Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai – Y Dewis Gorau ar gyfer Llwyddo yn eich Arholiadau Lefel A

Hoffech chi gael dewis o blith bron i 40 o bynciau Lefel A yn sefydliad addysg bellach mwyaf Cymru, lle mae'r canlyniadau bob blwyddyn yn well na'r cyfartaledd cenedlaethol? Yna, rydych wedi dod i'r lle iawn!

Mae'r broses ymgeisio ar gyfer Medi 2021 yng nghanolfannau chweched dosbarth ein tri choleg - Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor a Choleg Menai - yn awr wedi agor ac rydym yn annog darpar fyfyrwyr i ymgeisio'n fuan gan fod y cyrsiau'n llenwi'n gyflym.

Mae'n anodd i ddisgyblion sydd ym mlwyddyn 11 ar hyn o bryd benderfynu beth i'w wneud ar ôl sefyll eu harholiadau TGAU a bydd llawer yn mynd am y dewis hawsaf, sef aros yn yr ysgol. Ond, beth os ydych yn amau eich penderfyniad i fynd i'r chweched dosbarth?

Mae ein myfyrwyr Lefel A yn dweud wrthym eu bod yn cael manteision mawr o astudio gyda ni: gwell dewis - o ran pynciau Lefel A/AS yn unig, gallwch ddewis o blith bron i 40 pwnc gwahanol; gwell cefnogaeth - gan Diwtoriaid Personol, y Tîm Cymorth Dysgu, Cynghorwyr Myfyrwyr ac Anogwyr Dysgu; mwy o annibyniaeth - cewch eich trin fel oedolyn yn y coleg, a bydd y sgiliau a ddysgwch, fel sgiliau cyfathrebu, sgiliau rheoli amser, sgiliau gwaith tîm, sgiliau cymdeithasol a phrofiad gwaith, yn eich gwneud yn fwy cyflogadwy a pharod i ymgodymu â byd gwaith neu addysg uwch. Llawn cyn bwysiced yw'r cyfleoedd cymdeithasol a gewch - mae oddeutu 21,000 o fyfyrwyr yn astudio ar ein campysau, felly os dewiswch astudio gyda ni, mae siawns dda y byddwch yn cyfarfod llawer o bobl wahanol a diddorol... a gwneud ffrindiau am oes!

Yn bennaf oll, os dewiswch astudio yn un o'n canolfannau chweched dosbarth, byddwch yn gadael gyda chymwysterau cydnabyddedig a fydd yn eich galluogi i gael y swydd neu'r brentisiaeth yr ydych wedi rhoi'ch bryd arni neu i gael lle mewn prifysgol o'ch dewis.

Y llynedd, er gwaethaf y pandemig, profodd myfyrwyr ein colegau lwyddiannau niferus. Ymysg y rhai oedd yn dathlu oedd Sohaib Hassan, myfyriwr 19 oed o Goleg y Rhyl, a gafodd A* mewn Hanes ar ôl astudio'r cwrs Lefel A llawn am flwyddyn yn unig! Roedd y Lefel A hon yn ychwanegiad i'r canlyniadau rhagorol roedd eisoes wedi'u cael yn yr ysgol (graddau A ac A*), ac fe'i galluogodd i dderbyn cynnig diamod i astudio Iaith a Llenyddiaeth Saesneg ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen.

Ar gampws Coleg Menai ym Mangor, derbyniodd Isobel Marshall-Andrews, sy'n ugain oed ac yn dod o Langaffo ar Ynys Môn, ganlyniadau rhagorol, sef A* mewn Bioleg, A* mewn Cemeg, A mewn Ffiseg ac A* ym Magloriaeth Cymru ac mae hi bellach yn astudio Gwyddor Planhigion ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield. Ar gampws Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor ym Mhwllheli cafodd Lleucu Lane o Garndolbenmaen A* mewn Mathemateg, ac A mewn Bioleg a Chemeg, a galluogodd hyn hi i fynd ymlaen i Brifysgol Caerdydd i astudio Meddygaeth.

Felly peidiwch â cholli cyfle i greu eich llwyddiant eich hun; ewch ati heddiw i wneud cais drwy'r tudalennau cyrsiau ar ein gwefan, neu anfonwch neges e-bost i: Gallwch hefyd gysylltu â'r llinell cyngor ar gyrsiau ar 01492 542 338 yn achos Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 yn achos Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, a 01248 383 333 yn achos Coleg Menai.

Our A-level application system for the new term in September 2021 is now open for sixth form centres across our three colleges - Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Coleg Menai - and we urge prospective students to apply early as places fill up quickly!

For those of you currently in Year 11, deciding what to do after your GCSEs is difficult, and many students go with the simplest option, which is to stay in school. But, what if you're having doubts about your decision to go to sixth form?

Our A-level students tell us that they find huge benefits in studying with us: more choice - at AS/A Level alone, you can choose from nearly 40 different subjects; more support - Personal Tutors, a Learning Support Team, Student Advisors and Learning Coaches are all easily accessible; more independence - you'll be treated like an adult at college, and the skills you develop, such as communication, time management, teamwork, social skills and work experience, will make you more employable and prepared for the world of work or higher education. Last but not least, more social opportunities - over 20,000 students study across our campuses, so chances are that you'll meet many different and interesting people if you study with us…some of whom might turn out to be friends for life!

What's more, if you choose to study at one of our sixth form centres, you will leave with recognised qualifications that will significantly help get you the job, apprenticeship or university place that you really want!

Last year, despite the pandemic, there were numerous success stories across our colleges. Amongst those celebrating was 19-year-old Coleg Llandrillo Rhyl Sixth student, Sohaib Hassan, who gained an A* in History after studying for the full A-level in only 12 months. This additional A-level completed his already impressive suite of A-levels studied previously (A and A* grades), enabling him to accept an unconditional offer from Oxford University to read English Literature and Language.

Also, Isobel Marshall-Andrews from Llangaffo, Anglesey is now studying Plant Science at Sheffield University after gaining an outstanding A* in Biology, A* in Chemistry, A in Physics and A* in the Welsh Baccalaureate at Coleg Menai's Bangor campus. At Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor's Pwllheli campus, Lleucu Lane from Garndolbenmaen, is at Cardiff University studying Medicine after achieving an A* in Maths, an A in Biology and an A in Chemistry.

So don't miss out on creating your own success story; apply directly through our course pages on our website today, email us at: or contact the course advice lines on 01492 542 338 for Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, and 01248 383 333 for Coleg Menai.

Our A-level application system for the new term in September 2021 is now open for sixth form centres across our three colleges - Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Coleg Menai - and we urge prospective students to apply early as places fill up quickly!

For those of you currently in Year 11, deciding what to do after your GCSEs is difficult, and many students go with the simplest option, which is to stay in school. But, what if you're having doubts about your decision to go to sixth form?

Our A-level students tell us that they find huge benefits in studying with us: more choice - at AS/A Level alone, you can choose from nearly 40 different subjects; more support - Personal Tutors, a Learning Support Team, Student Advisors and Learning Coaches are all easily accessible; more independence - you'll be treated like an adult at college, and the skills you develop, such as communication, time management, teamwork, social skills and work experience, will make you more employable and prepared for the world of work or higher education. Last but not least, more social opportunities - over 20,000 students study across our campuses, so chances are that you'll meet many different and interesting people if you study with us…some of whom might turn out to be friends for life!

What's more, if you choose to study at one of our sixth form centres, you will leave with recognised qualifications that will significantly help get you the job, apprenticeship or university place that you really want!

Last year, despite the pandemic, there were numerous success stories across our colleges. Amongst those celebrating was 19-year-old Coleg Llandrillo Rhyl Sixth student, Sohaib Hassan, who gained an A* in History after studying for the full A-level in only 12 months. This additional A-level completed his already impressive suite of A-levels studied previously (A and A* grades), enabling him to accept an unconditional offer from Oxford University to read English Literature and Language.

Also, Isobel Marshall-Andrews from Llangaffo, Anglesey is now studying Plant Science at Sheffield University after gaining an outstanding A* in Biology, A* in Chemistry, A in Physics and A* in the Welsh Baccalaureate at Coleg Menai's Bangor campus. At Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor's Pwllheli campus, Lleucu Lane from Garndolbenmaen, is at Cardiff University studying Medicine after achieving an A* in Maths, an A in Biology and an A in Chemistry.

So don't miss out on creating your own success story; apply directly through our course pages on our website today, email us at: or contact the course advice lines on 01492 542 338 for Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, and 01248 383 333 for Coleg Menai.

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