd i wybodaeth am y clybiau, y gweithgareddau lles a'r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael yn ystod eu cyfnod yn astudio gyda ni.

"Mae hefyd yn gyfle gwych i gwrdd â ffrindiau newydd a meithrin perthynas â'r sefydliadau fydd yn y digwyddiadau. Pwrpas y digwyddiadau hyn ydy gwneud yn siŵr bod myfyrwyr yn ymwybodol o'r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael iddynt yn ystod eu cyfnod yma a sicrhau eu bod yn gwybod am yr ystod o gefnogaeth a chefnogaeth sydd ar gael.

"Hoffwn ddiolch yn fawr i staff ar draws y Grŵp am eu cymorth gyda'r gwaith paratoi a chynllunio i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn cynnig y croeso a'r gefnogaeth orau i'n dysgwyr. Mae wedi bod yn waith tîm, diolch yn fawr iawn i chi."

Mae'r rhestr lawr y digwyddiadau Ffair y Glas fel a ganlyn:

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Student Enrichment officer Aaron Beacher said: “These events are a really good chance for us to welcome our new students and ensure they are all aware of the clubs, enrichment activities and support we offer while they are studying with us.

“This is also a great chance to meet new friends and make connections with the organisations we have attending these events. These events are about ensuring that students feel supported throughout their journey here at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and have a clear view of the opportunities and support available.

“I would also like to express my appreciation to all the staff across the Grŵp who have helped with the preparation and planning to ensure we give our learners the best welcome and support we can offer. This has been a huge team effort, thank you very much.”

The full list of Freshers’ Fair events is as follows:

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Student Enrichment officer Aaron Beacher said: “These events are a really good chance for us to welcome our new students and ensure they are all aware of the clubs, enrichment activities and support we offer while they are studying with us.

“This is also a great chance to meet new friends and make connections with the organisations we have attending these events. These events are about ensuring that students feel supported throughout their journey here at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and have a clear view of the opportunities and support available.

“I would also like to express my appreciation to all the staff across the Grŵp who have helped with the preparation and planning to ensure we give our learners the best welcome and support we can offer. This has been a huge team effort, thank you very much.”

The full list of Freshers’ Fair events is as follows:

Coleg Menai

Dydd Llun, 11 Medi: Neuadd Friars, Bangor (9.30 - 11.30am)

Dydd Llun, 11 Medi: Y Ganolfan Ynni, Llangefni (1-3pm)

Dydd Llun, 18 Medi: Ardal Arddangos Parc Menai (10am-12pm)

Coleg Llandrillo

Dydd Mercher, 13 Medi: Lolfa'r Myfyrwyr, Llandrillo-yn-Rhos (12 - 3pm)

Dydd Iau, 14 Medi: Derbynfa, Y Rhyl (12 - 3pm)

Dydd Gwener, Medi 15: Lolfa'r Myfyrwyr, Llandrillo-yn-Rhos (12 - 3pm)

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor

Dydd Llun, 18 Medi: Derbynfa Glynllifon (1.30 - 3.30pm)

Dydd Mawrth, 19 Medi: Y Neuadd, Dolgellau (10am - 12.30pm)

Dydd Mercher, 20 Medi: Derbynfa/ffreutur Pwllheli (10am - 1pm)

Coleg Menai

Monday, September 11: Friars Hall, Bangor (9.30-11.30am)

Monday, September 11: Energy Centre, Llangefni (1-3pm)

Monday, September 18: Parc Menai Exhibition Area (10am-12pm)

Coleg Llandrillo

Wednesday, September 13: Rhos-on-Sea Student Lounge (12-3pm)

Thursday, September 14: Rhyl Heart Space (12-3pm)

Friday, September 15: Rhos-on-Sea Student Lounge (12-3pm)

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor

Monday, September 18: Glynllifon reception (1.30-3.30pm)

Tuesday, September 19: Main hall, Dolgellau (10am-12.30pm)

Wednesday, September 20: Pwllheli reception/canteen (10am-1pm)

Coleg Menai

Monday, September 11: Friars Hall, Bangor (9.30-11.30am)

Monday, September 11: Energy Centre, Llangefni (1-3pm)

Monday, September 18: Parc Menai Exhibition Area (10am-12pm)

Coleg Llandrillo

Wednesday, September 13: Rhos-on-Sea Student Lounge (12-3pm)

Thursday, September 14: Rhyl Heart Space (12-3pm)

Friday, September 15: Rhos-on-Sea Student Lounge (12-3pm)

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor

Monday, September 18: Glynllifon reception (1.30-3.30pm)

Tuesday, September 19: Main hall, Dolgellau (10am-12.30pm)

Wednesday, September 20: Pwllheli reception/canteen (10am-1pm)

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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