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Myfyriwr Glynllifon yn cipio’r wobr gyntaf mewn seremoni fawreddog yn Llandrindod.

Mae Gwenno Rowlands o ardal Dinbych sydd yn astudio Peirianneg Diwydiannau’r Tir, Lefel 3 yng Ngholeg Glynllifon, wedi ennill prif wobr Lantra Cymru yn y categori, Dysgwr Ifanc Coleg, o dan 20 oed.

Mewn seremoni fawreddog yn Llandrindod, cafodd ei hanrhydeddu yng nghwmni rhai o brif enwau cenedlaethol yn y byd amaethyddol yng Nghymru.

Cafodd Gwenno Rowlands ei magu ar fferm y teulu yn Nantglyn, Sir Ddinbych. Roedd yn benderfynol o brofi bod merched yr un mor abl ag unrhyw un arall i drwsio a gwasanaethu tractorau a pheirianwaith trwm, a llwyddodd Gwenno i gyfuno ei chwrs sylfaen mewn amaethyddiaeth yng Ngholeg Glynllifon â phrofiad gwaith gyda chwmni peiriannau lleol. Yn dilyn ei phrofiad gwaith cafodd gynnig swydd ran amser, a roddodd gyfle iddi gyfuno astudiaethau academaidd â phrofiad ymarferol. Cafodd gefnogaeth wych gan ei thiwtoriaid a Gwenno oedd yr unig ferch i gwblhau’r cwrs mewn cyfnod o saith mlynedd!

Mae Gwenno yn awr yn gobeithio dod o hyd i brentisiaeth a fydd yn dysgu mwy iddi am weldio a llunio, cymwysterau ychwanegol a fydd yn ychwanegu at y sgiliau a enillodd yn y coleg, gan gynnwys cymhwysedd tractorau (gyda threlar); trin a chynnal beiciau cwad a ‘telehandlers’ yn ogystal â llifanu a weldio. Roedd uchelgais ac ymrwymiad Gwenno i lwyddo mewn sector lle mae dynion wedi bod mor flaenllaw yn draddodiadol wedi gwneud cryn argraff ar y beirniaid. Mae hi’n dal heb benderfynu a yw hi am fod yn fecanydd amaethyddol neu’n gontractwr, ond dywedodd y beirniad bod dyfodol disglair o’i blaen a’i bod hi’n esiampl wych i unrhyw unigolion sy’n poeni am weithio gyda pheiriannau trwm.

Dywedodd Lesley Griffiths, Gweinidog Materion Gwledig Llywodraeth Cymru.

“Mae Gwobrau Lantra Cymru yn gyfle gwych i ddathlu ymrwymiad ac angerdd unigolion ledled Cymru. Da iawn i bawb gafodd eu henwebu, yr enillwyr a’r darparwyr hyfforddiant am eu holl waith caled gan gynnwys gwella effeithlonrwydd a chyflwyno syniadau arloesol pellach i’w dulliau o weithio.”

Llywydd y panel beirniaid eleni oedd yr amaethwr blaenllaw o Gymru Mr Peter Rees, cadeirydd Lantra Cymru, ac roedd aelodau eraill y panel yn cynnwys Kevin Thomas, Cyfarwyddwr Lantra Cymru, Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones, sylfaenydd a Phartner Rheoli cyfreithwyr Agri Advisor a’r arbenigwr Iechyd a Diogelwch amaethyddol Brian Rees, cyn-gadeirydd Partneriaeth Diogelwch Fferm Cymru a mentor diogelwch fferm Cyswllt Ffermio.

Dywedodd Rhodri Manod Owen, Rheolwr Fferm Glynllifon.

“Mae gan Goleg Glynllifon record hir ac anrhydeddus iawn o ennill rhai o wobrau mwyaf blaenllaw Cymru, ac rydym yn hynod o falch bod Gwenno’n parhau gyda’r traddodiad hwn. Mae cael dy enwebu ar gyfer gwobr Lantra’n anrhydedd ynddo’i hyn, heb son am ennill y brif wobr. Da iawn ti Gwenno. Mae’r coleg yn hynod o falch o dy lwyddiant”

Am fwy o wybodaeth am holl gyrsiau Coleg Glynllifon, cliciwch ar y linc isod.

At a grand ceremony in Llandrindod, she mingled in the company of some of the biggest names within the world of agriculture in Wales.

Gwenno was brought up on the family farm in Nantglyn, Denbighshire. Determined to prove that gender is no barrier when it comes to servicing tractors and heavy machinery, Gwenno managed to combine her foundation course in Agriculture at Coleg Glynllifon with work experience at a local machinery company.

Following her work experience she was offered a part-time job, which gave her the opportunity to combine academic studies with gaining practical experience. She had great support from her tutors and Gwenno was the only female to complete the course over a period of seven years!

She is now hoping to find an apprenticeship that will: teach her more about welding and fabrication, provide additional qualifications that will add to the skills she gained at college (including the competence of tractors with trailer); provide skills on handling and maintaining quad bikes and telehandlers, as well as grinding and welding.

The judges were impressed by Gwenno's ambition and commitment to succeed in a sector where men have traditionally been so prevalent. She is still undecided about whether she wants to be an agricultural mechanic or a contractor, but one judge said Gwenno ‘has a bright future ahead of her and is a great example to any individuals who are interested in working with heavy machinery’.

Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government's Minister for Rural Affairs said: “The Lantra Cymru Awards are a great opportunity to celebrate the commitment and passion of individuals across Wales. Well done to all those who were nominated, the winners and the training providers for all their hard work, including improving efficiency and introducing further innovative ideas to their methods of working."

The president of this year's judging panel was leading Welsh farmer Mr Peter Rees, chairman of Lantra Cymru. Other members of the panel included: Kevin Thomas, director of Lantra Cymru; Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones, founder and managing partner of Agri Advisor lawyers, and Brian Rees, former chairman of the Welsh Farm Safety Partnership and Farming Connect farm safety mentor.

Rhodri Manod Owen, Coleg Glynllifon farm manager said: "Colleg Glynllifon has a long and very honourable record of winning some of Wales' leading awards, and we are extremely proud that Gwenno is continuing this tradition. Being nominated for a Lantra award is an honour in itself, not to mention winning the main award. Well done Gwenno, the college is extremely proud of your success."

For more information about all of our courses at Glynllifon, please click on the link below.

At a grand ceremony in Llandrindod, she mingled in the company of some of the biggest names within the world of agriculture in Wales.

Gwenno was brought up on the family farm in Nantglyn, Denbighshire. Determined to prove that gender is no barrier when it comes to servicing tractors and heavy machinery, Gwenno managed to combine her foundation course in Agriculture at Coleg Glynllifon with work experience at a local machinery company.

Following her work experience she was offered a part-time job, which gave her the opportunity to combine academic studies with gaining practical experience. She had great support from her tutors and Gwenno was the only female to complete the course over a period of seven years!

She is now hoping to find an apprenticeship that will: teach her more about welding and fabrication, provide additional qualifications that will add to the skills she gained at college (including the competence of tractors with trailer); provide skills on handling and maintaining quad bikes and telehandlers, as well as grinding and welding.

The judges were impressed by Gwenno's ambition and commitment to succeed in a sector where men have traditionally been so prevalent. She is still undecided about whether she wants to be an agricultural mechanic or a contractor, but one judge said Gwenno ‘has a bright future ahead of her and is a great example to any individuals who are interested in working with heavy machinery’.

Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government's Minister for Rural Affairs said: “The Lantra Cymru Awards are a great opportunity to celebrate the commitment and passion of individuals across Wales. Well done to all those who were nominated, the winners and the training providers for all their hard work, including improving efficiency and introducing further innovative ideas to their methods of working."

The president of this year's judging panel was leading Welsh farmer Mr Peter Rees, chairman of Lantra Cymru. Other members of the panel included: Kevin Thomas, director of Lantra Cymru; Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones, founder and managing partner of Agri Advisor lawyers, and Brian Rees, former chairman of the Welsh Farm Safety Partnership and Farming Connect farm safety mentor.

Rhodri Manod Owen, Coleg Glynllifon farm manager said: "Colleg Glynllifon has a long and very honourable record of winning some of Wales' leading awards, and we are extremely proud that Gwenno is continuing this tradition. Being nominated for a Lantra award is an honour in itself, not to mention winning the main award. Well done Gwenno, the college is extremely proud of your success."

For more information about all of our courses at Glynllifon, please click on the link below.

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