Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai'n Ehangu ei Bresenoldeb yng Ngogledd Cymru

Bydd canolfan hyfforddi newydd ym maes prentisiaethau, busnes a chymwysterau proffesiynol yn agor cyn hir fel rhan o gynlluniau newydd a chyffrous Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, gwasanaeth gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai sy'n darparu hyfforddiant proffesiynol, arbenigol a seiliedig ar waith i fusnesau.

Mae'r adeilad newydd mewn lleoliad cyfleus ym Mharc Busnes Llanelwy, yn agos at lawer o'r busnesau y bydd y ganolfan yn eu cefnogi. Bydd y gwaith adnewyddu yn dechrau'n fuan, a disgwylir i'r cyfleuster agor yn gynnar yn 2024.

Bydd y ganolfan newydd yn ychwanegiad i adeilad pwrpasol Busnes@ ym Mharc Menai, Bangor, a agorodd yn 2021. Yn awr bydd y ddau leoliad yn darparu amgylchedd dysgu proffesiynol i ddiwallu'r galw am hyfforddiant proffesiynol a seiliedig ar waith ledled gogledd Cymru gan gynnig cyrsiau o'r safon uchaf mewn meysydd y mae cryn alw amdanynt fel cyfrifeg, rheolaeth a marchnata.

Yn ogystal, bydd y cyfleuster newydd yn cynnig dewis helaeth o brentisiaethau a chyrsiau byr, gan sicrhau ystod gynhwysfawr o gyfleoedd dysgu ar gyfer unigolion sydd â'u bryd ar fynd i feysydd proffesiynol.

Bydd arbenigwyr ar gael ar y safle newydd i roi cyngor uniongyrchol i fusnesau lleol, gan feithrin cysylltiadau pellach â chyflogwyr sydd wedi'u lleoli yn y parc busnes ac ym mhob cwr o Sir Ddinbych.

Meddai Paul Bevan, sy'n Uwch Gyfarwyddwr yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai,

“Mae ein lleoliad newydd yn gam ymlaen i ni yng ngogledd Cymru, ac yn dwyn ynghyd yr holl waith rydym ni eisoes yn ei wneud gyda chyflogwyr a chreu llwyfan i ni allu cynnig cefnogaeth a hyfforddiant pellach i fusnesau ar draws y rhanbarth.

“Rydym hefyd yn edrych ymlaen at ehangu darpariaeth yr Academi Ddigidol Werdd yng ngogledd Cymru, gan helpu busnesau bach i leihau eu hôl-troed carbon a gwella eu sgiliau digidol.”

Meddai Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai,

“Rydym yn falch iawn ein bod yn ehangu cyrhaeddiad Busnes@LlandrilloMenai ac edrychwn ymlaen at gynnig ystod eang o wasanaethau hyfforddi a chefnogi sydd wedi cael eu teilwra'n benodol i ddiwallu anghenion busnesau lleol, ac i roi'r gallu iddynt ffynnu yn y byd cystadleuol sydd ohoni.

“Mae'r datblygiad, sy'n dilyn buddsoddiad o £12 miliwn yn y Ganolfan Beirianneg newydd ar ein campws yn y Rhyl, yn gam sylweddol ymlaen tuag at wella dyfodol pobl yn Sir Ddinbych a rhoi i dwf economaidd yn yr ardal.”

Ychwanegodd Jason McLellan, Arweinydd Cyngor Sir Ddinbych,

“Rydym yn falch iawn fod Busnes@LlandrilloMenai wedi penderfynu buddsoddi yn Sir Ddinbych ac mae'n gyfle gwych i'n cyflogwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau a'u sylfaen wybodaeth.”

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Busnes@ a'i wasanaethau, cliciwch yma.

I gael gwybod rhagor am yr Academi Ddigidol Werdd, cliciwch yma.

The newly acquired premises is located in a convenient and well connected location on St Asaph Business Park, alongside many of the businesses the centre will support. Refurbishment work is to begin shortly, with the facility expected to be open in early 2024.

In addition to its purpose-designed location in Parc Menai, Bangor, which opened its doors in 2021, Busnes@LlandrilloMenai’s new professional learning environment will meet the growing demand for professional and work-based learning training across North Wales with sector leading training and courses in highly sought-after subjects such as accountancy, management, and marketing.

The new facility will also offer an extensive selection of apprenticeships and short courses, ensuring a comprehensive range of learning opportunities for aspiring professionals in the region.

Dedicated experts based within the new site will also be on hand to directly support local businesses, building further links to employers based on the business park and throughout Denbighshire.

Paul Bevan, Executive Director at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“Our new location is a step forward in our work across North -Wales, bringing together all of the work we currently do with employers and creating a platform for us to further support and train businesses across the region”.

“We’re also looking forward to being able to broaden the delivery of our Green Digital Academy programme to North Wales, helping small businesses to reduce their carbon footprints and improve their digital skills”

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“We are delighted to be widening Busnes@LlandrilloMenai’s reach, and look forward to delivering a wide range of training and support tailored to the needs of local business, empowering them to thrive in today’s competitive landscape”

“This expansion, which follows the £12 million investment in the new Engineering Centre on our Rhyl campus, marks a significant step towards improving people’s futures in Denbighshire and driving economic growth in the region”.

Cllr Jason McLellan, Leader of Denbighshire County Council, added,

“We are very pleased that Busnes@LlandrilloMenai has decided to invest in Denbighshire and see this as a brilliant opportunity for our employers to develop their skills and knowledge base”.

To find out more about Busnes@ and its services, please click here.

To find out more about the Green Digital Academy, please click here.


The newly acquired premises is located in a convenient and well connected location on St Asaph Business Park, alongside many of the businesses the centre will support. Refurbishment work is to begin shortly, with the facility expected to be open in early 2024.

In addition to its purpose-designed location in Parc Menai, Bangor, which opened its doors in 2021, Busnes@LlandrilloMenai’s new professional learning environment will meet the growing demand for professional and work-based learning training across North Wales with sector leading training and courses in highly sought-after subjects such as accountancy, management, and marketing.

The new facility will also offer an extensive selection of apprenticeships and short courses, ensuring a comprehensive range of learning opportunities for aspiring professionals in the region.

Dedicated experts based within the new site will also be on hand to directly support local businesses, building further links to employers based on the business park and throughout Denbighshire.

Paul Bevan, Executive Director at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“Our new location is a step forward in our work across North -Wales, bringing together all of the work we currently do with employers and creating a platform for us to further support and train businesses across the region”.

“We’re also looking forward to being able to broaden the delivery of our Green Digital Academy programme to North Wales, helping small businesses to reduce their carbon footprints and improve their digital skills”

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“We are delighted to be widening Busnes@LlandrilloMenai’s reach, and look forward to delivering a wide range of training and support tailored to the needs of local business, empowering them to thrive in today’s competitive landscape”

“This expansion, which follows the £12 million investment in the new Engineering Centre on our Rhyl campus, marks a significant step towards improving people’s futures in Denbighshire and driving economic growth in the region”.

Cllr Jason McLellan, Leader of Denbighshire County Council, added,

“We are very pleased that Busnes@LlandrilloMenai has decided to invest in Denbighshire and see this as a brilliant opportunity for our employers to develop their skills and knowledge base”.

To find out more about Busnes@ and its services, please click here.

To find out more about the Green Digital Academy, please click here.


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