Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Cannoedd o Fyfyrwyr Newydd yn Profi Cyffro yng Nghrŵp Llandrillo Menai!

Ar ddechrau tymor newydd yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai, gwelwyd cannoedd o bobl ifanc yn cofrestru ar gyrsiau ar draws ei 12 campws. Mae llawer o'r cyrsiau eisoes yn llawn, ond yn ôl yr uwch reolwyr, mae ambell le ar ôl, felly mae'n dal yn bosibl dod o hyd i gwrs os cysylltwch â'ch coleg lleol.

Profiad cyntaf y recriwtiaid newydd ymhob campws oedd y Ffair y Glas blynyddol. Yn ogystal â chyfarfod staff y coleg – a oedd ar gael i roi cyngor ar bopeth, o gludiant i academïau chwaraeon – roedd cynrychiolwyr o fusnesau lleol a chenedlaethol, clybiau ac elusennau hefyd wrth law i wneud yn siŵr bod y myfyrwyr newydd yn gallu gwneud y gorau o'u cyfleoedd yn y coleg ac yn ystod eu hamser hamdden.

Ymhlith y rhain roedd: NSPCC, Gyrfa Cymru, Barnardo’s, Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Gogledd Cymru, Yr Urdd, MIND, Heddlu Gogledd Cymru a Chyngor Sir Ddinbych. Gwnaeth gynrychiolwyr hefyd rannu talebau ar gyfer gwersi taekwondo ar ddim er mwyn helpu â hyder.

Roedd staff o Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr hefyd yn bresennol i helpu myfyrwyr i ystyried eu hopsiynau gyrfaol i'r dyfodol. Gan fod diogelwch a lles y myfyrwyr yn hollbwysig, roedd cynrychiolwyr yno o awdurdodau lleol i drafod pynciau a oedd yn amrywio o lety i iechyd rhywiol.

Un o'r uchafbwyntiau oedd ymddangosiad personol gan yr enwog Mr Ricky Prince Of Desserts sydd â dros 20,000 o ddilynwyr ar Facebook. Ymunodd staff a myfyrwyr fel ei gilydd mewn ciwiau hir i flasu ei hufen iâ. Gwnaeth hyd yn oed greu hufen iâ arbennig gan ddefnyddio lliwiau corfforaethol Grŵp Llandrillo Menai!

Dywedodd Swyddog Ymgysylltu a Chyswllt, Melanie Reid: "Dyma’r cyfle cyntaf i ni ei gael ers y pandemig i gynnal digwyddiad cymunedol mor fawr. Mae'r ffeiriau hyn yn gyfle gwych i ni groesawu ein myfyrwyr newydd yn iawn ac yn gyfle iddyn nhw ymuno â chlybiau, gwneud ffrindiau a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau gyda nifer o sefydliadau lleol. Mae’n wych gweld cymaint o gynrychiolwyr o gwmnïau lleol a chenedlaethol sy’n awyddus i ymgysylltu â’n dysgwyr. Mae Ffair y Glas yn ffordd wych o ddechrau'r flwyddyn academaidd newydd ar nodyn cadarnhaol, ac yn rhoi golwg glir i fyfyrwyr o'r cyfleoedd a'r gefnogaeth ar gael iddynt."

Os hoffech ragor o wybodaeth ar unrhyw gyrsiau , ewch i'r wefan: neu cysylltwch â’r llinell cyngor ar gyrsiau ar 01492 542 338 yn achos Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 yn achos Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, a 01248 383 333 yn achos Coleg Menai.

The new recruits’ first experience at each campus was the annual Freshers’ Fair. As well as meeting college staff - who could advise on everything from finance and transport to sports academies – representatives from local and national businesses, clubs and charities were in attendance to make sure that new students could make the most of their opportunities at college, and during their free time when not studying.

These included: NSPCC, Careers Wales, Barnardo’s, North Wales Fire & Rescue, Urdd, MIND, North Wales Police and Denbighshire County Council. Representatives from the latter gave out vouchers for free taekwondo lessons to help with confidence building.

Staff from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board were also present to help students consider their future career options. Students’ safety and welfare is paramount, so representatives from the college group’s Welfare department covered a range of issues: from accommodation to sexual health.

One of the highlights was a personal appearance by local legend Mr Ricky Prince Of Desserts who has over 20,000 followers on Facebook. Staff and students alike joined lengthy queues to taste his ice cream. He even created one ice cream specifically using the corporate colours of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai!

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s engagement & liaison officer Melanie Reid said: “This is the first chance that we have had since the pandemic to hold such a large community event. These fairs give us the chance to welcome our new students properly and give them the chance to join clubs, meet new friends and make those all-important connections with local organisations. It is great to see so many representatives from local and national companies keen to engage with our learners. Freshers’ Fairs are a great way to kick-start the new academic year on a positive note, and give the students a clear view of the opportunities and the support available to them.”

If you need more information on any courses, please visit the website at or contact the course advice lines on 01492 542 338 for Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, and 01248 383 333 for Coleg Menai.

The new recruits’ first experience at each campus was the annual Freshers’ Fair. As well as meeting college staff - who could advise on everything from finance and transport to sports academies – representatives from local and national businesses, clubs and charities were in attendance to make sure that new students could make the most of their opportunities at college, and during their free time when not studying.

These included: NSPCC, Careers Wales, Barnardo’s, North Wales Fire & Rescue, Urdd, MIND, North Wales Police and Denbighshire County Council. Representatives from the latter gave out vouchers for free taekwondo lessons to help with confidence building.

Staff from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board were also present to help students consider their future career options. Students’ safety and welfare is paramount, so representatives from the college group’s Welfare department covered a range of issues: from accommodation to sexual health.

One of the highlights was a personal appearance by local legend Mr Ricky Prince Of Desserts who has over 20,000 followers on Facebook. Staff and students alike joined lengthy queues to taste his ice cream. He even created one ice cream specifically using the corporate colours of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai!

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s engagement & liaison officer Melanie Reid said: “This is the first chance that we have had since the pandemic to hold such a large community event. These fairs give us the chance to welcome our new students properly and give them the chance to join clubs, meet new friends and make those all-important connections with local organisations. It is great to see so many representatives from local and national companies keen to engage with our learners. Freshers’ Fairs are a great way to kick-start the new academic year on a positive note, and give the students a clear view of the opportunities and the support available to them.”

If you need more information on any courses, please visit the website at or contact the course advice lines on 01492 542 338 for Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, and 01248 383 333 for Coleg Menai.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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