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Lansio Cyfleuster Llyfrgell+ Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Mewn ymgais i gynnig cyfleusterau Llyfrgell+ gorau Cymru yn y coleg, mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai wedi lansio gwasanaeth newydd ledled ei gampysau yn ddiweddar.

Mae Llyfrgell+ yn wahanol iawn i lyfrgell dawel draddodiadol, mae'n lleoliad dysgu bywiog lle gall myfyrwyr astudio, meddwl a chreu mewn amgylchedd hamddenol a chroesawgar.

Mewn partneriaeth ar y cyd rhwng y Gwasanaethau Llyfrgell, Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr a'r Tîm Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol, mae’r cyfleusterau Llyfrgell+ newydd yn cynnig ystod eang o wasanaethau, cefnogaeth ac adnoddau i ddysgwyr.

Mae pob canolfan Llyfrgell+ ledled y Grŵp yn cynnig ystod eang o ddeunyddiau i gefnogi myfyrwyr gyda'u hastudiaethau, gan gynnwys dros 70,000 o lyfrau a chyfnodolion. Mae mynediad hefyd i gronfeydd data ar-lein arbenigol gan gynnwys ystod eang o lwyfannau e-lyfrau ac e-gyfnodolion ar gael yn rhwydd.

Gall dysgwyr elwa drwy gael mynediad am ddim i WiFi a defnyddio offer dysgu digidol fel Pensetiau Rhithwir. Gall myfyrwyr cymwys hefyd fenthyg dyfais Google Chromebook am ddim i'w cefnogi a’u hastudiaethau.

Mae amrywiaeth o fannau astudio ar gyfer astudio unigol neu grŵp wedi cael eu gosod, gan gynnwys mannau tawel, a gâi hefyd eu defnyddio gan y tîm Mentora Awtistiaeth i gefnogi dysgwyr.

Mae staff profiadol hefyd wrth law i gefnogi myfyrwyr gyda sgiliau astudio, ac i gynnig cymorth gydag aseiniadau a pharatoi ar gyfer arholiadau. Yn ogystal ag ystod o adnoddau i gefnogi datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus gan gynnwys sgiliau cyflogadwyedd a gwybodaeth gyrfa.

Dywedodd Angharad Roberts, Cyfarwyddwr, Datblygu Dwyieithrwydd, Adnoddau Dysgu a Sgiliau:

"Rydym yn falch iawn o allu buddsoddi mewn cyfleusterau llyfrgell modern a fydd yn galluogi myfyrwyr i gael y gorau o’u profiad yn y coleg.

"Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn awyddus i fod ar flaen y gad o ran gwasanaethau llyfrgell a chymorth i fyfyrwyr, ac edrychwn ymlaen at ddatblygu ein cyfleusterau hyd yn oed ymhellach yn y dyfodol agos”.

Far from being a traditional silent library, LibraryPlus is a vibrant learning location where students can study, think and create in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

In a joint partnership between Library Services, Learner Services and the Additional Learning Needs Team, the new LibraryPlus facilities will offer a vast range of facilities, support and resources to learners.

Each LibraryPlus centre across the Grŵp offers a wide range of materials to support students with their studies, including over 70,000 books and journals. Access to specialist online databases including a wide range of e-book and e-journal platforms are also readily available.

Learners will benefit from free WiFi access, and digital learning equipment such as Virtual-Reality headsets. Eligible students will be able to loan a Google Chromebook device for free to support their studies, too.

A variety of study spaces for individual or group study have been installed, including quiet spaces, which will also be utilised by the Autism Mentoring team to support learners.

Experienced staff will also be on hand to support students with study skills, and for help with assignments and examinations preparations. A range of resources to support continued professional development including employability skills and career information.

Angharad Roberts, Director of Bilingual Development, Learning Resources and Skills, said,

“We’re really pleased to be able to invest in modern library facilities, which will enable students to get the very most out of their college experience”.

“Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is eager to be at the forefront of library services and student support, and we look forward to developing our facilities even further in the near future”.

Far from being a traditional silent library, LibraryPlus is a vibrant learning location where students can study, think and create in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

In a joint partnership between Library Services, Learner Services and the Additional Learning Needs Team, the new LibraryPlus facilities will offer a vast range of facilities, support and resources to learners.

Each LibraryPlus centre across the Grŵp offers a wide range of materials to support students with their studies, including over 70,000 books and journals. Access to specialist online databases including a wide range of e-book and e-journal platforms are also readily available.

Learners will benefit from free WiFi access, and digital learning equipment such as Virtual-Reality headsets. Eligible students will be able to loan a Google Chromebook device for free to support their studies, too.

A variety of study spaces for individual or group study have been installed, including quiet spaces, which will also be utilised by the Autism Mentoring team to support learners.

Experienced staff will also be on hand to support students with study skills, and for help with assignments and examinations preparations. A range of resources to support continued professional development including employability skills and career information.

Angharad Roberts, Director of Bilingual Development, Learning Resources and Skills, said,

“We’re really pleased to be able to invest in modern library facilities, which will enable students to get the very most out of their college experience”.

“Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is eager to be at the forefront of library services and student support, and we look forward to developing our facilities even further in the near future”.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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