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Dysgwyr Cymraeg yn addurno 'Mainc Gyfeillgarwch' i groesawu ymwelwyr i'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol

Mae 'mainc gyfeillgarwch' a addurnwyd gan ddysgwyr Cymraeg i ddathlu ymweliad yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol â'r ardal wedi cael ei gosod mewn lleoliad canolog yng Nghricieth.

Crëwyd y fainc i gofio am Eisteddfod Bro Dwyfor yn 1975 ac i ddathlu Eisteddfod Llŷn ac Eifionydd eleni.

Myfyrwyr o Goleg Meirion-Dwyfor a beintiodd y fainc, ac mae'r addurniadau arni'n cynnwys y cywydd a ddaeth yn fuddugol yn Eisteddfod 1975 sef ‘Eifionydd’ gan Evan Griffith Hughes.

Ar y fainc hefyd ceir symbolau Eisteddfodol fel coronau barddol, cadair, yr awen greadigol ac aelodau o Orsedd y Beirdd.

Gwnaed hyn i gyd dan gyfarwyddyd Ffion Gwyn, darlithydd celf Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor sydd wedi bod yn allweddol i lwyddiant diweddar Cricieth Creadigol, prosiect celf gymunedol yn y dref. ⁠

Bellach mae'r fainc wedi'i gosod y tu allan i lyfrgell a chanolfan gymunedol Cricieth yn Encil y Coed, lle bydd yn cael ei gweld gan ymwelwyr ar eu ffordd i faes yr Eisteddfod ym Moduan, ger Pwllheli.

Daw'r dysgwyr Cymraeg a addurnodd y fainc o bob rhan o Ddwyfor ac maent yn dilyn y cwrs Mynediad Lefel 2 sy'n cael ei gynnal gan Dysgu Cymraeg Gogledd Orllewin ar gampws Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor ym Mhwllheli. Cawsant gyflwyniad ar y seremonïau a'r traddodiadau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r Eisteddfod cyn dechrau addurno'r fainc.

Dyma ddywedodd Laura Cowley a oedd yn un o'r dysgwyr: “Rydw i wedi mwynhau cymryd rhan yn y prosiect creadigol gyda Ffion. Roedd yn ffordd ryngweithiol o wrando ar y Gymraeg yn cael ei siarad.

“Roedd hefyd yn ffordd ddiddorol o ddysgu rhywfaint am yr hanesion lleol sy'n gysylltiedig â'r Eisteddfod. Yn olaf, roedd yn braf cyfrannu ar y diwylliant Cymraeg trwy gymryd rhan yn y gwaith o greu darn celf newydd ar gyfer yr eisteddfod leol. Diolch yn fawr.”

Dywedodd un arall o'r dysgwyr, Vikki Harvard: “Diolch i'r Adran Gelf. Rydan ni wedi cael amser gwych yn peintio’r fainc.”

Ac meddai Adrian Edwards: “Wnes i fwynhau cymryd rhan yn y prosiect efo Ffion, a dysgu am yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol.”

Ychwanegodd Robin Asby: “Roedd yn deimlad braf iawn bod ein grŵp ni yn gallu cyfrannu at yr Eisteddfod.”

Ac meddai Penny Marrington: “Fel dysgwr Cymraeg (a Saesnes), ro’n i’n hapus iawn i gael cymryd rhan yn y paratoadau ar gyfer yr Eisteddfod.”

Eisteddfod Bro Dwyfor 1975 oedd y ddiwethaf i gael ei chynnal yn yr ardal, a'r cywydd buddugol bryd hynny oedd ‘Eifionydd’ gan Evan Griffith Hughes o Roshirwaun.

Enillydd y goron yn yr Eisteddfod honno oedd Elwyn Roberts a Gerallt Lloyd Owen enillodd y Gadair.

Cynhelir yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol eleni rhwng dydd Sadwrn 5 Awst a dydd Sadwrn 12 Awst, a bydd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai'n cynnal rhaglen lawn o ddigwyddiadau ar ei stondin ar y maes.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

The bench was created to commemorate the 1975 Bro Dwyfor Eisteddfod and this year’s Llŷn ac Eifionydd National Eisteddfod.

Students at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor painted the bench, which features among its decorations the winning 'cywydd' (poem) from the 1975 Eisteddfod: 'Eifionydd' by Evan Griffith Hughes.

The learners also adorned the bench with Eisteddfod symbols such as bardic crowns, the chair, painted figures of the 'Gorsedd y Beirdd' and also the 'Awen', symbolising the inspirational muse of creative artists.

All this was under the direction of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor art lecturer Ffion Gwyn, who has been integral in the recent success of Criccieth Creadigol, a community art project in the town.

The bench has now been placed outside Criccieth library and community centre at Encil y Coed, where it will welcome visitors en route to the Eisteddfod Maes in Boduan, just outside Pwllheli.

The Welsh learners involved in decorating the bench are all from the Dwyfor area and are following the Entry Level 2 Welsh Learners course, run by Learn Welsh North West, which is taught at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Pwllheli campus. They were given a presentation on ceremonies and traditions associated with the Eisteddfod before taking to the bench with their brushes.

One student, Laura Cowley, said: "I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the creative project with Ffion. It was an interactive way to listen to some Welsh language.

“It was also interesting to learn about some local Welsh history connected to the Eisteddfod. Lastly it felt very nice to be included in the Welsh culture by taking part in creating a new piece for the local eisteddfod. Diolch yn fawr.”

Another student, Vikki Harvard, said: “Thanks, Art Department. We had a great time painting the bench!”

Adrian Edwards said: "I enjoyed taking part in the project with Ffion, and learning about the National Eisteddfod."

Robin Asby added: "I felt it was really nice that our group was able to contribute to the Eisteddfod.”

And Penny Marrington said: "As a Welsh learner (and an English woman) I was very happy to be able to take part in the preparations for the Eisteddfod.”

The 1975 Bro Dwyfor Eisteddfod was the last time the National Eisteddfod was held in the area, when the winning cywydd was 'Eifionydd' by Evan Griffith Hughes, of Rhoshirwaun, Pwllheli.

The Crown at the 1975 Eisteddfod was won by Elwyn Roberts, while the winner of the Chair was Gerallt Lloyd Owen.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai will be hosting a full programme of events on the Maes for this year’s event, which takes place from Saturday, August 5 to Saturday, August 12.

For more information on courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

The bench was created to commemorate the 1975 Bro Dwyfor Eisteddfod and this year’s Llŷn ac Eifionydd National Eisteddfod.

Students at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor painted the bench, which features among its decorations the winning 'cywydd' (poem) from the 1975 Eisteddfod: 'Eifionydd' by Evan Griffith Hughes.

The learners also adorned the bench with Eisteddfod symbols such as bardic crowns, the chair, painted figures of the 'Gorsedd y Beirdd' and also the 'Awen', symbolising the inspirational muse of creative artists.

All this was under the direction of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor art lecturer Ffion Gwyn, who has been integral in the recent success of Criccieth Creadigol, a community art project in the town.

The bench has now been placed outside Criccieth library and community centre at Encil y Coed, where it will welcome visitors en route to the Eisteddfod Maes in Boduan, just outside Pwllheli.

The Welsh learners involved in decorating the bench are all from the Dwyfor area and are following the Entry Level 2 Welsh Learners course, run by Learn Welsh North West, which is taught at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Pwllheli campus. They were given a presentation on ceremonies and traditions associated with the Eisteddfod before taking to the bench with their brushes.

One student, Laura Cowley, said: "I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the creative project with Ffion. It was an interactive way to listen to some Welsh language.

“It was also interesting to learn about some local Welsh history connected to the Eisteddfod. Lastly it felt very nice to be included in the Welsh culture by taking part in creating a new piece for the local eisteddfod. Diolch yn fawr.”

Another student, Vikki Harvard, said: “Thanks, Art Department. We had a great time painting the bench!”

Adrian Edwards said: "I enjoyed taking part in the project with Ffion, and learning about the National Eisteddfod."

Robin Asby added: "I felt it was really nice that our group was able to contribute to the Eisteddfod.”

And Penny Marrington said: "As a Welsh learner (and an English woman) I was very happy to be able to take part in the preparations for the Eisteddfod.”

The 1975 Bro Dwyfor Eisteddfod was the last time the National Eisteddfod was held in the area, when the winning cywydd was 'Eifionydd' by Evan Griffith Hughes, of Rhoshirwaun, Pwllheli.

The Crown at the 1975 Eisteddfod was won by Elwyn Roberts, while the winner of the Chair was Gerallt Lloyd Owen.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai will be hosting a full programme of events on the Maes for this year’s event, which takes place from Saturday, August 5 to Saturday, August 12.

For more information on courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

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