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Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn cyrraedd rhestr 100 Gweithle Mwyaf Cynhwysol

Mae'r Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Amrywiaeth wedi cynnwys Grŵp Llandrillo ar ei rhestr o 100 Gweithle Mwyaf Cynhwysol 2021.

Roedd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn safle rhif 88 yng Ngwobrau Blynyddol FREDIE (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement).

Meddai Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai:

"Rydym yn falch iawn ein bod wedi cael ein cydnabod fel gweithle cynhwysol, rydym yn ymfalchïo yn y ffaith bod ein cydweithwyr yn teimlo ein bod yn eu gwerthfawrogi ac yn eu parchu. Mae'r wobr yn brawf o'r gwaith caled rydym yn ei gyflawni fel tîm Grŵp Llandrillo Menai"

Dywedodd Solat Chaudhry, Prif Weithredwr y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Amrywiaeth:

"Rydw i'n llongyfarch Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ar gyrraedd rhif 88 yn rhestr 100 Gweithle Mwyaf Cynhwysol 2021. Mae hi wedi bod yn flwyddyn heriol ac eto nid yw hynny wedi meddu dim ar waith sefydliadau ac unigolion i hyrwyddo arfer gorau FREDIE.

"Roedd yn rhaid i ni gynnal y gwobrau hyn eleni. Doedd dim modd i ni anwybyddu ymdrech arbennig pawb. Hoffwn longyfarch pawb sy'n gweithio mor galed bob dydd i gynnal y safonau uchel hyn.

"Mae gwaith FREDIE yn golygu y gallwn ni adeiladu gwell cymdeithas, ac mae'r enillwyr yn cynrychioli'r gorau o nifer o sectorau gwahanol - y sector breifat, sector gyhoeddus, byd addysg ac elusennau."

Cyhoeddwyd Cynllun Gweithredu a Strategaeth Cydraddoldeb pum mlynedd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn 2019 ac mae'n fframwaith i hyrwyddo a chynnal amgylchedd cynhwysol sy'n cynnig cyfle i bawb gyflawni hyd eithaf eu gallu. Mae'r strategaeth yn gosod ein hamcanion yn glir:

  • Sicrhau cydraddoldeb gwirioneddol i bobl sy'n defnyddio ein gwasanaethau, unigolion sy'n chwilio am gyfleoedd gwaith a'r rhai sydd eisoes yn gweithio yn y coleg.
  • Cyflawni ein cyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol
  • Egluro ein cyfrifoldebau i bobl a nodi sut byddwn yn eu cyflawni
  • Dangos y cysylltiad rhwng ein hamcanion a'n blaenoriaethau cydraddoldeb ehangach.
  • Cynnig gwybodaeth am ein trefniadau monitro

Yn ystod 2019/20, gwnaeth y Grŵp gwaith sylweddol i unioni cyflawniad ar draws y ddarpariaeth yn seiliedig ar nodweddion a amddiffynnir a pherfformiad y myfyrwyr mwyaf difreintiedig.

Lluniwyd y Rhaglen Llysgenhadon Actif i feithrin arweinwyr y dyfodol drwy hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd iechyd a lles a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau corfforol. Mae'r rhaglen wedi bod yn llwyddiant ysgubol, ac fe enillodd ein myfyriwr Tirion Thomas, wobr 'Arwr Tawel' Gwobrau Personoliaeth Chwaraeon y Flwyddyn BBC Cymru, a dod yn agos iawn at ennill y wobr drwy Brydain. Mae 45 o ddysgwyr yn rhan o'r Rhaglen Llysgenhadon Actif ar hyn o bryd.


Grŵp Llandrillo Menai has been awarded 88th place in the annual FREDIE (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement) Awards.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said:

“We are extremely proud to have been recognised as an inclusive workplace, and we take pride in ensuring that our colleagues feel valued and respected. The Award is great testament to the hard work that we all carry out here at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai”.

Solat Chaudhry, Chief Executive at the National Centre for Diversity, said,

“I send my warmest congratulations to Grŵp Llandrillo Menai on successfully reaching number 88 in the Top 100 Most Inclusive Workplaces Index 2021. It’s been a challenging year and yet, it has not dented the excellent work that organisations and individuals do in promoting FREDIE best practice.

“We had to have these awards this year. We could not ignore the fantastic efforts that everyone has continued doing. I congratulate everyone who works so hard day-in day-out to maintain these high standards.

“Through the work of the FREDIEs we are able to build a better society, and our winners come from a wonderful cross section of private, public, education and charity sectors representing the very best.”

In 2019 Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s 5-year Equality Strategy and Action Plan was published, which creates a framework for promoting and maintaining an inclusive environment where everyone can achieve. The strategy clearly sets out our intentions to:

  • Make equality a reality for people accessing our services, seeking job opportunities and who are currently employed with the college.
  • Fulfil our legal responsibilities.
  • Inform people of our responsibilities and how we will fulfil them.
  • Show how our strategy links to our broader equalities objectives and priorities.
  • Provide information about our monitoring arrangements

In 2019/20, the Grŵp made a substantial impact on closing achievement gaps based on protected characteristics & the performance of the most disadvantaged students, on all types of provision.

The Grŵp has also established an Active Ambassador Programme, designed to develop leaders of the future and promote the importance of health and wellbeing and participating in physical activity. The programme has had enormous success, the highlight being student Tirion Thomas winning the BBC Wales Sports Personality of the Year's 'Unsung Hero' award and just narrowly missing out on claiming the UK title. There are currently 45 learners on the Active Ambassador Programme.


Grŵp Llandrillo Menai has been awarded 88th place in the annual FREDIE (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement) Awards.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said:

“We are extremely proud to have been recognised as an inclusive workplace, and we take pride in ensuring that our colleagues feel valued and respected. The Award is great testament to the hard work that we all carry out here at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai”.

Solat Chaudhry, Chief Executive at the National Centre for Diversity, said,

“I send my warmest congratulations to Grŵp Llandrillo Menai on successfully reaching number 88 in the Top 100 Most Inclusive Workplaces Index 2021. It’s been a challenging year and yet, it has not dented the excellent work that organisations and individuals do in promoting FREDIE best practice.

“We had to have these awards this year. We could not ignore the fantastic efforts that everyone has continued doing. I congratulate everyone who works so hard day-in day-out to maintain these high standards.

“Through the work of the FREDIEs we are able to build a better society, and our winners come from a wonderful cross section of private, public, education and charity sectors representing the very best.”

In 2019 Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s 5-year Equality Strategy and Action Plan was published, which creates a framework for promoting and maintaining an inclusive environment where everyone can achieve. The strategy clearly sets out our intentions to:

  • Make equality a reality for people accessing our services, seeking job opportunities and who are currently employed with the college.
  • Fulfil our legal responsibilities.
  • Inform people of our responsibilities and how we will fulfil them.
  • Show how our strategy links to our broader equalities objectives and priorities.
  • Provide information about our monitoring arrangements

In 2019/20, the Grŵp made a substantial impact on closing achievement gaps based on protected characteristics & the performance of the most disadvantaged students, on all types of provision.

The Grŵp has also established an Active Ambassador Programme, designed to develop leaders of the future and promote the importance of health and wellbeing and participating in physical activity. The programme has had enormous success, the highlight being student Tirion Thomas winning the BBC Wales Sports Personality of the Year's 'Unsung Hero' award and just narrowly missing out on claiming the UK title. There are currently 45 learners on the Active Ambassador Programme.