Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Y canlyniadau yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai'n well nag erioed er gwaethaf COVID-19

Unwaith eto eleni mae dysgwyr Lefel A Grŵp Llandrillo Menai'n dathlu wedi iddynt dderbyn canlyniadau Lefel A a Lefel AS rhagorol. Mae'r gyfradd lwyddo wedi cynyddu 1% i 99%, ac mae 50% o'r dysgwyr, mwy nag erioed o'r blaen, wedi llwyddo i gael graddau A* ac A. Rydym wrth ein bodd hefyd gyda'r cynnydd o 2% yn nifer y dysgwyr a enillodd raddau A*-C, a'r gyfradd lwyddo o 100% a gyflawnwyd mewn 148 pwnc ar draws yr holl gampysau.

Hoffem hefyd longyfarch ein dysgwyr Galwedigaethol a fydd yn derbyn eu canlyniadau heddiw, ac rydym yn hynod falch bod cynifer ohonynt wedi ennill y graddau uchaf posibl sef Rhagoriaeth neu Ragoriaeth*.

Mae'r canlyniadau hyn yn dangos llwyddiant academaidd a chyflawniad personol rhagorol a byddant yn galluogi ein dysgwyr i symud ymlaen i Brifysgol, Cwrs Prentisiaeth neu Gyflogaeth.

Rhagor o wybodaeth am ddosbarth 2021:

Coleg Menai

Ymysg y rhai oedd yn dathlu oedd Alis Francis o Gaernarfon a gafodd A* mewn Bioleg yng Ngholeg Menai ac sydd wedi sicrhau lle i astudio Daearyddiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt.

Meddai Alis: "Mae fy nghyfnod yng Ngholeg Menai wedi bod yn gam perffaith rhwng yr ysgol a'r brifysgol. Roedd ansawdd yr addysgu, ynghyd a'r amgylchedd croesawgar, yn fy ysgogi i astudio ac ennill y radd oedd ei hangen arnaf i fynd i'r brifysgol a ddewisais."

Roedd Ella Burrows ar ben ei digon ar ôl cael A* mewn Saesneg, A* ym Magloriaeth Cymru a gradd Ragoriaeth yn y Gyfraith* ar gampws y coleg ym Mangor a bydd yn mynd ymlaen fis Medi i astudio'r Gyfraith ym Mhrifysgol Bangor. Meddai: "Mae'r coleg wedi fy helpu i wella fy hun. Pan ddechreuais yn y coleg ro'n i'n ddihyder iawn – ond erbyn hyn rydw i'n teimlo'n ddigon hyderus i wynebu unrhyw beth mewn bywyd!"

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor

Llwyddodd Holly Wyn Edwards o Aberdyfi, a oedd yn astudio ar gampws Dolgellau, i gael 4 gradd A* a 1 gradd A: Bioleg, Cemeg, Addysg Gorfforol, Bagloriaeth Cymru a Daearyddiaeth. Meddai Holly: "Diolch i holl staff y coleg am eu cefnogaeth; mae'r profiad wedi bod yn anhygoel. Byddaf yn cymryd blwyddyn i ffwrdd i helpu mewn ysgol gynradd leol cyn ailddechrau astudio'r flwyddyn nesaf."

Cafodd yr efeilliaid unfath, Mia a Beca Owen o'r Ffôr ger Pwllheli'r un graddau Lefel A yn union a hynny yn yr un pynciau, ac maen nhw hefyd wedi cael cynnig lle i astudio yn yr un brifysgol! Cafodd y ddwy 2 A a B mewn Busnes, Cymdeithaseg a Seicoleg a chyn hir byddant yn mynd ymlaen i brifysgol John Moores, ond nid i ddilyn yr un cyrsiau gradd: bydd Mia'n astudio Troseddeg a Beca'n astudio Seicoleg.

Cafodd Anna Griffith o Gricieth, a oedd hefyd yn astudio ar gampws Pwllheli, A* yn y Gyfraith, A* yn Hanes, A yn Saesneg ac A ym Magloriaeth Cymru. Bydd yn mynd i Brifysgol Aberystwyth yn yr hydref i astudio'r Gyfraith. Dywedodd: "Roedd dysgu mewn ffordd rithwir a dilyn ein hamserlen arferol drwy Google Meet yn gweithio'n dda. Rydw i'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r coleg am sicrhau bod ein haddysg wedi parhau dros y cyfnodau clo."

Coleg Llandrillo

Derbyniodd seren rygbi'r coleg Christian Hone o Dreffynnon radd A mewn Hanes, B mewn Bioleg, a B mewn Cemeg. Yn ogystal ag ennill lle i astudio ar gyfer gradd mewn Bancio a Chyllid ym Mhrifysgol Bangor, mae Christian hefyd wedi derbyn lle mewn academi rygbi enwog!

"Mae'r tiwtoriaid yn gwneud gwersi yn ddiddorol ac mae ganddyn nhw wybodaeth gefndir ddefnyddiol o amgylch cynnwys y cwrs a helpodd fi i weld cyd-destun byd go iawn yr hyn yr oeddem ni'n ei astudio."

Llwyddodd Ellis Payne o'r Rhyl i gael 3 gradd A* mewn Mathemateg, Cemeg a Bioleg, yn ogystal â sicrhau cymhwyster Bagloriaeth Cymru. Yn sgil ei raddau gwych, mae wedi cael lle i ddilyn cwrs gradd mewn Peirianneg Fecanyddol ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield, a'i obaith yw mynd ymlaen wedyn i astudio am radd Meistr. Roedd Ellis wrth ei fodd ac meddai: "Roedd yn amlwg bod gan yr athrawon ddiddordeb gwirioneddol yn eu pynciau; roedden nhw'n sôn am y datblygiadau oedd wedi bod yn ein dealltwriaeth o'r meysydd dan sylw ers iddyn nhw fod yn y brifysgol, ac am y cylchgronau gwyddonol roedden nhw'n eu darllen. Roedd maint Chweched y Rhyl yn cyfrannu at yr amgylchedd cyfeillgar, ac yn ei gwneud hi'n haws symud yno o'r ysgol uwchradd."

Mae gan Charlotte Bradley, sy'n 20 oed ac yn dod o Gyffordd Llandudno ddau achos i ddathlu eleni gan ei bod newydd gael babi ac wedi llwyddo i gael A mewn Llenyddiaeth Saesneg, B mewn Seicoleg, B mewn Cymdeithaseg, yn ogystal â chymhwyster Bagloriaeth Cymru a lefel AS mewn Cymraeg. Bydd yn dechrau astudio Cymdeithaseg a Throseddeg gyda'r Brifysgol Agored fis Hydref er mwyn iddi allu treulio amser gyda'i babi newydd yn ogystal â dilyn cwrs gradd.

Dywedodd: "Roedd yn anodd ar y dechrau gan fod yr hyn oedd yn digwydd gartref ac yn fy mywyd personol yn tarfu weithiau ar fy astudiaethau. Ond, helpodd fy nhiwtoriaid a'm darlithwyr fi drwy'r amseroedd caled gan wneud i mi gredu ynof fy hun a chael graddau gwell na faswn i erioed wedi'u disgwyl. Ar ôl gorffen fy nghwrs gradd, dw i'n gobeithio dilyn cwrs ymarfer dysgu mewn pwnc y dechreuais ymddiddori ynddo yn y coleg."

Wrth bwyso a mesur y canlyniadau a gafwyd eleni, dywedodd Prif Weithredwr y Grŵp, Dafydd Evans: "Llongyfarchiadau i'r holl ddysgwyr a dderbyniodd eu canlyniadau heddiw. Mae'r rhain yn ganlyniadau rhagorol, er bod y flwyddyn academaidd wedi bod yn un heriol iawn. Rydym yn eithriadol falch o lwyddiant dysgwyr ein holl gyrsiau Lefel A a chyrsiau Galwedigaethol ac o'r penderfyniad a'r gwytnwch a ddangoswyd ganddynt. Hoffwn ddymuno pob llwyddiant i'n holl ddysgwyr yn y dyfodol."

We would also like to congratulate our vocational learners who will be receiving their results today and we are delighted that many have achieved the highest Distinction or Distinction* grade.

These results show outstanding academic success and personal achievement and will enable our learners to take their next step to university, apprenticeships or employment.

Hear more about the class of 2021:

Coleg Menai

Amongst those celebrating was Alis Francis from Caernarfon, who achieved an A* in her Biology A-Level at Coleg Menai and has now secured a place to study Geography at Cambridge University in September.

Alis said: “My time at Coleg Menai has been the perfect stepping stone between school and university. The quality of teaching, together with the welcoming environment, has helped elevate my studies and allowed me to achieve the grade needed to get into my chosen university.”

A delighted Ella Burrows, who achieved A* in English, A* in Welsh Baccalaureate, and Distinction* in Law at the college’s Bangor campus, will be studying Law at Bangor University in September. She said: “College helped me to become the best version of myself, when I first started college I lacked confidence - but now I have the confidence to tackle all that life throws at me!”

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor

Holly Wyn Edwards from Aberdyfi, who has been studying at the Dolgellau campus, achieved a remarkable 4 A* and 1 A grades: Biology, Chemistry, Physical Education, Welsh Baccalaureate and Geography. Holly said: “Thanks to all the staff at college for their support; the experience was really amazing. I will be taking a gap year to help out in a local primary school before going back to study next year.”

Identical twins Mia and Beca Owen from Y Ffor, Pwllheli - who achieved the same A-level grades in the same subjects - won’t be separated on their university adventures either, after both of them were offered places at the same university! Both of the twins were each awarded 2 As and a B in Business, Sociology and Psychology and will soon be off to study for their degrees at John Moores’ University. The only difference will be the subject studied: Mia will be studying Criminology and Beca will be studying Psychology.

Anna Griffith from Criccieth, who also studied at the Pwllheli campus, achieved an A* for Law, an A* for History, an A for English and an A for the Welsh Baccalaureate. She will be going to study Law at Aberystwyth University in the autumn. She said: “It was a great feeling to learn in a virtual way, following our usual Google Meet schedule. I will be forever grateful to the college for ensuring our education during this lockdown period.”

Coleg Llandrillo

College rugby star Christian Hone from Holywell gained an A grade in History, a B in Biology, and a B in Chemistry. As well as gaining a place to study for a degree in Banking & Finance at Bangor University, sports-mad Christian has also gained a place in a renowned rugby team’s senior academy!

Christian said: “I joined Rhos Sixth in September 2019 to study for A-levels in History, Biology and Chemistry alongside the Coleg Llandrillo Rugby Academy, and I have just finished what has been a fantastic two years."

Ellis Payne from Rhyl achieved an impressive 3 A* grades in Maths, Chemistry, and Biology, as well gaining the Welsh Baccalaureate. His impressive grades acquired at the Rhyl Sixth have afforded him the opportunity to study for a degree at the University of Sheffield, and hopefully a Masters’ degree in Mechanical Engineering straight after. A delighted Ellis said: “It was obvious the teachers had a genuine passion for their subject: they talked about how the relevant topic had developed in understanding since their university days, and also mentioned recent scientific journals that they had been reading. The size of the sixth form at Rhyl College contributed a lot towards a friendly atmosphere, making it a comfortable transition from high school."

Charlotte Bradley, 20, from Llandudno Junction, has double cause for celebration this year, after juggling her A Level studies at the Rhos-on-Sea campus, with the birth of her new-born baby! Charlotte achieved an A in English Literature, a B in Psychology, a B in Sociology, an AS-level in Welsh and the Welsh Baccalaureate. She will be starting a Sociology and Criminology degree with the Open University in October so that she can spend time with her new-born, whilst still achieving her goals.

She said: “I struggled to find my feet to begin with as I had a lot of home / life issues that sometimes got in the way of my studies. However, with the support of my tutors and lecturers, helping me to believe in myself and helping me through some tough times, I managed to get grades that I’d only ever dreamed about and never thought I would achieve. After completing my degree, I then hope to complete a PGCE to start teaching a subject I discovered and fell in love with whilst in college.”

Reflecting on this year’s results, the Grŵp’s Chief Executive, Dafydd Evans, said: “Congratulations to all of our learners receiving their results today. These are exceptional results, despite a challenging academic year. We are extremely proud of the success of all of our A Level and Vocational learners and of the resilience and determination they have shown in achieving their goals. I would like to wish all of our learners continued success for the future.”

We would also like to congratulate our vocational learners who will be receiving their results today and we are delighted that many have achieved the highest Distinction or Distinction* grade.

These results show outstanding academic success and personal achievement and will enable our learners to take their next step to university, apprenticeships or employment.

Hear more about the class of 2021:

Coleg Menai

Amongst those celebrating was Alis Francis from Caernarfon, who achieved an A* in her Biology A-Level at Coleg Menai and has now secured a place to study Geography at Cambridge University in September.

Alis said: “My time at Coleg Menai has been the perfect stepping stone between school and university. The quality of teaching, together with the welcoming environment, has helped elevate my studies and allowed me to achieve the grade needed to get into my chosen university.”

A delighted Ella Burrows, who achieved A* in English, A* in Welsh Baccalaureate, and Distinction* in Law at the college’s Bangor campus, will be studying Law at Bangor University in September. She said: “College helped me to become the best version of myself, when I first started college I lacked confidence - but now I have the confidence to tackle all that life throws at me!”

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor

Holly Wyn Edwards from Aberdyfi, who has been studying at the Dolgellau campus, achieved a remarkable 4 A* and 1 A grades: Biology, Chemistry, Physical Education, Welsh Baccalaureate and Geography. Holly said: “Thanks to all the staff at college for their support; the experience was really amazing. I will be taking a gap year to help out in a local primary school before going back to study next year.”

Identical twins Mia and Beca Owen from Y Ffor, Pwllheli - who achieved the same A-level grades in the same subjects - won’t be separated on their university adventures either, after both of them were offered places at the same university! Both of the twins were each awarded 2 As and a B in Business, Sociology and Psychology and will soon be off to study for their degrees at John Moores’ University. The only difference will be the subject studied: Mia will be studying Criminology and Beca will be studying Psychology.

Anna Griffith from Criccieth, who also studied at the Pwllheli campus, achieved an A* for Law, an A* for History, an A for English and an A for the Welsh Baccalaureate. She will be going to study Law at Aberystwyth University in the autumn. She said: “It was a great feeling to learn in a virtual way, following our usual Google Meet schedule. I will be forever grateful to the college for ensuring our education during this lockdown period.”

Coleg Llandrillo

College rugby star Christian Hone from Holywell gained an A grade in History, a B in Biology, and a B in Chemistry. As well as gaining a place to study for a degree in Banking & Finance at Bangor University, sports-mad Christian has also gained a place in a renowned rugby team’s senior academy!

Christian said: “I joined Rhos Sixth in September 2019 to study for A-levels in History, Biology and Chemistry alongside the Coleg Llandrillo Rugby Academy, and I have just finished what has been a fantastic two years."

Ellis Payne from Rhyl achieved an impressive 3 A* grades in Maths, Chemistry, and Biology, as well gaining the Welsh Baccalaureate. His impressive grades acquired at the Rhyl Sixth have afforded him the opportunity to study for a degree at the University of Sheffield, and hopefully a Masters’ degree in Mechanical Engineering straight after. A delighted Ellis said: “It was obvious the teachers had a genuine passion for their subject: they talked about how the relevant topic had developed in understanding since their university days, and also mentioned recent scientific journals that they had been reading. The size of the sixth form at Rhyl College contributed a lot towards a friendly atmosphere, making it a comfortable transition from high school."

Charlotte Bradley, 20, from Llandudno Junction, has double cause for celebration this year, after juggling her A Level studies at the Rhos-on-Sea campus, with the birth of her new-born baby! Charlotte achieved an A in English Literature, a B in Psychology, a B in Sociology, an AS-level in Welsh and the Welsh Baccalaureate. She will be starting a Sociology and Criminology degree with the Open University in October so that she can spend time with her new-born, whilst still achieving her goals.

She said: “I struggled to find my feet to begin with as I had a lot of home / life issues that sometimes got in the way of my studies. However, with the support of my tutors and lecturers, helping me to believe in myself and helping me through some tough times, I managed to get grades that I’d only ever dreamed about and never thought I would achieve. After completing my degree, I then hope to complete a PGCE to start teaching a subject I discovered and fell in love with whilst in college.”

Reflecting on this year’s results, the Grŵp’s Chief Executive, Dafydd Evans, said: “Congratulations to all of our learners receiving their results today. These are exceptional results, despite a challenging academic year. We are extremely proud of the success of all of our A Level and Vocational learners and of the resilience and determination they have shown in achieving their goals. I would like to wish all of our learners continued success for the future.”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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