Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Cais gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai i fuddsoddi £11m yng nghampws Bangor i'w ystyried gan Gyngor Gwynedd

Gallai cynlluniau gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai i adleoli campws Bangor i Barc Menai arwain at fuddsoddiad o oddeutu £11m er mwyn moderneiddio'r cyfleusterau dysgu a hyfforddi sydd ar gael yn lleol i bobl ifanc.

Mae'r Grŵp yn cynnig symud darpariaeth bresennol Coleg Menai o safle Ffriddoedd a Friars i adeilad Tŷ Menai ar Barc Menai, sydd wedi bod yn wag i raddau helaeth dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf.

Os rhoddir caniatâd i newid defnydd gan Gyngor Gwynedd, byddai adnoddau modern o'r radd flaenaf yn cael eu creu i fyfyrwyr yn Nhŷ Menai, gyda chysylltiad cryfach rhwng y sector addysg a chyflogwyr y dyfodol.

Byddai'r Ganolfan newydd yn cynnig ystod o gyfleoedd dysgu gydol oes gyda chyrsiau wedi eu targedu ar gyfer y diwydiannau gwasanaeth a sectorau busnes allweddol eraill.

Byddai'r datblygiad yn Nhŷ Menai yn dod â darpariaeth diwydiannau creadigol y Grŵp ynghyd ar yr un safle i greu Canolfan Ragoriaeth, gan gynnig cyrsiau'n amrywio o gelfyddydau perfformio a thechnoleg cerdd i ddylunio gemau a chynhyrchu teledu.

Byddai'r campws newydd hefyd yn cynnwys adnoddau hyfforddi modern ar gyfer sectorau blaenoriaeth eraill a adnabuwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Phartneriaeth Sgiliau Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru, gan gynnwys lletygarwch ac arlwyo.

Mae'r Grŵp eisoes wedi cwblhau pryniant adeilad Llwyn Brain sydd gerllaw, ac mae £4m o fuddsoddiad pellach wrthi'n cael ei wireddu. Bydd Llwyn Brain yn dod yn hwb ar gyfer gwasanaethau Busnes@LlandrilloMenai, yn cynnwys prentisiaethau, rhaglenni proffesiynol a dysgu seiliedig ar waith.

Meddai Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, Dafydd Evans: "Rydym wedi adnabod ers tro fod safle Ffriddoedd bellach wedi dod i ddiwedd ei oes a bod pobl ifanc Gwynedd yn haeddu gwell.

"Ers i ni gyflwyno ein cynlluniau i Gyngor Gwynedd am y tro cyntaf yn 2019, rydym wedi cynnal astudiaethau pellach i ystyried gwahanol opsiynau ar gyfer adleoli o fewn y sir.

"Mae'n parhau'n amlwg mai Parc Menai yw'r unig leoliad addas o fewn ein cyllideb ac amserlen ar gyfer symud. O ganlyniad, mae Gweinidog Addysg Llywodraeth Cymru bellach wedi cymeradwyo pecyn cyllid o £11m ar gyfer prosiect Tŷ Menai."

Ychwanegodd Dafydd: "Gan fod Tŷ Menai wedi'i leoli ochr yn ochr â'r gymuned fusnes mae'n safle perffaith ar gyfer gweithio'n agosach gyda chwmnïau. Byddai hyn yn ein helpu i sicrhau bod y cyfleoedd dysgu a hyfforddi sydd ar gael i bobl ifanc yn cwrdd â gofynion cyflogwyr lleol.

"Trwy alinio addysg gyda busnes, credwn y byddai'r datblygiad hwn hefyd yn gatalydd i adfywio Parc Menai fel cyrchfan ddeniadol ar gyfer cwmnïau newydd.

"Ond yn bwysicaf oll, byddai'n rhoi mynediad i bobl ifanc yng Ngwynedd a siroedd cyfagos i'r cyfleusterau addysgiadol o safon y maen nhw'n haeddiannol ohonynt.

"Mawr obeithiwn y bydd Pwyllgor Cynllunio Cyngor Gwynedd yn cefnogi ein gweledigaeth ac yn ein galluogi i fanteisio ar gyfle na welir mo'i debyg mewn degawdau o bosib, er mwyn creu'r amgylchedd dysgu gorau fel y gall pobl ifanc gyflawni a rhagori yma yng ngogledd orllewin Cymru."

The Grŵp is proposing to move Coleg Menai's existing provision from the Ffriddoedd Road and Friars site to the iconic Tŷ Menai building on Parc Menai, which has stood largely empty in recent years.

If granted change of use permission by Gwynedd Council, this would see the creation of cutting-edge, hi-tech facilities for students at Tŷ Menai, as well as strengthened links between further education and future employers.

The new Centre will offer a range of Lifelong Learning opportunities with targeted courses for Service Industries and other key business sectors.

A major feature of the Tŷ Menai development would be the consolidation of the Grŵp's creative industries provision into a Centre of Excellence, with courses ranging from performing arts and music technology to games design and TV production all available on the same site.

The Campus would also house modern training facilities for other priority sectors identified by the Welsh Government and North Wales Regional Skills Partnership, including hospitality and catering.

The Grŵp has already acquired the adjacent Llwyn Brain building, with a further £4m investment already underway. Llwyn Brain will become a hub for the Busnes@LlandrilloMenai provision, including the delivery of apprenticeships, professional and work based programmes.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Chief Executive, Dafydd Evans, said: "We have long identified that the Ffriddoedd site has come to the end of its useful life and that the young people of Gwynedd deserve better.

"Since we first presented our proposals to Gwynedd Council in 2019, we have carried out further studies to look at different options for relocating within the county.

"Parc Menai remains the only feasible location within our available funding and time frame. As a result, the Welsh Government Minister for Education has now formally approved a funding package of £11m for the Tŷ Menai move."

Dafydd added: "Given that Tŷ Menai is positioned alongside businesses, it is perfectly located for greater partnership working with industry. This will help us to ensure that the learning and training opportunities offered to young people meet the skills requirements of local employers.

"By aligning education with business, we believe that this development would also be a catalyst to reignite Parc Menai as an attractive destination for new companies.

"But most importantly, it would give the young people of Gwynedd and neighbouring counties access to the high quality educational facilities that they deserve.

"We really do hope that the Gwynedd Council Planning Committee will support our vision and enable us to capitalise on this once in a generation opportunity to create the best possible learning environment for young people to excel here in north west Wales."

The Grŵp is proposing to move Coleg Menai's existing provision from the Ffriddoedd Road and Friars site to the iconic Tŷ Menai building on Parc Menai, which has stood largely empty in recent years.

If granted change of use permission by Gwynedd Council, this would see the creation of cutting-edge, hi-tech facilities for students at Tŷ Menai, as well as strengthened links between further education and future employers.

The new Centre will offer a range of Lifelong Learning opportunities with targeted courses for Service Industries and other key business sectors.

A major feature of the Tŷ Menai development would be the consolidation of the Grŵp's creative industries provision into a Centre of Excellence, with courses ranging from performing arts and music technology to games design and TV production all available on the same site.

The Campus would also house modern training facilities for other priority sectors identified by the Welsh Government and North Wales Regional Skills Partnership, including hospitality and catering.

The Grŵp has already acquired the adjacent Llwyn Brain building, with a further £4m investment already underway. Llwyn Brain will become a hub for the Busnes@LlandrilloMenai provision, including the delivery of apprenticeships, professional and work based programmes.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Chief Executive, Dafydd Evans, said: "We have long identified that the Ffriddoedd site has come to the end of its useful life and that the young people of Gwynedd deserve better.

"Since we first presented our proposals to Gwynedd Council in 2019, we have carried out further studies to look at different options for relocating within the county.

"Parc Menai remains the only feasible location within our available funding and time frame. As a result, the Welsh Government Minister for Education has now formally approved a funding package of £11m for the Tŷ Menai move."

Dafydd added: "Given that Tŷ Menai is positioned alongside businesses, it is perfectly located for greater partnership working with industry. This will help us to ensure that the learning and training opportunities offered to young people meet the skills requirements of local employers.

"By aligning education with business, we believe that this development would also be a catalyst to reignite Parc Menai as an attractive destination for new companies.

"But most importantly, it would give the young people of Gwynedd and neighbouring counties access to the high quality educational facilities that they deserve.

"We really do hope that the Gwynedd Council Planning Committee will support our vision and enable us to capitalise on this once in a generation opportunity to create the best possible learning environment for young people to excel here in north west Wales."

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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