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Myfyrwyr Amaeth Glynllifon yn ymweld a Chanolfan Technoleg Bwyd Llangefni.

Yn ddiweddar aeth myfyrwyr amaethyddiaeth Coleg Glynllifon ar ymweliad arbennig i Ganolfan Technoleg Bwyd Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai ar gampws Llangefni.

Mae'r Ganolfan Technoleg Bwyd yn darparu ystod eang o gyfleoedd hyfforddi i gefnogi unigolion sy'n gweithio ar bob lefel o fewn busnesau bwyd. Sefydlwyd y Ganolfan Technoleg Bwyd (CTB) yn 1999 ac mae’n chwarae rôl allweddol o drosglwyddo gwybodaeth i'r diwydiant bwyd yng Nghymru, ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig ac yn rhyngwladol.

Mae gan y Ganolfan dair neuadd brosesu yn ogystal â chegin brofi a ddefnyddir yn bwrpasol i ychwanegu gwerth i gig a physgod, cynnyrch llaeth a chynnyrch gardd. Ym mhob neuadd brosesu ceir ystod eang o offer modern ar raddfa ddiwydiannol a ddefnyddir i ddatblygu a threialu cynnyrch newydd. Gellir defnyddio'r labordy sydd ar y safle er mwyn cael canlyniadau cywir i'w rhoi ar labeli a datganiadau maeth.

Dywedodd Rhodri Manod Owen, Rheolwr Fferm Coleg Glynllifon.

“Mae diwydiant prosesu bwyd yn un sydd yn tyfu blwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn yma yng Nghymru. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gosod targed uchelgeisiol o dwf sylweddol yn y diwydiant yn ystod y degawdau nesaf. Mae gennym fel un o brif sefydliad addysgol amaethyddol yng Nghymru rôl ganolog i’w chware yn y twf hwnnw.”

“Mae cysylltiadau amlwg rhwng y coleg a’r ganolfan technoleg bwyd, ac mae gosod y cyfleoedd i’n myfyrwyr ddysgu am hynny yn hynod o bwysig i ni fel coleg. Hynny yw, bod yr addysg yn cwmpasu pob cam o gynhyrchu bwyd, o’r caeau ar ystâd Glynllifon yr holl ffordd drwy’r holl brosesau i’r cwsmer.”

Gyda chynlluniau uchelgeisiol ar y gweill i greu hwb economi wledig nodedig o'r radd flaenaf ar ystâd Glynllifon ger Caernarfon, fydd yn darparu cyfleusterau safonol ar gyfer cynhyrchu bwyd ar y safle i fusnesau newydd, mae’r bartneriaeth rhwng y coleg a’r ganolfan yn sicr o dyfu a datblygu’n sylweddol yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf.

Am fwy o wybodaeth am holl gyrsiau Coleg Glynllifon, cliciwch ar y linc isod

The Food Technology Centre (FTC) provides a wide range of training opportunities to support individuals working at all levels within the food industry. The Centre was established in 1999 and plays a key role in the transferal of information to the food industry in Wales, across the United Kingdom, and internationally.

The Centre has three processing halls and a testing kitchen, which is purposefully used to add value to meat and fish, dairy products and garden produce. In each processing hall there is a wide range of modern equipment on an industrial scale, which is used to develop and trial new products. The on-site laboratory can be used to obtain accurate results for labelling and nutritional declarations.

Rhodri Manod Owen, Coleg Glynllifon farm manager, said: "The food processing industry is one that is growing year-on-year here in Wales. The Welsh Government has set an ambitious target of significant growth within the industry over the next few decades. Being part of one of the main agricultural educational institutions in Wales, we have a central role to play in that growth.

"There are clear links between the college and the Food Technology Centre, and providing our students with these type of opportunities is extremely important to us. Education is involved in all stages of food production: from the fields on the Glynllifon estate, through all the processes to the customer."

With ambitious plans underway to create a distinctive first-class rural economy hub on the Glynllifon estate near Caernarfon - which will provide new businesses with standard facilities for on-site food production - the partnership between the college and the centre is sure to grow and develop significantly in the coming years.

For more information about all our courses at Glynllifon - click on the link below.

The Food Technology Centre (FTC) provides a wide range of training opportunities to support individuals working at all levels within the food industry. The Centre was established in 1999 and plays a key role in the transferal of information to the food industry in Wales, across the United Kingdom, and internationally.

The Centre has three processing halls and a testing kitchen, which is purposefully used to add value to meat and fish, dairy products and garden produce. In each processing hall there is a wide range of modern equipment on an industrial scale, which is used to develop and trial new products. The on-site laboratory can be used to obtain accurate results for labelling and nutritional declarations.

Rhodri Manod Owen, Coleg Glynllifon farm manager, said: "The food processing industry is one that is growing year-on-year here in Wales. The Welsh Government has set an ambitious target of significant growth within the industry over the next few decades. Being part of one of the main agricultural educational institutions in Wales, we have a central role to play in that growth.

"There are clear links between the college and the Food Technology Centre, and providing our students with these type of opportunities is extremely important to us. Education is involved in all stages of food production: from the fields on the Glynllifon estate, through all the processes to the customer."

With ambitious plans underway to create a distinctive first-class rural economy hub on the Glynllifon estate near Caernarfon - which will provide new businesses with standard facilities for on-site food production - the partnership between the college and the centre is sure to grow and develop significantly in the coming years.

For more information about all our courses at Glynllifon - click on the link below.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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