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Medal Efydd i Lucas ym Mhencampwriaethau Codi Pwysau'r Byd

Lucas Williams o Goleg Menai ydy pencampwr Prydain ac enillodd le ar y podiwm yn ei gystadleuaeth ryngwladol gyntaf yn Romania.

Cipiodd Lucas fedal efydd ym Mhencampwriaethau Rhyngwladol y Ffederasiwn Codi Pwysau a gynhaliwyd yn Cluj-napoca, Romania.

⁠Daeth y myfyriwr 18 oed o Gaergybi yn drydydd yn y categori iau dan 83kg mewn cystadleuaeth rhwng 21 athletwr o bob cwr o'r byd.

Enillodd Lucas, sy'n dilyn cwrs Lefel 2 mewn Weldio ar gampws Coleg Menai yn Llangefni, yr hawl i gystadlu ym Mhencampwriaethau'r Byd ar ôl ennill teitl pencampwr Prydain (dan 18 oed) ym mis Ebrill.

Dyma'r drydedd tro yn unig iddo gystadlu er dechrau codi pwysau 18 mis yn ôl, ac mae'n targedu rhagor o lwyddiant yn ystod 2024 pan fydd yn symud i fyny i lefel uwch (oedran 18-23).

Lucas Williams claimed bronze in the International Powerlifting Federation World Championships in Cluj-napoca, Romania.

The 18-year-old from Holyhead finished third in the under-83kg sub-junior category, among 21 athletes from all over the world.

Lucas, who studies Level 2 welding at Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus, qualified for the World Championship by winning the British sub-junior (under-18) title in April this year.

The competition in Romania was just his third since he started powerlifting 18 months ago, and he is now targeting more success in 2024, when he will step up to junior level (age 18-23).

Lucas Williams claimed bronze in the International Powerlifting Federation World Championships in Cluj-napoca, Romania.

The 18-year-old from Holyhead finished third in the under-83kg sub-junior category, among 21 athletes from all over the world.

Lucas, who studies Level 2 welding at Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus, qualified for the World Championship by winning the British sub-junior (under-18) title in April this year.

The competition in Romania was just his third since he started powerlifting 18 months ago, and he is now targeting more success in 2024, when he will step up to junior level (age 18-23).

Dywedodd Lucas: "Roedd yn hwyl! Dw i'n anelu at ennill teitl Pencampwr Prydain ar lefel iau, a gobeithio y caf i gyfle i gystadlu ar lefel rhyngwladol ym Mhencampwriaethau'r Byd eto.

Rhaid codi'r bar dair gwaith yn ystod y gystadleuaeth codi pwysau hon, codi o'r cwrcwd, o'r fainc a chodi o'r llawr sy'n wahanol i'r gystadleuaeth Olympaidd sy'n cynnwys cipio a phlwc dwy law.

Yn Romania, cododd Lucas 242.5kg o'i gwrcwd, 147.5kg o'r fainc a 280.5kg o'r llawr i orffen yn drydydd y tu ôl i Scanlon Thomas o Seland Newydd a Tyler Joseph o UDA.

Mae'n hyfforddi gyda'i hyfforddwr bedair gwaith yr wythnos ac yn gwneud ymarfer MMA hefyd yn ei amser sbâr i gadw'n heini.

Lucas said: “It was good fun. Now I’m aiming for next year’s British Championship at junior level, and hopefully I can qualify for the World Championships again.”

Powerlifting comprises three lifts - the squat, bench and deadlift - as opposed to Olympic weightlifting, which consists of the snatch and the clean-and-jerk.

In Romania, Lucas lifted 242.5kg in the squat, 147.5kg in the bench and 280.5kg in the deadlift, to finish third behind Scanlon Thomas of New Zealand, and Tyler Joseph of the USA.

He trains with his powerlifting coach four times a week, and also practises MMA in his spare time to keep fit.

Lucas said: “It was good fun. Now I’m aiming for next year’s British Championship at junior level, and hopefully I can qualify for the World Championships again.”

Powerlifting comprises three lifts - the squat, bench and deadlift - as opposed to Olympic weightlifting, which consists of the snatch and the clean-and-jerk.

In Romania, Lucas lifted 242.5kg in the squat, 147.5kg in the bench and 280.5kg in the deadlift, to finish third behind Scanlon Thomas of New Zealand, and Tyler Joseph of the USA.

He trains with his powerlifting coach four times a week, and also practises MMA in his spare time to keep fit.

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