Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Cannoedd o Fyfyrwyr yn Graddio mewn Seremoni yn Venue Cymru

Yn ddiweddar, dathlwyd llwyddiannau rhagorol mwy na 300 o fyfyrwyr yn seremoni raddio flynyddol Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn Llandudno.

Roedd y seremoni ysblennydd yn Venue Cymru yn nodi penllanw blynyddoedd o waith astudio i ddysgwyr sydd wedi cwblhau cyrsiau Israddedig, Graddau Sylfaen, Tystysgrifau Cenedlaethol Uwch ac Ôl-raddedig yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai a Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

Bydd y myfyrwyr llwyddiannus nawr yn edrych ymlaen at gyfleoedd newydd ar ôl gwisgo eu capiau a'u gynau i ddathlu canlyniadau eu holl waith caled a'u hymroddiad.

Llwyddodd llawer ohonynt i gydbwyso ymrwymiadau eraill megis gwaith a theulu wrth astudio, tra llwyddodd eraill i gwblhau’r cyrsiau er gwaethaf brwydro yn erbyn problemau iechyd.

Mae Collette McDowell, o Fae Colwyn, wedi sicrhau swydd yn addysgu Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus ar ôl graddio o gwrs TAR Coleg Llandrillo gyda rhagoriaeth.

Llwyddodd i ennill y radd uchaf posibl er gwaethaf dioddef problemau iechyd a gofalu am ei mab awtistig.

Dywedodd Collette: “Bum mlynedd yn ôl cefais ddiagnosis o gyflwr ar yr ymennydd a oedd yn gwneud i mi lewygu'n aml ac a arweiniodd ataf i'n dioddef meigryn cronig a phroblemau iechyd eraill.

“Penderfynais fod yn rhaid i mi fynd i’r brifysgol gan nad oedd neb yn gwybod sut byddai'r cyflwr yn effeithio arnaf i yn y dyfodol. Felly, gwnes i gwblhau fy ngradd mewn Polisi Cymdeithasol ym Mhrifysgol Bangor yn gyntaf. Ar ôl ennill gradd dosbarth cyntaf, penderfynais wedyn fy mod i eisiau mynd i ddysgu.

The outstanding achievements of more than 300 students were celebrated at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s annual graduation ceremony in Llandudno.

The glitzy Venue Cymru bash marked the culmination of years of dedicated study for learners on Undergraduate, Foundation Degree, Higher National Certificate and Postgraduate courses at Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

The successful students will now look forward to new opportunities after donning their caps and gowns to celebrate the rewards of their hard work and commitment.

Many succeeded while balancing other commitments such as work and family, while others achieved their degrees despite battling health problems.

Collette McDowell, from Colwyn Bay, has secured a job teaching Public Services after graduating with a distinction from her PGCE at Coleg Llandrillo.

She achieved the highest possible grade despite suffering health problems during her course, and also while caring for her autistic son.

Collette said: “Five years ago I was diagnosed with a brain condition which caused me to collapse frequently and resulted in chronic migraines and other health issues.

“I decided I had to go to university as nobody knew how sick I would get. So I completed my first degree in Social Policy at Bangor University. After obtaining a first-class honours degree I then decided I wanted to go into teaching.

The outstanding achievements of more than 300 students were celebrated at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s annual graduation ceremony in Llandudno.

The glitzy Venue Cymru bash marked the culmination of years of dedicated study for learners on Undergraduate, Foundation Degree, Higher National Certificate and Postgraduate courses at Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

The successful students will now look forward to new opportunities after donning their caps and gowns to celebrate the rewards of their hard work and commitment.

Many succeeded while balancing other commitments such as work and family, while others achieved their degrees despite battling health problems.

Collette McDowell, from Colwyn Bay, has secured a job teaching Public Services after graduating with a distinction from her PGCE at Coleg Llandrillo.

She achieved the highest possible grade despite suffering health problems during her course, and also while caring for her autistic son.

Collette said: “Five years ago I was diagnosed with a brain condition which caused me to collapse frequently and resulted in chronic migraines and other health issues.

“I decided I had to go to university as nobody knew how sick I would get. So I completed my first degree in Social Policy at Bangor University. After obtaining a first-class honours degree I then decided I wanted to go into teaching.

“Gwnes i ddarganfod y gallwn i wneud hynny yng Ngholeg Llandrillo fel myfyriwr ôl-raddedig felly gwnes i gais i astudio'r cwrs TAR ar Gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos. Rydw i wedi cael llawer o broblemau iechyd dros gyfnod y cwrs dwy flynedd, rydw i hefyd yn rhiant sengl ac yn ofalwr i’m mab awtistig. Ond, rydw i wedi llwyddo i gwblhau'r cwrs TAR gyda rhagoriaeth er gwaethaf popeth.”

Ychwanegodd: “Rydw i wedi cael cymaint o gefnogaeth gan yr holl ddarlithwyr TAR ac mi wnes i wir fwynhau pob munud o’r cwrs. ⁠Mae'n gymhwyster anhygoel, mae'n rhoi boddhad mawr ac wedi'i ddylunio'n dda. Mae angerdd y darlithwyr tuag at y cwrs TAR heb ei ail! Byddaf yn colli bod yn y gwersi'r flwyddyn nesaf.”

Graddiodd Kelly a Sarah Kynaston gyda 2:1 o gwrs BA (Anrh) Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo. Mae’r ddwy yn chwiorydd a phenderfynon nhw i wneud cais i ddilyn y cwrs ar ôl mynychu diwrnod agored gyda’i gilydd.

Dywedodd Kelly: “Ro’n i wedi bod eisiau mynd i’r brifysgol ers blynyddoedd. Mi wnes i gwblhau fy Lefel A, ond cafodd fy mhlentyn cyntaf ei eni tra ro'n i'n astudio, felly dechreuais weithio ar ôl hynny.

“Rydw i'n byw yn Llandudno ac mae fy mhlant yn mynd i’r ysgol ym Mae Colwyn. Pe na bai’r cwrs ar gael mor agos i gartref ni fyddwn i wedi gallu ei wneud. Rydw i'n ddiolchgar iawn felly i Goleg Llandrillo ac rydw i'n falch nad ydy’r gwaith a wnes i yn fy Lefel A wedi mynd yn wastraff.”

Meddai Sarah: ⁠“Doeddwn i ddim wir wedi ystyried gwneud gradd. Ro'n i'n edrych fwy ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus neu blismona. Ond yn ystod y diwrnod agored eglurodd arweinydd y rhaglen ei fod yn gwrs llwybr gyda modiwlau gwahanol yn ymdrin ag agweddau amrywiol.

“I then discovered that I could do that in Llandrillo College as a postgraduate so I applied to study the PGCE at the Rhos Campus. I have had many health issues over the two-year course and am a single parent and carer to my autistic son, but I have completed my PGCE with distinction despite everything that happened."

She added: “I have had so much support from all the PGCE lecturers and have loved every minute of the course. It really is an amazing qualification and it is extremely rewarding and well designed. The passion the lecturers have for the PGCE is second to none! I will miss being in the lessons next year.”

Sisters Kelly and Sarah Kynaston both graduated with a 2:1 from the BA (Hons) Health and Social Care course at Coleg Llandrillo - after both decided to do the course when they attended an open day together.

Kelly said: “I’d wanted to go to uni for years. I did my A-levels, but I had my first child while still doing A-levels, so I started working after that.

“I live in Llandudno and my children go to school in Colwyn Bay, and if the course hadn’t been available so close to home I wouldn’t have been able to do it. So I’m really grateful to Coleg Llandrillo and I’m glad the work I put into my A-levels hasn’t gone to waste.”

Sarah said: “I wasn’t really thinking about doing a degree. I was looking more into public services or policing. But at the open day the programme leader explained that it was a pathways course with different modules that covered various aspects.

“I then discovered that I could do that in Llandrillo College as a postgraduate so I applied to study the PGCE at the Rhos Campus. I have had many health issues over the two-year course and am a single parent and carer to my autistic son, but I have completed my PGCE with distinction despite everything that happened."

She added: “I have had so much support from all the PGCE lecturers and have loved every minute of the course. It really is an amazing qualification and it is extremely rewarding and well designed. The passion the lecturers have for the PGCE is second to none! I will miss being in the lessons next year.”

Sisters Kelly and Sarah Kynaston both graduated with a 2:1 from the BA (Hons) Health and Social Care course at Coleg Llandrillo - after both decided to do the course when they attended an open day together.

Kelly said: “I’d wanted to go to uni for years. I did my A-levels, but I had my first child while still doing A-levels, so I started working after that.

“I live in Llandudno and my children go to school in Colwyn Bay, and if the course hadn’t been available so close to home I wouldn’t have been able to do it. So I’m really grateful to Coleg Llandrillo and I’m glad the work I put into my A-levels hasn’t gone to waste.”

Sarah said: “I wasn’t really thinking about doing a degree. I was looking more into public services or policing. But at the open day the programme leader explained that it was a pathways course with different modules that covered various aspects.

“Mi ddaliodd hynny ein sylw ni - roedden ni eisiau gwneud pethau gwahanol i’n gilydd, ond byddem ni’n gallu dilyn yr un cwrs.

“Roedd pawb ar ein cwrs yn dda am ysgogi ei gilydd ac am helpu ei gilydd. Roedd cael fy chwaer ar y cwrs gyda mi yn fantais ychwanegol. Byddem ni'n dweud wrth ein gilydd, ‘Os allai i wneud hyn, mi elli di hefyd’ neu byddai un ohonom ni'n casglu’r plant i’r llall allu gorffen aseiniad. Roedd hi’n wych cael y gefnogaeth ychwanegol.”

Bydd y teulu'n dathlu eto yn ddiweddarach eleni pan fydd eu chwaer iau, Gemma yn graddio o Brifysgol Bangor gyda gradd mewn nyrsio oedolion.

⁠Enillodd Hannah Evans, o Landdulas, radd anrhydedd ar gwrs Gradd Sylfaen (FdA) Lefel 5 mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo er iddi golli dau fis o'r cwrs oherwydd salwch.

Penderfynodd beidio â gohirio ei lle, a chwblhaodd y cwrs wrth ofalu am ei mam a dreuliodd ddau fis yn yr ysbyty.

Dywedodd Hannah: “Ro'n i ffwrdd â thwymyn y chwarennau am ddau fis ym mis Ionawr a mis Chwefror, a dim ond un aseiniad ro'n i wedi'i gyflwyno erbyn hynny, felly roedd gen i lawer o waith i’w wneud i ddal i fyny, ac roedd y tymor diwethaf yn anodd.

“Roedd fy nhiwtor Sarah Harris yn anhygoel. Fe helpodd hi fi gyda’r terfynau amser a'm cefnogi pan aeth y cyfan yn ormod. Dydw i ddim yn meddwl y byddwn i wedi dal i fynd oni bai am ei chefnogaeth.

“Roedd opsiwn o ohirio, ond ro'n i’n hollol bendant fy mod i eisiau cwblhau’r cwrs 'lenni, ac rydw i'n falch fy mod wedi dyfalbarhau. Ro'n i'n eithaf balch ohonof fy hun."

Bydd Hannah yn dychwelyd i Goleg Llandrillo ym mis Medi i gwblhau ei chymhwyster Lefel 6 cyn gwneud gradd Meistr gan ei bod hi'n bwriadu dod yn weithiwr cymdeithasol.

Graddiodd Iwan Kojs gyda rhagoriaeth o gwrs HNC mewn Peirianneg Sifil yng Ngholeg Menai yn Llangefni, ac mae’n mynd i Brifysgol John Moores yn Lerpwl i ddilyn cwrs gradd.

“That grabbed both our attention, because we wanted to do different things but it meant we could do the same course.

“Everyone on our course was good at spurring each other on and helping each other. It was an added extra to have my sister on the course with me. We’d say to each other, ‘If I can do it you can do it’ or one of us would pick the children up so the other could finish an assignment, and it was great to have that extra support.”

There will be a triple celebration for the family later this year when their younger sister Gemma graduates from Bangor University with a degree in adult nursing.

Hannah Evans, from Llanddulas, achieved a distinction in her Level 5 FdA Health and Social Care at Coleg Llandrillo despite missing two months of the course through illness.

She decided not to defer and completed the course while caring for her mum, who spent two months in hospital.

Hannah said: “I was off with glandular fever for two months in January and February, and I’d only handed in one assignment by then, so I had a lot of catching up to do, and this last term was tough.

“My tutor Sarah Harris was amazing. She really helped me with my deadlines and kept me going when it all got a bit too much. I don’t think I’d have carried on if it wasn’t for her motivation.

“There was an option of deferring, but I was quite adamant that I wanted to complete it this year, and I’m glad I stuck it out. I was quite proud of myself.”

Hannah will return to Coleg Llandrillo in September to complete her Level 6 qualification before doing a Masters as she plans to become a social worker.

Iwan Koys graduated with a distinction from his HNC in Civil Engineering at Coleg Menai in Llangefni, and is going to Liverpool John Moores University to complete his degree.

“That grabbed both our attention, because we wanted to do different things but it meant we could do the same course.

“Everyone on our course was good at spurring each other on and helping each other. It was an added extra to have my sister on the course with me. We’d say to each other, ‘If I can do it you can do it’ or one of us would pick the children up so the other could finish an assignment, and it was great to have that extra support.”

There will be a triple celebration for the family later this year when their younger sister Gemma graduates from Bangor University with a degree in adult nursing.

Hannah Evans, from Llanddulas, achieved a distinction in her Level 5 FdA Health and Social Care at Coleg Llandrillo despite missing two months of the course through illness.

She decided not to defer and completed the course while caring for her mum, who spent two months in hospital.

Hannah said: “I was off with glandular fever for two months in January and February, and I’d only handed in one assignment by then, so I had a lot of catching up to do, and this last term was tough.

“My tutor Sarah Harris was amazing. She really helped me with my deadlines and kept me going when it all got a bit too much. I don’t think I’d have carried on if it wasn’t for her motivation.

“There was an option of deferring, but I was quite adamant that I wanted to complete it this year, and I’m glad I stuck it out. I was quite proud of myself.”

Hannah will return to Coleg Llandrillo in September to complete her Level 6 qualification before doing a Masters as she plans to become a social worker.

Iwan Koys graduated with a distinction from his HNC in Civil Engineering at Coleg Menai in Llangefni, and is going to Liverpool John Moores University to complete his degree.

Dywedodd: “Roedd yn gwrs diddorol iawn gyda llawer o gefnogaeth gan y darlithwyr hefyd. Roeddent bob amser yno i helpu ac roedd hynny'n ei gwneud hi'n hawdd iawn setlo i mewn. Rydw i'n falch iawn."

Graddiodd Sioned Evans o’r cwrs TAR yng Ngholeg Menai gyda theilyngdod wrth weithio yng Ngholeg Llandrillo fel darlithydd mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol.

Erbyn hyn mae hi wedi sicrhau swydd yn addysgu'r un cwrs yng Ngholeg Menai, er mwyn bod yn nes at ei chartref yn Llangefni.

Dywedodd Sioned, a raddiodd yn gyntaf mewn cwnsela 20 mlynedd yn ôl: “Ro'n i’n arfer gweithio yng Ngholeg Menai flynyddoedd yn ôl, felly mae’n teimlo fel fy mod i’n dod adref.

“Ro'n i eisiau llwyddo ar y cwrs, ond mi gefais i deilyngdod ac rydw i’n falch iawn ohonof fy hun.”

Graddiodd Nia Parry, o Flaenau Ffestiniog, gydag anrhydedd o gwrs BA mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol o Goleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn Nolgellau.

Meddai: “Ar ôl tair blynedd o waith caled, mae gallu dathlu gyda theulu a ffrindiau yma heddiw yn deimlad arbennig iawn.”

Mae Lucy Ann Jones, o Fangor, yn bwriadu dilyn y cwrs TAR ar ôl graddio o gwrs BA Anrhydedd mewn celfyddyd gain yng Ngholeg Menai.

Dywedodd: ⁠“Ro'n i’n teimlo fy mod yn cael fy nghefnogi ac fe wnes i fwynhau’n fawr. Roedd yn gwrs diddorol iawn.”

He said: “I found it a really interesting course with lots of support as well from the lecturers. They were always there to help and that made it really easy to settle in. I’m really proud.”

Sioned Evans graduated from the PGCE course at Coleg Menai with a merit, while working at Coleg Llandrillo as a lecturer in Health and Social Care.

She has now secured a job teaching the same course at Coleg Menai, where she can be closer to her home in Llangefni.

Sioned, who first graduated from a counselling degree 20 years ago, said: “I used to work at Coleg Menai years ago, so it feels like I’m coming home.

“I just wanted to pass the course, but I got a merit and I’m really proud of myself.”

Nia Parry, from Blaenau Ffestiniog, graduated from her BA Hons in Health and Social Care from Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor in Dolgellau.

She said: “After three years of hard work, being able to celebrate with family and friends here today is a very special feeling.”

Lucy Ann Jones, from Bangor, is planning to study a PGCE after graduating from her BA Hons degree in fine art at Coleg Menai.

She said: “I felt really supported and I really enjoyed it. It was a very interesting course.”

He said: “I found it a really interesting course with lots of support as well from the lecturers. They were always there to help and that made it really easy to settle in. I’m really proud.”

Sioned Evans graduated from the PGCE course at Coleg Menai with a merit, while working at Coleg Llandrillo as a lecturer in Health and Social Care.

She has now secured a job teaching the same course at Coleg Menai, where she can be closer to her home in Llangefni.

Sioned, who first graduated from a counselling degree 20 years ago, said: “I used to work at Coleg Menai years ago, so it feels like I’m coming home.

“I just wanted to pass the course, but I got a merit and I’m really proud of myself.”

Nia Parry, from Blaenau Ffestiniog, graduated from her BA Hons in Health and Social Care from Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor in Dolgellau.

She said: “After three years of hard work, being able to celebrate with family and friends here today is a very special feeling.”

Lucy Ann Jones, from Bangor, is planning to study a PGCE after graduating from her BA Hons degree in fine art at Coleg Menai.

She said: “I felt really supported and I really enjoyed it. It was a very interesting course.”

Meddai Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai: “Roedd yn bleser cynnal ein seremoni raddio ar gyfer 2023 – llongyfarchiadau i’n holl fyfyrwyr ar eu cyflawniadau. Dymunwn yn dda iddynt ar gyfer y dyfodol ac edrychwn ymlaen at glywed i ble mae eu gyrfa yn mynd â nhw.

⁠"Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai'n parhau i ymestyn ei bortffolio o gyrsiau Addysg Uwch, ac rydym yn falch o fod y darparwr mwyaf ac yr un sy'n cynnig yr amrywiaeth fwyaf o gyrsiau Addysg Uwch o fewn y sector addysg bellach yng Nghymru.

“Mae grŵp y coleg wedi bod ar flaen y gad o ran datblygu a hyrwyddo Graddau Sylfaen modern ac unigryw a chyrsiau galwedigaethol, sy’n cynyddu ac yn ehangu cyfranogiad mewn addysg uwch ymhellach, ac yn bodloni anghenion myfyrwyr a chyflogwyr lleol.

“Mae’r rhaglen Ymarfer Gofal Iechyd Lefel 4 newydd, sy’n cyfateb i’r flwyddyn gyntaf o nyrsio yn y brifysgol, yn gwrs arloesol o ansawdd uchel sydd bellach yn cael ei gomisiynu’n uniongyrchol gan Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru. Cyflwynir y cwrs i fwy na 200 o fyfyrwyr bob blwyddyn ledled Cymru gyfan drwy ddysgu o bell neu ddysgu cyfunol.

⁠Mae'r Ganolfan Brifysgol gwerth £4.5 miliwn ar gampws y coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos - a adeiladwyd mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol Bangor - yn darparu cyfleusterau addysgu a dysgu wedi eu teilwra i bron i 1,000 o fyfyrwyr Addysg Uwch mewn un canolfan pwrpasol, yn hytrach nag mewn lleoliadau gwahanol ar draws y campysau.”

⁠⁠Am ragor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Addysg Uwch yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said: “It was a pleasure to host our 2023 graduation ceremony - congratulations to all of our students on their achievements. We wish them well for the future and look forward to hearing where their career takes them.

“Grŵp Llandrillo Menai continues to expand its portfolio of Higher Education courses, and we’re proud to be the largest and most diverse provider of Higher Education courses within further education in Wales.”

The college group has been at the forefront of developing and promoting modern and unique Foundation Degrees and vocational courses, which further increase and widen participation in higher education, and meet the needs of students and local employers.

The new Level 4 Healthcare Practice Programme, which is equivalent to the first year of nursing at university, is a high-quality, innovative course which is now commissioned directly by Health Education Improvement Wales. The course is delivered to more than 200 students annually across all of Wales through distance or blended learning.

The £4.5million University Centre Coleg Llandrillo (UCCL) at the group’s Rhos-on-Sea campus - built in partnership with Bangor University - is the base for nearly 1,000 learners and provides students with bespoke teaching and learning facilities in one dedicated centre, rather than in different locations across the college campus.

For more information on Higher Education courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said: “It was a pleasure to host our 2023 graduation ceremony - congratulations to all of our students on their achievements. We wish them well for the future and look forward to hearing where their career takes them.

“Grŵp Llandrillo Menai continues to expand its portfolio of Higher Education courses, and we’re proud to be the largest and most diverse provider of Higher Education courses within further education in Wales.”

The college group has been at the forefront of developing and promoting modern and unique Foundation Degrees and vocational courses, which further increase and widen participation in higher education, and meet the needs of students and local employers.

The new Level 4 Healthcare Practice Programme, which is equivalent to the first year of nursing at university, is a high-quality, innovative course which is now commissioned directly by Health Education Improvement Wales. The course is delivered to more than 200 students annually across all of Wales through distance or blended learning.

The £4.5million University Centre Coleg Llandrillo (UCCL) at the group’s Rhos-on-Sea campus - built in partnership with Bangor University - is the base for nearly 1,000 learners and provides students with bespoke teaching and learning facilities in one dedicated centre, rather than in different locations across the college campus.

For more information on Higher Education courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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