Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Myfyrwyr Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yn cael rhagflas o'r Sector Gofal

Yn ddiweddar mae myfyrwyr Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Coleg Menai wedi ymgymryd gyda phrofiad gwaith mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau Gofal Cymdeithasol.

Mewn partneriaeth newydd gyffrous rhwng Coleg Menai a Chyngor Sir Ynys Môn, mae myfyrwyr Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yn ddiweddar wedi ymgymryd gyda phrofiad gwaith gyda staff Awdurdod lleol mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau Gofal Cymdeithasol.

Bydd y rhaglen "Camau i Ofalu" newydd yn gweld myfyrwyr Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Ngholeg Menai yn cysgodi staff Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cyngor Sir Môn. Mae myfyrwyr yn cael cyfle i roi eu gwybodaeth ar waith, arsylwi ar ymarfer proffesiynol ac ennill profiad mewn lleoliad gofal bywyd go iawn.

Cynigiwyd saith lleoliad yn unigryw i fyfyrwyr Coleg Menai a oedd yn gorfod gwneud cais drwy'r broses recriwtio i ddatblygu eu sgiliau cyflogadwyedd fel rhan o'r prosiect. Cafodd pob myfyriwr eu mentor lleoliad eu hunain, a darparwyd adnoddau cefnogi ac iwnifform ar eu cyfer.

Dywedodd Catherine Smith, Rheolwr y Maes Rhaglen Iechyd a gofal Cymdeithasol yng Ngholeg Menai: "Rydym yn teimlo'n gyffrous iawn i weithio ochr yn ochr gyda Chyngor Sir Môn i sicrhau fod pobl ifanc yn derbyn y rhagolygon gorau posib ar gyfer y dyfodol yn y diwydiant Iechyd a Gofal cymdeithasol. Yr hyn sy'n arbennig o gyffrous ac unigryw ynglŷn â'r prosiect hwn yw bod cyfranogiad yn galluogi'r dysgwyr i gael eu rhoi ar lwybr carlam i swyddi wrth gefn sydd yn cefnogi eu datblygiad a gofynion staffio'r sector lleol. Rydym wedi cyffroi i fedru datblygu ymhellach ac ehangu'r rhaglen hon o fewn y cyngor."

Dywedodd Fôn Roberts, Cyfarwyddwr y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol: "Roedd cael myfyrwyr Coleg Menai i ymuno gyda'r sector Gofal Cymdeithasol yma ar Ynys Môn yn gyfle anhygoel ar gyfer y myfyrwyr i brofi yn uniongyrchol sut brofiad yw gweithio mewn sector mor bwysig. Mae'r myfyrwyr yn cael eu cefnogi yn ystod y lleoliadau gan ein staff ac yn y pen draw, hoffem weld rhai myfyrwyr yn gweithio yn y sector ac yn gwneud gyrfa iddynt eu hunain mewn Gofal Cymdeithasol. Mae hon yn bartneriaeth unigryw gyda Choleg Menai a bydd gobeithio yn caniatau i ni ystyried cyfleoedd lleoliad gwaith eraill yn y dyfodol".

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau Iechyd a Gofal cliciwch YMA

In an exciting new partnership between Coleg Menai and Isle of Anglesey County Council, Health and Social care students have recently undertaken work experience with Local Authority staff in a variety of Social Care settings.

The new ‘Steps to Care’ programme will see Health and Social Care students at Coleg Menai shadow Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Social Services staff. Students are given the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice, observe professional practice and gain experience in a real-life care setting.

Seven placements were offered exclusively to Coleg Menai’s students who had to apply via the recruitment process to develop their employability skills as part of the project. Each student was assigned their own placement setting mentor, provided with support resources and an exclusive uniform.

Catherine Smith, Health and Care Programme Area Manager at Coleg Menai, said: “We are really excited to work alongside Isle of Anglesey County Council to ensure that local young people are provided with the best possible future prospects in the Health and Social care industry. What is particularly exciting and unique about this project is that participation enables the learners to be fast tracked into relief positions which both supports their development and the staffing demands of the local sector. We are really excited to further develop and expand on this programme with the council.”

Fôn Roberts, Director of Social Services said: “Having the students of Coleg Menai joining the Social Care sector here on Ynys Môn is an amazing opportunity for the students to experience first-hand what working in such an important sector is like. The students are supported during the placements by our staff and ultimately, we would like to see some students working in the sector and making a career for themselves in Social Care. This is a unique partnership with Coleg Menai and will hopefully allow us to consider other work placements opportunities in the future.”

To find out more about our Health and Social Care courses please click HERE

In an exciting new partnership between Coleg Menai and Isle of Anglesey County Council, Health and Social care students have recently undertaken work experience with Local Authority staff in a variety of Social Care settings.

The new ‘Steps to Care’ programme will see Health and Social Care students at Coleg Menai shadow Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Social Services staff. Students are given the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice, observe professional practice and gain experience in a real-life care setting.

Seven placements were offered exclusively to Coleg Menai’s students who had to apply via the recruitment process to develop their employability skills as part of the project. Each student was assigned their own placement setting mentor, provided with support resources and an exclusive uniform.

Catherine Smith, Health and Care Programme Area Manager at Coleg Menai, said: “We are really excited to work alongside Isle of Anglesey County Council to ensure that local young people are provided with the best possible future prospects in the Health and Social care industry. What is particularly exciting and unique about this project is that participation enables the learners to be fast tracked into relief positions which both supports their development and the staffing demands of the local sector. We are really excited to further develop and expand on this programme with the council.”

Fôn Roberts, Director of Social Services said: “Having the students of Coleg Menai joining the Social Care sector here on Ynys Môn is an amazing opportunity for the students to experience first-hand what working in such an important sector is like. The students are supported during the placements by our staff and ultimately, we would like to see some students working in the sector and making a career for themselves in Social Care. This is a unique partnership with Coleg Menai and will hopefully allow us to consider other work placements opportunities in the future.”

To find out more about our Health and Social Care courses please click HERE

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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