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Dau o Raddedigion y Cwrs Plismona yng Ngholeg Llandrillo yn Dechrau Gyrfaoedd Newydd ar ôl Dychwelyd o'r UDA ac Awstralia!

Mae dau deithiwr brwd ar fin cadw eu pasbortau am y tro wrth iddynt ddechrau gyrfaoedd fel swyddogion yr heddlu, wedi iddynt raddio o'r cwrs gradd BSc cyntaf i'w gynnal mewn Plismona Proffesiynol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo.

Graddiodd Mollie Edwards a Jess Sutherland - o Lanrwst a Phorthaethwy, yr haf hwn, ac maent bellach yn edrych ymlaen at ddechrau eu gyrfaoedd gyda Heddlu Gogledd Cymru yn yr hydref.

Dyma stori Jess: "Fis Hydref, yn 38 oed, rydw i ar fin dechrau fy rôl newydd fel Cwnstabl gyda Heddlu Gogledd Cymru!

"Gadewais Ogledd Cymru pan o'n i'n 17 oed a symud i Boston, Massachusetts. Flwyddyn yn ddiweddarach, ro'n i'n ffodus o gael cyfle i weithio mewn cyfleuster cywirol i bobl ifanc. Gwnes i wir fwynhau gweithio gyda throseddwyr ifanc a phenderfynais mai dyma'r llwybr gyrfa ro'n i eisiau ei ddilyn. Gweithiais yno am nifer o flynyddoedd gan ddatblygu llawer o sgiliau ac ennill sawl cymhwyster; o ddiogelu pobl sy'n agored i niwed i hyfforddiant achubwr bywyd.

"Mae gen i ddwy ferch sy'n 16 a 10 oed - ganwyd y ddwy yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Yn 2017, penderfynais adael America a dychwelyd i Ogledd Cymru gyda'm merched. Ar ôl treulio blwyddyn yn ymgartrefu yma unwaith eto, penderfynais fy mod i eisiau dilyn gyrfa mewn plismona, ond sylweddolais yn fuan y byddai'n rhaid i mi gael gradd os o'n i am wireddu fy mreuddwyd o ddod yn swyddog yr heddlu.

"Es i i Goleg Llandrillo a chwrdd â'r tiwtor plismona Dewi Roberts, a roddodd yr holl wybodaeth yr oedd ei hangen arnaf. Cymerais ei gyngor a chofrestrais ar y cwrs gradd Plismona Proffesiynol cyntaf i'w gyflwyno gan Goleg Llandrillo a Phrifysgol Bangor.

"Ro'n i'n nerfus iawn am ddychwelyd i addysg yn 35 oed, ond dydw i ddim wedi difaru. Roedd bod y myfyriwr hynaf yn y dosbarth ychydig yn anghyfforddus i ddechrau. Ond yn ffodus, diflannodd y teimladau hynny'n fuan gan fod fy nghyd-fyfyrwyr a'r darlithoedd yn wych. Roedd y cymorth a gefais drwy gydol fy nhair blynedd yn rhagorol. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, gwnes hefyd ddod yn Gwnstabl Arbennig gyda Heddlu Gogledd Cymru, gan wasanaethu yn ardal Bangor rhan fwyaf.

"Mynychais fy seremoni raddio'r haf hwn. Wrth i mi wisgo fy nghap a'm gŵn wedi fy amgylchynu gan fy nwy ferch a'm teulu, sylweddolais mai hwn oedd diwrnod balchaf fy mywyd. Graddiais â gradd 2:1 ac rydw i bellach yn edrych ymlaen at yrfa ym maes plismona gyda Heddlu Gogledd Cymru."

Parhaodd Mollie, ei chyd-fyfyriwr a theithiwr brwd arall, â’i stori hithau: "Cwblheais gwrs BTEC Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Lefel 3 yng Ngholeg Llandrillo yn 2014, gan ennill gradd Rhagoriaeth. Ystyriais gwblhau'r radd Plismona bryd hynny, ond penderfynais fynd i weithio am ychydig er mwyn arbed arian i fynd i deithio. Teithiais ar fy mhen fy hun am 15 mis ledled Awstralia, de ddwyrain Asia, America a Chanada. Dychwelais adref wedyn i weithio mewn meddygfa, cyn penderfynu gwneud cais am le ar gwrs Gradd Plismona Proffesiynol newydd sbon (ar y pryd) y Coleg, a ddechreuodd ym mis Medi 2019.

"Yn ystod fy mlwyddyn gyntaf ar y cwrs, penderfynais ymgeisio i fod yn Gwnstabl Arbennig gyda Heddlu Gogledd Cymru. Cefais fy nerbyn, a bues i'n gweithio yn ardal de Gwynedd. Gwnaeth y profiad hwn roi dealltwriaeth gwerthfawr i mi o blismona gweithredol.

"Yn ddiweddar, graddiais o'r cwrs gradd Plismona Proffesiynol gydag Anrhydedd Dosbarth Cyntaf. Rydw i ar hyn o bryd yn mynd drwy'r broses o ymuno gyda Heddlu Gogledd Cymru fel Cwnstabl, a gobeithio y byddaf yn dechrau ar yr hyfforddiant ym mis Hydref 2022.

"Rydw i wedi cael fy nghefnogi'n llawn drwy gydol fy siwrne gan gynrychiolwyr o Goleg Llandrillo, Prifysgol Bangor a Heddlu Gogledd Cymru ac rydw i'n awr yn edrych ymlaen at ddechrau fy ngyrfa ym maes plismona."

Dywedodd Dewi Roberts sy'n diwtor ar y cwrs gradd mewn Plismona Proffesiynol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo: "Dysgais Mollie ar lefel BTEC a hefyd ar y cwrs gradd. Roedd hi'n fyfyriwr gwych ac mae ganddi'r rhinweddau i fod yn swyddog yr heddlu rhagorol. Cyfarfyddais â Jess pan ddaeth i drafod ei hopsiynau o ran ennill gradd fel y gallai ddod yn swyddog yr heddlu. Roedd Jess hefyd yn fyfyriwr o'r radd flaenaf, ac mae holl staff yr adran yn dymuno'r gorau iddynt yn y dyfodol."

Ychwanegodd Dr Tim Holmes o Brifysgol Bangor: "Cyfarfyddais â Jess a Mollie pan ddechreuodd y ddwy ar y cwrs gradd ac ymweld â'r brifysgol am y tro cyntaf. Ar ôl hynny, dysgais theori troseddegol a seiberdroseddu i'r ddwy yn ystod ail flwyddyn y cwrs gradd. Dangosodd y ddwy ddealltwriaeth frwd o droseddeg a'r heriau sy'n gysylltiedig â phlismona'r gymdeithas. Roedd eu hagwedd gadarnhaol a rhagweithiol tuag at eu hastudiaethau'n braf i’w gweld yn enwedig gan fod rhaid iddynt ddygymod ag astudio yn ystod cyfyngiadau Covid. Rydw i'n dymuno'r gorau i'r ddwy wrth iddynt ddechrau eu gyrfaoedd."

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Plismona yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, cysylltwch â thîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.



Mollie Edwards and Jess Sutherland – from Llanrwst and Menai Bridge respectively – both graduated this summer and are now looking forward to starting their careers in policing with North Wales Police this autumn.

Jess takes up her story: “I am about to start my new role as a Police Constable for North Wales Police in October, at 38 years of age!

“At the age of 17 I left North Wales and moved away to Boston, Massachusetts. A year later, I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to work at a juvenile correctional facility. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the young offenders and decided this was definitely the path I wanted to pursue career-wise. I worked there for many years and gained multiple skills and numerous qualifications: from safeguarding vulnerable people to lifeguard training.

“I have two daughters aged 16 and 10 - who were both born in the United States. In 2017 I made the decision to leave America and bring my girls back to North Wales. After a year’s settling in period, I decided I wanted to pursue a career in policing, but soon realised that I would need a degree if I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming an officer.

“I went to Coleg Llandrillo and met with policing tutor Dewi Roberts, who gave me all the information that I needed. I took his advice and enrolled on the first Professional Policing degree course, which is delivered by Coleg Llandrillo and Bangor University.

“I was so nervous about getting back into education at the age of 35, but I did it and have never looked back. Being the oldest student in the class was a little daunting to start with. Fortunately, those feelings soon slipped away, as my other classmates and the lecturers were fantastic. The support I received throughout my three years was exceptional. During this time, I also became a Special Constable with North Wales Police, mainly serving in the Bangor area.

“This summer I attended my graduation ceremony. As I put on my cap and gown surrounded by my two daughters and family, I realised that this was by far the proudest day of my life. I graduated with a 2:1 degree and now look forward to a career in policing with North Wales Police.”

Fellow jetsetter and classmate Mollie continued: "I completed a Level 3 BTEC Public Services course at Coleg Llandrillo in 2014, gaining a Distinction grade. I then contemplated doing the Policing degree but decided to work for a while, in order to save up and go travelling. I travelled alone for 15 months, around Australia, southeast Asia, America and Canada. I then returned home to work in a GPs’ surgery, before deciding to apply for a place on the college’s brand-new (at the time) Professional Policing Degree course, which started in September 2019.

“During my first year on the course, I decided to apply to be a Special Constable with North Wales Police. I was accepted and worked in the Gwynedd south area. This experience provided me with a valuable insight into operational policing.

“I have recently graduated from the Professional Policing degree course with First Class Honours. I am currently going through the process to join North Wales Police as a Police Constable, hoping to start the training in October 2022.

“I have been fully supported throughout my journey by representatives from Coleg Llandrillo, Bangor University and North Wales Police and am now looking forward to my career in policing.”

Coleg Llandrillo’s Professional Policing degree course tutor Dewi Roberts said: "I taught Mollie at BTEC level and also on the degree course. She was an excellent student and has the attributes to be an outstanding police officer. I met Jess when she came to discuss her options as regards gaining a degree so she could become a police officer. Jess, who I also taught on the degree course – was also a first-rate student, and all the staff from the department wish them both the best for the future.”

Dr Tim Holmes from Bangor University added: “I first met Jess and Mollie when they both started on the degree course and visited the university for the first time. After that, I taught both of them criminological theory and cybercrime during the second year of the degree. Both showed a keen understanding of criminology and the challenges associated with policing society. Their positive and proactive attitude towards their studies was nice to see especially as they had to contend with studying during Covid lockdown. I wish them both all the best as they embark on their careers.”

For more information on Policing courses at Coleg Llandrillo, contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



Mollie Edwards and Jess Sutherland – from Llanrwst and Menai Bridge respectively – both graduated this summer and are now looking forward to starting their careers in policing with North Wales Police this autumn.

Jess takes up her story: “I am about to start my new role as a Police Constable for North Wales Police in October, at 38 years of age!

“At the age of 17 I left North Wales and moved away to Boston, Massachusetts. A year later, I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to work at a juvenile correctional facility. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the young offenders and decided this was definitely the path I wanted to pursue career-wise. I worked there for many years and gained multiple skills and numerous qualifications: from safeguarding vulnerable people to lifeguard training.

“I have two daughters aged 16 and 10 - who were both born in the United States. In 2017 I made the decision to leave America and bring my girls back to North Wales. After a year’s settling in period, I decided I wanted to pursue a career in policing, but soon realised that I would need a degree if I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming an officer.

“I went to Coleg Llandrillo and met with policing tutor Dewi Roberts, who gave me all the information that I needed. I took his advice and enrolled on the first Professional Policing degree course, which is delivered by Coleg Llandrillo and Bangor University.

“I was so nervous about getting back into education at the age of 35, but I did it and have never looked back. Being the oldest student in the class was a little daunting to start with. Fortunately, those feelings soon slipped away, as my other classmates and the lecturers were fantastic. The support I received throughout my three years was exceptional. During this time, I also became a Special Constable with North Wales Police, mainly serving in the Bangor area.

“This summer I attended my graduation ceremony. As I put on my cap and gown surrounded by my two daughters and family, I realised that this was by far the proudest day of my life. I graduated with a 2:1 degree and now look forward to a career in policing with North Wales Police.”

Fellow jetsetter and classmate Mollie continued: "I completed a Level 3 BTEC Public Services course at Coleg Llandrillo in 2014, gaining a Distinction grade. I then contemplated doing the Policing degree but decided to work for a while, in order to save up and go travelling. I travelled alone for 15 months, around Australia, southeast Asia, America and Canada. I then returned home to work in a GPs’ surgery, before deciding to apply for a place on the college’s brand-new (at the time) Professional Policing Degree course, which started in September 2019.

“During my first year on the course, I decided to apply to be a Special Constable with North Wales Police. I was accepted and worked in the Gwynedd south area. This experience provided me with a valuable insight into operational policing.

“I have recently graduated from the Professional Policing degree course with First Class Honours. I am currently going through the process to join North Wales Police as a Police Constable, hoping to start the training in October 2022.

“I have been fully supported throughout my journey by representatives from Coleg Llandrillo, Bangor University and North Wales Police and am now looking forward to my career in policing.”

Coleg Llandrillo’s Professional Policing degree course tutor Dewi Roberts said: "I taught Mollie at BTEC level and also on the degree course. She was an excellent student and has the attributes to be an outstanding police officer. I met Jess when she came to discuss her options as regards gaining a degree so she could become a police officer. Jess, who I also taught on the degree course – was also a first-rate student, and all the staff from the department wish them both the best for the future.”

Dr Tim Holmes from Bangor University added: “I first met Jess and Mollie when they both started on the degree course and visited the university for the first time. After that, I taught both of them criminological theory and cybercrime during the second year of the degree. Both showed a keen understanding of criminology and the challenges associated with policing society. Their positive and proactive attitude towards their studies was nice to see especially as they had to contend with studying during Covid lockdown. I wish them both all the best as they embark on their careers.”

For more information on Policing courses at Coleg Llandrillo, contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



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