Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Myfyrwyr cyrsiau datblygu gemau'n manteisio ar gynllun mentora

Gweithiodd myfyrwyr cyrsiau datblygu gemau o Goleg Llandrillo gyda datblygwyr gemau proffesiynol er mwyn rhoi bywyd i'w syniadau mewn amgylchedd gwaith go iawn.

Ymunodd y coleg â phrosiect mentora Studio Live, sy'n cael ei redeg gan sefydliad IntoGames ac sy'n cynnig cipolwg gwerthfawr i fyfyrwyr o'r diwydiant gemau.

Dilynodd myfyrwyr ail flwyddyn y cwrs Diploma Estynedig mewn Cynhyrchu Cyfryngau Creadigol (Datblygu Gemau) briff i greu prototeip yn seiliedig ar y gêm ffantasi Ravenbound.

Rhannwyd y myfyrwyr i mewn i grwpiau i weithio gyda mentoriaid dros gyfnod o bum diwrnod i ddatblygu eu prototeipiau.

Dywedodd Rob Griffiths, Arweinydd Blwyddyn 2 Rhaglen Datblygu Gemau yng Ngholeg Llandrillo ei bod hi'n agoriad llygaid i fyfyrwyr gael profiad o weithio yn y diwydiant gemau dros y cyfnod. ⁠

Dywedodd: "Mi gawson ni ein paru â stiwdio, cyn derbyn briff a gweithio am bum diwrnod gyda'r stiwdio i gynhyrchu'r hyn roedd y briff yn gofyn amdano.

"Mae'n friff eithaf technegol, felly mae'r gwaith cynllunio a chreu yn seiliedig ar rywbeth mwy na phersbectif cysyniadol yn unig. Oherwydd hynny mae'r myfyrwyr wedi creu gwahanol fecaneg ar gyfer y briff o fewn cyfnod pum diwrnod o hyd.”

"Clustnodir mentor o'r diwydiant gemau i bob un, ac mae'r mentor hwnnw'n trafod y gwaith gyda nhw bob dydd.

"Felly, ar ddechrau diwrnod yn y stiwdio trefnwyd sesiwn 'sefyll i fyny' i drafod gwaith sydd ar y gweill, unrhyw broblemau yn ymwneud â'r gwaith ac ati ac roedd y cynhyrchydd yn gweithio gyda nhw ar y materion hynny."

The college teamed up with Studio Live, a mentoring project run by non-profit organisation IntoGames which aims to give students an invaluable insight into the gaming industry.

Second-year students on the Extended Diploma in Creative Media (Games Development) were given a brief to create prototypes based on the fantasy action game Ravenbound.

They were split into groups and teamed up with mentors, who worked with them for over five days to help them develop their prototypes.

Rob Griffiths, Programme Leader for Games Development Year 2 at Coleg Llandrillo, said for the students it was a useful eye-opener to what it’s like working in the games industry on a day-to-day basis.

He said: “We get paired up with a studio and are given a brief, and for five days we work with that studio to produce whatever the brief asks.

“We do quite a technical brief, so we do the planning and making of the prototype, not just from the concept perspective, so the students have made different mechanics for the brief within a five-day period.

“They each get paired with a mentor from the games industry, and that mentor speaks to them on a daily basis.

“So in a studio first thing in the morning they’d have what’s called a stand-up, where they’ll talk about what they’re working on, any issues they’re having, and then the producer will work with them from there.”

The college teamed up with Studio Live, a mentoring project run by non-profit organisation IntoGames which aims to give students an invaluable insight into the gaming industry.

Second-year students on the Extended Diploma in Creative Media (Games Development) were given a brief to create prototypes based on the fantasy action game Ravenbound.

They were split into groups and teamed up with mentors, who worked with them for over five days to help them develop their prototypes.

Rob Griffiths, Programme Leader for Games Development Year 2 at Coleg Llandrillo, said for the students it was a useful eye-opener to what it’s like working in the games industry on a day-to-day basis.

He said: “We get paired up with a studio and are given a brief, and for five days we work with that studio to produce whatever the brief asks.

“We do quite a technical brief, so we do the planning and making of the prototype, not just from the concept perspective, so the students have made different mechanics for the brief within a five-day period.

“They each get paired with a mentor from the games industry, and that mentor speaks to them on a daily basis.

“So in a studio first thing in the morning they’d have what’s called a stand-up, where they’ll talk about what they’re working on, any issues they’re having, and then the producer will work with them from there.”

Daeth y mentoriaid Alrissa Sia o Ubisoft, Nicolas Porras o nDreams, Oliver Caddy o Gameplay Galaxy, a Chris Paye o Quantum Soup Studios i gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Meddai Rob: " Roedd y myfyrwyr yn gweithio gyda'u mentoriaid rhwng 9am a 4pm bob dydd, fel diwrnod gwaith go iawn.

Does dim gwaith papur i'w gwblhau, ac mae'r myfyrwyr wrth eu boddau â hynny! Does dim angen llenwi dogfennau na chynnal gwerthusiad - gwneud y gwaith ydy'r dasg, ymarfer cwbl ymarferol."

Dywedodd y myfyrwyr eu hunain bod y cynllun wedi cynnig cyfle gwych i rwydweithio hefyd, yn ogystal â meithrin profiad ymarferol.

Dywedodd Lucas Grew: "Mi wnaeth y mentoriaid bob ymdrech i'n helpu ni. Mi ges i fanylion LinkedIn hefyd, roedd yn gyfle gwych i rwydweithio.

"Mi gawson ni gyfle i gydweithio gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol o'r diwydiant ac i ehangu ein gorwelion, ac mae hynny'n beth cadarnhaol iawn.”

Ychwanegodd Lili Bacciochi: "Roedd yn brofiad da iawn. Mi gawson ni gyfle i siarad efo pobl sy'n gweithio yn y maes a holi sut mae dechrau arni yn y diwydiant. Hefyd, mi ddwedon nhw y basen nhw'n taro golwg ar ein portffolios, ac mi fydd hynny'n ddefnyddiol iawn i ni.”

Meddai Tom Barry: "Roedd yn wythnos o waith caled ond yn addysgiadol iawn, mi ddysgais i lawer, mi wnes i feithrin sgiliau newydd a chodi hyder, a gweithio gyda thîm a phobl broffesiynol o'r diwydiant.

"Roedd hi'n braf i gael profiad o weithio y tu ôl i'r llenni fel rhywun o'r diwydiant go iawn.”

Mentors Alrissa Sia from Ubisoft, Nicolas Porras from nDreams, Oliver Caddy from Gameplay Galaxy, and Chris Paye from Quantum Soup Studios visited Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos campus.

Rob said: “The students were working with them 9-4 every day, so it replicates real-life working conditions.

“There’s no paperwork, which the students love! There’s no documentation, no evaluating - it’s just doing the job so it’s a purely practical exercise.”

The students themselves said the scheme was great for networking as well as gaining practical experience.

Lucas Grew said: “The mentors definitely went above and beyond for us. I managed to get my mentor’s LinkedIn as well so it was good for networking opportunities.

“Being able to collaborate with industry professionals to be able to expand our horizons was a big positive.”

Lili Bacciochi said: “It was pretty fun. There were a few professionals that we got to talk with, and we were able to ask questions about getting into the industry. They said if we wanted to send over portfolios they’d have a look as well, so it was really helpful.”

Tom Barry said: “We had a week’s worth of hard work but it was very educational to the point where I learned a lot, gained a few new skills and managed to work on my confidence, working with a team and also with professionals in the industry.

“It was nice to experience what it’s like to work behind the scenes as an industry professional.”

Mentors Alrissa Sia from Ubisoft, Nicolas Porras from nDreams, Oliver Caddy from Gameplay Galaxy, and Chris Paye from Quantum Soup Studios visited Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos campus.

Rob said: “The students were working with them 9-4 every day, so it replicates real-life working conditions.

“There’s no paperwork, which the students love! There’s no documentation, no evaluating - it’s just doing the job so it’s a purely practical exercise.”

The students themselves said the scheme was great for networking as well as gaining practical experience.

Lucas Grew said: “The mentors definitely went above and beyond for us. I managed to get my mentor’s LinkedIn as well so it was good for networking opportunities.

“Being able to collaborate with industry professionals to be able to expand our horizons was a big positive.”

Lili Bacciochi said: “It was pretty fun. There were a few professionals that we got to talk with, and we were able to ask questions about getting into the industry. They said if we wanted to send over portfolios they’d have a look as well, so it was really helpful.”

Tom Barry said: “We had a week’s worth of hard work but it was very educational to the point where I learned a lot, gained a few new skills and managed to work on my confidence, working with a team and also with professionals in the industry.

“It was nice to experience what it’s like to work behind the scenes as an industry professional.”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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