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Rhaglen arbennig am DJ Terry - Seren y Dyfodol

Mae myfyriwr yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor, sydd wedi gwirioni ar gerddoriaeth, un cam yn nes at wireddu ei freuddwyd o fod yn DJ o'r radd uchaf.

Mae Terry Tuffrey, 22 oed yn byw yn Cae Clyd, Blaenau Ffestiniog. Dilynodd gwrs Sgiliau Byw'n Annibynnol yn y coleg ac mae wedi wynebu sawl her yn ystod ei fywyd, ond bellach mae'n anelu'n uwch nag erioed.

Dros gyfnod o chwe mis, dilynodd criw ffilmio o gwmni cynhyrchu 'Cwmni Da' hynt a helynt Terry wrth iddo gwblhau ei gwrs coleg, cyflwyno o lwyfan gwŷl enwog a chyd-gyflwyno sioe boblogaidd ar Radio Cymru.

Bydd rhaglen ddogfen yn cofnodi'r cyfnod, Drych: DJ Terry i'w gweld ar S4C, dydd Sul 23 Ebrill am 9pm. ⁠

Cafodd Terry ei ffilmio yn holi, Ed Holden - sef Mr Phormula, y rapiwr adnabyddus a'r arbenigwr ym maes bît bocsio, oedd yn cynnal gweithdy ar gampws y coleg yn Nolgellau. Roedd Mr Phormula yn fwy na bodlon i gynnig cyfle i Terry ymarfer ei sgiliau cyfweld.

Gofynnodd y cerddor a'r bardd o Ynys Môn i Terry gyflwyno ei set ar lwyfan Sesiwn Fawr Dolgellau, ac mi wnaeth hynny'n gwbl ddiffwdan.

Cysylltodd Terry â'r BBC hefyd i ofyn am gyfle i gysgodi cyflwynydd fel profiad gwaith, a chafodd ei wahodd i ymuno ag Ifan Jones Evans yn y stiwdio ym Mangor.

Treuliodd Terry dair awr yn y stiwdio yn cynorthwyo Ifan gyda'r gwaith o gyflwyno ei raglen fyw, yn darllen negeseuon gan wrandawyr a chyflwyno caneuon yn siriol.

Dywedodd Ifan, "Roedd yn bleser cael Terry ar y rhaglen. Roedd o'n berffaith, spot on!

Mae gyrfa ddisglair o'i flaen, mae'n gymeriad hoffus sy'n gallu cyfathrebu'n dda ag eraill."

Dywedodd Terry, a oedd ar ben ei ddigon,

"Mae bod yn gyflwynydd radio wedi bod yn freuddwyd gen i ers erioed, ac mae'r profiad hwn wedi dangos fy mod i ar y trywydd cywir"

"Dw i wedi cael cyfle dros y misoedd diwethaf i wneud pethau nes i byth feddwl baswn i'n eu gwneud. Dw i wedi dysgu i beidio bod yn ofnus ac i wneud fy ngorau. Dw i'n siŵr rŵan fy mod i eisiau bod yn gyflwynydd yn y dyfodol."

⁠Mae ambell beth na fedra i'w gwneud, ond does neb yn berffaith yn y byd rhyfedd hwn, a dros y misoedd nesaf dw i am fynd amdani!"

Rhaid i mi fentro a cheisio dilyn fy llwybr fy hun, ond dw i'n ffodus iawn bod Mam a Dad yn fy nghefnogi bob amser."

Ar ôl gweld Terry'n gorffen ei gwrs yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor, dywedodd ei fam Helen, "Dw i wedi gwylio Terry'n tyfu i fod yn oedolyn a dw i mor falch o ble mae wedi cyrraedd.

⁠ Mae'n bryd iddo fod yn annibynnol rŵan. Dw i'n fam falch iawn".

Ychwanegodd ei dad, Phil,

"Terry ydy fy ffrind gorau, mae ganddo gymaint o ddiddordebau. Dan ni'n sgwrsio am oriau weithiau gyda’r hwyr. Sgyrsiau am deithio, am fywyd. Mae o'n hoffi cerddoriaeth, wrth ei fodd ag o, dyna sy'n mynd a'i fryd."

"Ar ôl cwblhau ei gwrs sgiliau byw'n annibynnol yn y coleg, mae Terry wedi bod ar ragor o brofiad gwaith ar raglen deledu ddyddiol yng Nghaernarfon ac mae'n gobeithio cael gafael ar offer DJ am bris rhesymol er mwyn ymarfer ei sgiliau cyflwyno gartref.

Dywedodd Siwan Haf a gynhyrchodd y rhaglen ddogfen gyda Rhys Lloyd, bod Terry yn ddyn ifanc ysbrydoledig iawn"

Ychwanegodd Siwan, "Rydw i'n falch iawn o'r rhaglen. Mae hi wedi bod yn bleser gweithio gyda Terry." ⁠

"Mae'n siarad mor agored ac onest am ei fywyd ac am ei hun yn benodol. ⁠Mae'n chwa o awyr iach, a dw i'n teimlo fy mod i wedi dysgu llawer ganddo a'i agwedd tuag at fywyd wrth dreulio amser yn ei gwmni."

⁠Dangosir y rhaglen, Drych: DJ Terry ar S4C, dydd Sul 29 Ebrill am 9pm. ⁠ ⁠

⁠Bydd is-deitlau Saesneg ar gael a gellir gwylio'r rhaglen ar blatfformau ffrydio S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer.

Terry Tuffrey, 22, who lives in Cae Clyd, Blaenau Ffestiniog, who studied Independent Living Skills at college due to his moderate learning difficulties - has already overcome many obstacles in his life and he’s now reaching for the stars.

A film crew from Caernarfon-based production company ‘Cwmni Da’ followed Terry over a period of six months as he graduated from college, hosted acts at a prestigious music festival and co-presented a popular show on Radio Cymru.

The resulting documentary, Drych: DJ Terry, can be seen on S4C on Sunday, April 23, at 9pm, with English subtitles available.

The filming followed Terry as he met Ed Holden, aka Mr Phormula, the well- known rapper and beat-box expert, at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor in Dolgellau, who was happy to allow Terry to practise his interviewing skills.

The Anglesey-born musician and poet also asked Terry to introduce his set at Sesiwn Fawr Dolgellau which he carried out faultlessly.

Terry also contacted the BBC to ask if he could shadow a DJ as work experience, and was rewarded with an invitation to join Ifan Jones Evans at their studios in Bangor.

Terry was invited into the studio itself, and for three hours he helped Ifan present his live show, reading messages from listeners, introducing songs and chatting merrily.

Ifan said, “It was a pleasure to have Terry on the show. He was perfect, spot on.

There’s clearly a glittering future ahead of him because he has the ability to communicate with others and is quite a character”.

An euphoric Terry said,

“I’ve always wanted to be a radio DJ and this experience has shown that I’m right to go after my dream”

“Over the past few months I’ve been able to do things I never imagined I could do. I’ve learned to not be afraid and do my best. I’m sure I want to be a DJ in the future.”

There are a few things that I don’t manage to do - but nobody is perfect in this old world but in the next few months I want to go for it!”

I have to take risks and try to follow my own path but I am very lucky to have a very supportive Mum and Dad”.

After seeing Terry graduate from Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Helen, his mother, said,

“I’ve watched Terry grow into the man he is now and I’m so proud of where he is today. Now it’s time for him to be independent. I’m one proud mother”.

Dad Phil added,

“Terry is my best friend and he has so many interests. We sometimes have long chats at night. We talk about travelling, about life. He likes music, he has a passion for it and his heart is really in it.”

“Since graduating from college where he completed a course in independent living skills, Terry has been doing more work experience on a weekday television programme in Caernarfon, and is hoping to find some reasonably priced DJ equipment to practise his presenting skills at home”.

Siwan Haf, who co-produced the documentary with Rhys Lloyd, described Terry as a “truly inspirational young man”.

Siwan added, “I’m very proud of the programme. It has been a pleasure working with Terry”.

“He speaks so honestly and openly about life in general and himself in particular. It is so refreshing and I feel I have learned so much from him and his attitude towards life while being in his lovely company”.

The programme, Drych: DJ Terry, will be broadcast on S4C on Sunday, April 23, at 9pm. English subtitles will be available and the programme can also be watched on demand on S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer and other streaming platforms.

Terry Tuffrey, 22, who lives in Cae Clyd, Blaenau Ffestiniog, who studied Independent Living Skills at college due to his moderate learning difficulties - has already overcome many obstacles in his life and he’s now reaching for the stars.

A film crew from Caernarfon-based production company ‘Cwmni Da’ followed Terry over a period of six months as he graduated from college, hosted acts at a prestigious music festival and co-presented a popular show on Radio Cymru.

The resulting documentary, Drych: DJ Terry, can be seen on S4C on Sunday, April 23, at 9pm, with English subtitles available.

The filming followed Terry as he met Ed Holden, aka Mr Phormula, the well- known rapper and beat-box expert, at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor in Dolgellau, who was happy to allow Terry to practise his interviewing skills.

The Anglesey-born musician and poet also asked Terry to introduce his set at Sesiwn Fawr Dolgellau which he carried out faultlessly.

Terry also contacted the BBC to ask if he could shadow a DJ as work experience, and was rewarded with an invitation to join Ifan Jones Evans at their studios in Bangor.

Terry was invited into the studio itself, and for three hours he helped Ifan present his live show, reading messages from listeners, introducing songs and chatting merrily.

Ifan said, “It was a pleasure to have Terry on the show. He was perfect, spot on.

There’s clearly a glittering future ahead of him because he has the ability to communicate with others and is quite a character”.

An euphoric Terry said,

“I’ve always wanted to be a radio DJ and this experience has shown that I’m right to go after my dream”

“Over the past few months I’ve been able to do things I never imagined I could do. I’ve learned to not be afraid and do my best. I’m sure I want to be a DJ in the future.”

There are a few things that I don’t manage to do - but nobody is perfect in this old world but in the next few months I want to go for it!”

I have to take risks and try to follow my own path but I am very lucky to have a very supportive Mum and Dad”.

After seeing Terry graduate from Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Helen, his mother, said,

“I’ve watched Terry grow into the man he is now and I’m so proud of where he is today. Now it’s time for him to be independent. I’m one proud mother”.

Dad Phil added,

“Terry is my best friend and he has so many interests. We sometimes have long chats at night. We talk about travelling, about life. He likes music, he has a passion for it and his heart is really in it.”

“Since graduating from college where he completed a course in independent living skills, Terry has been doing more work experience on a weekday television programme in Caernarfon, and is hoping to find some reasonably priced DJ equipment to practise his presenting skills at home”.

Siwan Haf, who co-produced the documentary with Rhys Lloyd, described Terry as a “truly inspirational young man”.

Siwan added, “I’m very proud of the programme. It has been a pleasure working with Terry”.

“He speaks so honestly and openly about life in general and himself in particular. It is so refreshing and I feel I have learned so much from him and his attitude towards life while being in his lovely company”.

The programme, Drych: DJ Terry, will be broadcast on S4C on Sunday, April 23, at 9pm. English subtitles will be available and the programme can also be watched on demand on S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer and other streaming platforms.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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