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Myfyrwyr o Goleg Llandrillo'n Ennill eu Lle yn Rownd Derfynol Cogydd Bwyd Môr Gorau Prydain

Mae dau gogydd ifanc addawol o Goleg Llandrillo wedi ennill eu lle yn rownd derfynol un o gystadlaethau coginio mwyaf y Deyrnas Unedig. Maent gam i ffwrdd o ennill y tlws, amrywiaeth o wobrau sy'n ymwneud â'r maes coginio, a chyfle i gael profiad gwaith gyda'r cogydd enwog, Rick Stein!

Curodd Jay Rees, sy'n 20 oed ac yn dod o Gaer, a Pippa Taylor, sy'n 19 oed ac yn byw ym Modelwyddan, dimau o bob cwr o'r Deyrnas Unedig, gan sicrhau lle yn rownd derfynol cystadleuaeth Cogydd Bwyd Môr 2022 a gynhelir yr haf hwn.

Bydd yr enillwyr lwcus yn cael profiad gwaith gyda beirniaid y rownd derfynol, sydd ymhlith yr enwau mwyaf adnabyddus yn y diwydiant lletygarwch, sef Rick Stein, Nathan Outlaw, Mitch Tonks a Mark Hicks!

Mae Jay'n dilyn cwrs Gradd Sylfaen yn y Celfyddydau Coginio, ac mae Pippa wedi cofrestru ar gwrs Diploma Lefel 3 y VRQ mewn Coginio Proffesiynol. Mae'r ddau'n astudio ar gampws y coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Roeddynt yn un o'r tri thîm a lwyddodd i gyrraedd y rownd derfynol genedlaethol yn dilyn yr olaf o'r tair rownd ranbarthol, a gynhaliwyd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo. Roedd y parau llwyddiannus eraill a gymerodd ran yn rownd Llandrillo yn dod o Goleg Prifysgol Birmingham a Choleg Caerwysg.

Yn ystod y rownd hon, dechreuodd y dasg o ganfod y genhedlaeth nesaf o gogyddion dawnus gyda phob pâr yn paratoi a chyflwyno tri chwrs blasus o fwyd môr, yn cynnwys cwrs cyntaf, cwrs canol a phrif gwrs.

Enillodd Jay a Pippa eu lle yn y rownd derfynol drwy baratoi bwydlen tri chwrs a oedd yn cynnwys hadog coch, lleden chwithig a maelgi, gyda'r holl fwyd môr yn dod o ffynonellau cynaliadwy.

Mae cystadleuaeth Cogydd Bwyd Môr Gorau Prydain 2022, sy'n dathlu ei phen-blwydd yn bump ar hugain oed ac a noddir gan Seafish, sef y corff cyhoeddus sy'n cefnogi diwydiant bwyd môr y Deyrnas Unedig, sy'n werth sawl biliwn, yn cynnig llwyfan i gyfranogwyr ddangos eu dawn a'u sgiliau gan ddefnyddio bwyd môr cynaliadwy.

Yn y rownd derfynol fis Mehefin, bydd y ddau ddawnus o Landrillo'n cystadlu yn erbyn wyth tîm arall o flaen y beirniaid yn y Grimsby Institute, Grimsby. Bydd y tîm buddugol yn ennill cyfle i gael profiad gwaith gydag un o'r beirniaid enwog, yn ogystal â set o gyllyll proffesiynol a llyfrau coginio.

Meddai Jay: "Mi gawson ni sioc, ond roedden ni wrth ein boddau, pan gyhoeddwyd ein henwau. Rydw i'n falch iawn o'n llwyddiant. Mi wnaethon ni weithio'n galed i baratoi at y gystadleuaeth hon ac mae'r ddau ohonom yn edrych ymlaen yn eiddgar at fynd benben â'r lleill yn y rownd derfynol."

Dywedodd Mike Evans, sy'n diwtor i un o'r ddwy: "Mi wnaethon nhw'n llawer gwell na'r disgwyl, gan berfformio'n wych fel tîm ar y diwrnod. Rydym yn dymuno'r gorau iddyn nhw ar gyfer y dyfodol."

Dywedodd Nikki Hawkins, beirniad ac ymgynghorydd annibynnol: “Mae cystadleuaeth Cogydd y Flwyddyn Prydain, a sefydlwyd yn 1996, yn parhau i ddod â thalent anhygoel i'r amlwg. Mae safon y coginio yn y rownd hon wedi bod yn eithriadol, gyda sgiliau a dawn greadigol pob tîm yn creu argraff arnom.

“Mae'r gystadleuaeth hon yn uchel ei pharch yn y diwydiant bwyd môr. Mae'n cynnig cyfle i gogyddion ifanc uchelgeisiol ddangos eu gallu a'u hyder wrth weithio gydag amrywiaeth o fwyd môr cynaliadwy, yn ogystal â chyfle i hybu eu gyrfaoedd yn y dyfodol.

"Bydd yr enillwyr heddiw’n mynd ymlaen i gystadlu yn y rownd derfynol yn Grimsby, ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at weld yr hyn sydd ganddyn nhw i'w gynnig i'r beirniaid.” Y beirniaid eraill ar y diwrnod oedd Ben Bartlett, a Simon Geldart a arferai fod yn fyfyriwr yng Ngholeg Llandrillo dros ugain mlynedd yn ôl!

Yn ddiweddar, dyfarnodd Estyn radd 'Rhagoriaeth' i’r coleg am ei ddarpariaeth ym maes Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo, ffoniwch dîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.


Jay Rees, 20 from Chester and Pippa Taylor, 19 from Bodelwyddan, beat off fierce competition from teams from across the UK in the Western heat to qualify for the UK final of the ‘National Seafood Chef of the Year 2022’ competition in the summer.

Work placements with the final’s judges - some of the biggest names in the hospitality industry - await the lucky winners. The judges are Rick Stein, Nathan Outlaw, Mitch Tonks and Mark Hicks!

Jay is studying for a Foundation Degree in Culinary Arts and Pippa is enrolled on the VRQ Level 3 Diploma in Professional Cookery course. Both study at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

They were one of only three teams to qualify for the national final from the last of three regional heats, which took place at Coleg Llandrillo. The other successful pairs from the Llandrillo heat were from University College Birmingham and Exeter College.

During the heat, the quest to find the next generation of culinary talent began with each team of two young chefs preparing and presenting three appetising seafood dishes, comprising a starter course, an intermediate course and a main course.

Jay and Pippa earned their place in the final by preparing a three-course menu comprising smoked haddock, Dover sole and monkfish, all created using sustainably-sourced seafood.

The 2022 ‘National Seafood Chef of the Year’ competition – which is celebrating its 25th anniversary and is sponsored by Seafish, the public body which supports the multi-billion-pound UK seafood industry - offers participants a platform to demonstrate their flair and skills using sustainable seafood.

The talented Llandrillo duo will compete against eight other teams of two in front of judges at the final, to be held at The Grimsby Institute, Grimsby in June. The victorious team will win a placement with one of the celebrity chef judges, as well as industry standard knife sets and cookbooks.

Jay said: “We were shocked but delighted when our names were called out. I am very proud of our achievements. We put a lot of work into preparing for this competition and both of us can’t wait to battle it out in the grand final.”

One of the pair’s tutors, Mike Evans, said: “They exceeded all expectations and performed brilliantly as a team on the day. We wish them all the best for the final.”

Nikki Hawkins, judge and independent consultant, said: “Founded in 1996, the ‘National Seafood Chef of the Year’ competition continues to uncover incredible talent. The standard of cooking in this heat has been exceptional, with each team impressing us with the skill and creativity in their dishes.

“This competition is highly regarded in the seafood industry. It offers ambitious young chefs the opportunity to demonstrate their ability and confidence in working with a range of sustainable seafood, and the chance to potentially boost their future careers.

“Today’s winners will now have their sights firmly set on the final in Grimsby, and we’re looking forward to seeing what they have to offer the judges.” The other judges on the day were Ben Bartlett and Simon Geldart, who coincidentally is an ex-Coleg Llandrillo student from over 20 years ago!

The college was recently awarded an 'excellent' by Estyn for its Hospitality & Catering provision.

For more information on our courses in Hospitality & Catering, please call the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.


Jay Rees, 20 from Chester and Pippa Taylor, 19 from Bodelwyddan, beat off fierce competition from teams from across the UK in the Western heat to qualify for the UK final of the ‘National Seafood Chef of the Year 2022’ competition in the summer.

Work placements with the final’s judges - some of the biggest names in the hospitality industry - await the lucky winners. The judges are Rick Stein, Nathan Outlaw, Mitch Tonks and Mark Hicks!

Jay is studying for a Foundation Degree in Culinary Arts and Pippa is enrolled on the VRQ Level 3 Diploma in Professional Cookery course. Both study at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

They were one of only three teams to qualify for the national final from the last of three regional heats, which took place at Coleg Llandrillo. The other successful pairs from the Llandrillo heat were from University College Birmingham and Exeter College.

During the heat, the quest to find the next generation of culinary talent began with each team of two young chefs preparing and presenting three appetising seafood dishes, comprising a starter course, an intermediate course and a main course.

Jay and Pippa earned their place in the final by preparing a three-course menu comprising smoked haddock, Dover sole and monkfish, all created using sustainably-sourced seafood.

The 2022 ‘National Seafood Chef of the Year’ competition – which is celebrating its 25th anniversary and is sponsored by Seafish, the public body which supports the multi-billion-pound UK seafood industry - offers participants a platform to demonstrate their flair and skills using sustainable seafood.

The talented Llandrillo duo will compete against eight other teams of two in front of judges at the final, to be held at The Grimsby Institute, Grimsby in June. The victorious team will win a placement with one of the celebrity chef judges, as well as industry standard knife sets and cookbooks.

Jay said: “We were shocked but delighted when our names were called out. I am very proud of our achievements. We put a lot of work into preparing for this competition and both of us can’t wait to battle it out in the grand final.”

One of the pair’s tutors, Mike Evans, said: “They exceeded all expectations and performed brilliantly as a team on the day. We wish them all the best for the final.”

Nikki Hawkins, judge and independent consultant, said: “Founded in 1996, the ‘National Seafood Chef of the Year’ competition continues to uncover incredible talent. The standard of cooking in this heat has been exceptional, with each team impressing us with the skill and creativity in their dishes.

“This competition is highly regarded in the seafood industry. It offers ambitious young chefs the opportunity to demonstrate their ability and confidence in working with a range of sustainable seafood, and the chance to potentially boost their future careers.

“Today’s winners will now have their sights firmly set on the final in Grimsby, and we’re looking forward to seeing what they have to offer the judges.” The other judges on the day were Ben Bartlett and Simon Geldart, who coincidentally is an ex-Coleg Llandrillo student from over 20 years ago!

The college was recently awarded an 'excellent' by Estyn for its Hospitality & Catering provision.

For more information on our courses in Hospitality & Catering, please call the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.


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