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Canlyniadau Rhagorol i Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn yr Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr

Gwnaeth dysgwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai sgorio ansawdd y ddarpariaeth addysg uwch yn 83% yn yr Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr 2023, 13% yr uwch na'r cyfartaledd yn y sector yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Mae'r canlyniadau hyn yn rhoi Grŵp Llandrillo fel y darparydd ar y brig yng Ngogledd Cymru, ac ymhlith y tri uchaf yng Nghymru.

Roedd y dysgwyr yn gadarnhaol iawn gan roi sgôr uwch na'r meincnod cenedlaethol i'r rhannau isod o'u profiad Addysg Uwch: Addysgu ar eu cwrs, trefniadaeth a rheoli'r cwrs, asesu ac adborth, cyfleoedd dysgu, cymorth academaidd, adnoddau dysgu a llais y myfyrwyr.

Dywedodd Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai:

"Mae canlyniadau'r Arolwg Cenedlaethol o fyfyrwyr yn wych. Wrth i ni barhau i ehangu ac ymestyn ein darpariaeth addysg uwch mae'n galonogol iawn fod dysgwyr yn parhau i nodi ein bod ni'n darparu cyrsiau lefel prifysgol o'r ansawdd uchaf sydd ymhlith y gorau yng Nghymru."


"Mae'r canlyniadau'n adlewyrchu gwaith caled y staff ar draws Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, ac rydw i wrth fy modd fod ein myfyrwyr yn teimlo mor gadarnhaol am eu profiad addysg uwch gyda ni."

Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’n cynnig cyrsiau gradd o'r radd flaenaf mewn dros 30 maes pwnc. Darperir y rhan fwyaf o'r cyrsiau yn y ganolfan brifysgol arbenigol ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, neu ar ein campysau yn Nolgellau, Llangefni a'r Rhyl. Mae cyrsiau gradd dwyieithog ar gael yn Nolgellau a Llangefni hefyd.

P'un ai ydi darpar fyfyrwyr wedi newid eu meddwl am symud i ffwrdd i brifysgol ac yn dymuno astudio'n lleol, neu ddim wedi cael y canlyniadau Lefel A disgwyliedig neu eu bod yn ystyried newid eu gyrfa - dydi hi ddim yn rhy hwyr i wneud cais i ddechrau ar gwrs gradd gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. Mae cyllid myfyrwyr yn parhau i fod ar gael hefyd.

I weld ein dewis o gyrsiau, ewch i'n gwefan:, neu anfonwch neges e-bost i i drafod gyda chynghorydd.

Learners were extremely positive and ranked the following parts of their Higher Education experience above the national benchmark: Teaching on their course, Organisation and management, Assessment and feedback, Learning opportunities, Academic support, and Learning resources, and Student voice.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“The NSS results are fantastic. As we continue to expand and broaden our higher education offer, it’s extremely encouraging that learners continue to highlight that we deliver high quality university-level courses which are amongst the best in Wales”

He added,

“The results are testament to the hard work of staff across Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and I’m delighted that our students feel so positive about their higher education experience with us”

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai offers high-quality university-level courses in over 30 subject areas. Most of our courses are delivered at the specialist university centre at the Rhos-on-Sea campus or our Dolgellau, Llangefni and Rhyl campuses. Bilingual degrees are also available at Dolgellau and Llangefni.

Whether prospective students have changed their mind about going away to university and would like to study a degree locally, did not get the A Level results they expected, or are considering a change in career – it’s not too late to apply to study for a Degree at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. Student finance is also still available.

Please visit to view the range of courses or email to speak to an advisor.

Learners were extremely positive and ranked the following parts of their Higher Education experience above the national benchmark: Teaching on their course, Organisation and management, Assessment and feedback, Learning opportunities, Academic support, and Learning resources, and Student voice.

Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“The NSS results are fantastic. As we continue to expand and broaden our higher education offer, it’s extremely encouraging that learners continue to highlight that we deliver high quality university-level courses which are amongst the best in Wales”

He added,

“The results are testament to the hard work of staff across Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and I’m delighted that our students feel so positive about their higher education experience with us”

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai offers high-quality university-level courses in over 30 subject areas. Most of our courses are delivered at the specialist university centre at the Rhos-on-Sea campus or our Dolgellau, Llangefni and Rhyl campuses. Bilingual degrees are also available at Dolgellau and Llangefni.

Whether prospective students have changed their mind about going away to university and would like to study a degree locally, did not get the A Level results they expected, or are considering a change in career – it’s not too late to apply to study for a Degree at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. Student finance is also still available.

Please visit to view the range of courses or email to speak to an advisor.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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