Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

⁠Staff Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn Codi Dros £1,500 ar gyfer Hosbis Dewi Sant

Ddydd Llun, Gorffennaf 3ydd, cynhaliodd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ei Ddiwrnod Cymunedol a Gwirfoddoli blynyddol, sy’n rhoi cyfle i staff gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau codi arian, ymarferion adeiladu tîm, a chyfleoedd gwirfoddoli.

Er gwaethaf y glaw a’r tywydd gwael, ymgymerodd 5 aelod o staff â’r dasg enfawr o feicio i ac o’r mwyafrif o gampysau coleg y grŵp mewn un diwrnod.

Gan gychwyn o gampws Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor Dolgellau am 7am, gwnaethant eu ffordd i gampysau Pwllheli, Glynllifon, Bangor, Llangefni, a Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, gan gyrraedd y Rhyl o'r diwedd am 6.43pm. ⁠Ymunodd aelodau eraill o staff â nhw am ran o’u taith, a chyfarchwyd y beicwyr ar bob campws gyda lluniaeth a geiriau o anogaeth.

Cymerodd dros 200 o aelodau eraill o staff ran mewn teithiau cerdded noddedig rhwng campysau’r coleg, gyda thros 50 yn cymryd rhan yn y daith gerdded o Landrillo-yn-Rhos i’r Rhyl.

Mewn mannau eraill, bu staff yn ymwneud â chasglu sbwriel mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau, o draethau Dinas Dinlle, Llanddwyn a Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, i Lyn Padarn yn Llanberis.

Bu eraill yn ymweld ag elusennau a sefydliadau lleol i wirfoddoli – megis rhai aelodau o dîm Busnes@Llandrillo Menai – a dreuliodd y diwrnod yn helpu ym Mhartneriaeth Ogwen, menter gymunedol yn Nyffryn Ogwen.

Aeth Adran Peirianneg ac Adeiladu Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor i ymweld â chyfleuster Boston Lodge Rheilffordd Ffestiniog, lle buont yn gwneud gwaith cynnal a chadw ac atgyweirio.

Bu staff y Ganolfan Technoleg Bwyd yn Llangefni yn ymwneud â chasglu sbwriel, clirio llwybrau troed, tocio llwyni, codi chwyn a gwagio biniau ailgylchu ym Mharc Gwledig Morglawdd Caergybi.

Eifion Owen, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor, fu’n gyfrifol am drefnu'r her feicio o Ddolgellau i’r Rhyl, a bu'n ddigon dewr i gymryd rhan ynddi hefyd. Eglurodd,

“Aeth y daith feicio 122 milltir â ni i’r rhan fwyaf o gampysau coleg y grŵp ar draws pedair o siroedd Gogledd Cymru. Cawsom dywydd o'r pedwar tymor hefyd - gan gynnwys tymor y monsŵn ym Mhentrefelin ger Cricieth!”

⁠“Fe wnaethon ni stopio wrth siop Hosbis Dewi Sant ym Mhwllheli i gwrdd â’r tîm gwirfoddoli gwych yno. Mae wedi bod yn bleser codi arian tuag at elusen leol sydd wedi cefnogi cymaint o bobl yma yng Ngogledd Cymru. Mae eu staff ymroddedig a thosturiol yn gwneud gwaith gwych pan fo pobl eu hangen fwyaf."

Bu Moya Seaman, Rheolwr Sgiliau Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, yn cymryd rhan yn y daith gerdded o Landrillo-yn-Rhos i’r Rhyl, meddai,

“Cerddais gyda phump neu chwe grŵp gwahanol tra ar y daith gerdded, roedd yn wych sgwrsio â phobl nad ydw i fel arfer yn gweithio gyda nhw nac yn eu gweld yn aml iawn. Mae’r Diwrnod Cymunedol a Gwirfoddoli yn gyfle gwych i gymdeithasu a chodi arian at achos da ar yr un pryd.”

Mae tudalen rhoddion JustGiving yn parhau ar agor am ychydig eto, cliciwch yma i gyfrannu.

Despite the rain and poor weather, 5 members of staff took on the gruelling task of cycling to and from the majority of the college group’s campuses in just one day.

Setting off from Dolgellau’s Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor campus at 7am, they made their way to the Pwllheli, Glynllifon, Bangor, Llangefni, Rhos-on-Sea campuses, finally arriving at Rhyl at 6.43pm. Other staff members joined them for part of their journey, and the cyclists were greeted at each campus with refreshments and words of encouragement.

Over 200 other members of staff took part in sponsored walks between college campuses, with over 50 taking part in the walk from Rhos-on-Sea to Rhyl.

Elsewhere, staff got involved in litter picking in a variety of locations, from the beaches of Dinas Dinlle, Llanddwyn and Rhos-on-Sea, to Llyn Padarn in Llanberis.

Others visited local charities and organisations to volunteer - such as some members of the Busnes@Llandrillo Menai team - who spent the day helping out at ‘Partneriaeth Ogwen’, a social enterprise based in Dyffryn Ogwen.

The Engineering and Construction Department at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor visited Ffestiniog Railway’s Boston Lodge facility, where they got hands on with maintenance and repair work.

Staff based within the Food Technology Centre in Llangefni got involved in litter picking, clearing footpaths, trimming bushes,digging up weeds and emptying recycle bins at Holyhead Breakwater Country Park.

Eifion Owen, Programme Area Manager at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, organised and took part in the cycle challenge from Dolgellau to Rhyl. He explained,

“The 122 mile cycle ride took us to most of the group’s college campuses spread across 4 North Wales counties. We encountered what felt like 4 seasons of weather too - including the monsoon-like season in Pentrefelin near Cricieth!”

“We stopped by the St David's Hospice shop in Pwllheli to meet the fantastic volunteering team there. It’s been a pleasure raising money for a local North Wales charity who have supported so many local people. Their dedicated and compassionate staff do a fantastic job when people need them most".

Moya Seaman, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Skills Manager, took part in the walk from Rhos-on-Sea to Rhyl, she said,

“I walked with five or six different groups whilst on the walk, it was really great to chat with people I don’t normally work with or see very often. The Community and Volunteering Day is a fantastic opportunity to catch up and raise money for a great cause at the same time.”

The JustGiving Donation page remains open for a little while longer, please click here to donate.

Despite the rain and poor weather, 5 members of staff took on the gruelling task of cycling to and from the majority of the college group’s campuses in just one day.

Setting off from Dolgellau’s Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor campus at 7am, they made their way to the Pwllheli, Glynllifon, Bangor, Llangefni, Rhos-on-Sea campuses, finally arriving at Rhyl at 6.43pm. Other staff members joined them for part of their journey, and the cyclists were greeted at each campus with refreshments and words of encouragement.

Over 200 other members of staff took part in sponsored walks between college campuses, with over 50 taking part in the walk from Rhos-on-Sea to Rhyl.

Elsewhere, staff got involved in litter picking in a variety of locations, from the beaches of Dinas Dinlle, Llanddwyn and Rhos-on-Sea, to Llyn Padarn in Llanberis.

Others visited local charities and organisations to volunteer - such as some members of the Busnes@Llandrillo Menai team - who spent the day helping out at ‘Partneriaeth Ogwen’, a social enterprise based in Dyffryn Ogwen.

The Engineering and Construction Department at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor visited Ffestiniog Railway’s Boston Lodge facility, where they got hands on with maintenance and repair work.

Staff based within the Food Technology Centre in Llangefni got involved in litter picking, clearing footpaths, trimming bushes,digging up weeds and emptying recycle bins at Holyhead Breakwater Country Park.

Eifion Owen, Programme Area Manager at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, organised and took part in the cycle challenge from Dolgellau to Rhyl. He explained,

“The 122 mile cycle ride took us to most of the group’s college campuses spread across 4 North Wales counties. We encountered what felt like 4 seasons of weather too - including the monsoon-like season in Pentrefelin near Cricieth!”

“We stopped by the St David's Hospice shop in Pwllheli to meet the fantastic volunteering team there. It’s been a pleasure raising money for a local North Wales charity who have supported so many local people. Their dedicated and compassionate staff do a fantastic job when people need them most".

Moya Seaman, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Skills Manager, took part in the walk from Rhos-on-Sea to Rhyl, she said,

“I walked with five or six different groups whilst on the walk, it was really great to chat with people I don’t normally work with or see very often. The Community and Volunteering Day is a fantastic opportunity to catch up and raise money for a great cause at the same time.”

The JustGiving Donation page remains open for a little while longer, please click here to donate.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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