Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Llwyddiant Myfyrwyr Cerbyd Modur mewn Cystadleuaeth Genedlaethol

Mae tri phrentis talentog sy'n dilyn cyrsiau Cerbydau Modur ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn Y Rhyl wedi llwyddo i gyrraedd rownd genedlaethol cystadleuaeth sgiliau cerbydau modur ar ôl plesio beirniaid yn y profion rhanbarthol.

Bydd Marcus Robbins 17 oed o'r Rhyl, Harvey Mangnall 18 oed o Dywyn a Rhys Jones 19 oed o Drefnant, yn cymryd rhan yng Nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru 2020/2021 ac maen nhw un cam yn agosach at ennill gwobr Aur a choron talent newydd y diwydiant! Maen nhw'n fyfyrwyr llawn amser ar y cwrs ILM Lefel 2 mewn Egwyddorion Cynnal a Chadw a Thrwsio Cerbydau Ysgafn.

Gofynnwyd i'r cystadleuwyr rhanbarthol gyflawni 3 thasg yn y categori 'Technoleg Cerbydau Modur Ysgafn' er mwyn profi eu sgiliau yn y maes: canfod nam cychwyn modur, cynnal archwiliad ar gerbyd, a newid cadwyn amseru. Roedd pob tasg yn cael ei amseru ac roedd rhaid eu cwblhau o fewn 45 munud. Yn y rownd derfynol bydd gofyn i'r tri gynnal prawf diagnostig ar efelychydd modur ar-lein.

Oherwydd pandemig Covid-19, ac er mwyn cyd-fynd â chanllawiau a chyngor diogelwch diweddaraf y Llywodraeth, mae Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru wedi addasu'r modd y cynhelir y cystadlaethau eleni. O ganlyniad i hyn, cynhaliwyd y cystadlaethau rhanbarthol i ganfod rhagoriaeth ym maes cerbydau modur o bell.

Yn ôl Eifion Griffiths, tiwtor y myfyrwyr: Mae'r ffaith bod y tri wedi llwyddo i ennill lle yn y rownd derfynol ar lefel genedlaethol yn brawf o'u hymrwymiad a'u hymroddiad. Maen nhw wedi cyflawni hyn er gwaetha'r holl anawsterau sydd wedi codi oherwydd Covid a'r cyfnodau clo. Maen nhw wedi gwneud yn arbennig o dda hyd yma ac rydym ni yma yn yr adran Cerbydau Modur yn y Rhyl yn falch iawn ohonyn nhw ac yn dymuno'n dda iddyn nhw yn y rownd derfynol.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Coleg Llandrillo ym maes Cerbydau Modur, ewch i: neu cysylltwch â'r coleg ar 01745 354 797.

Marcus Robbins, 17, from Rhyl, Harvey Mangnall, 18, from Towyn and Rhys Jones, 19, from Trefnant have all qualified for the Skills Competition Wales 2020/2021 national finals, and are now one step away from winning gold and being crowned the best new talent in the industry! They are all full-time students studying on the IMI Level 2 Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles course.

All the regional competitors had to complete three tasks in the ‘Light Vehicle Automotive Technology’ category to test their automotive skills: from diagnosing a starting fault, through carrying out a vehicle inspection, to changing a timing chain on an engine. Each task had to be completed within the 45 minute timescale. In the final, the trio will have to complete a diagnostic test on an online engine simulator.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and working to the latest Government guidelines and safety advice, Skills Competition Wales had to adapt the way in which its automotive competitions are being delivered this year. As a result, the competition national qualifiers - which are a search for automotive excellence within Wales - were held remotely.

The students’ tutor, Eifion Griffiths, said: “Considering everything that has happened this year with the lockdown, it is a testament to their dedication and talent that all three will now get the chance to compete against their peers in the national final. They have done brilliantly to get this far in the competition, and I'm sure they will do themselves and the staff at the Motor Vehicle department here in Rhyl proud when the take part in the final."

For more information on Coleg Llandrillo’s Motor Vehicle courses, please visit: or contact the college on 01745 354 797.

Marcus Robbins, 17, from Rhyl, Harvey Mangnall, 18, from Towyn and Rhys Jones, 19, from Trefnant have all qualified for the Skills Competition Wales 2020/2021 national finals, and are now one step away from winning gold and being crowned the best new talent in the industry! They are all full-time students studying on the IMI Level 2 Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles course.

All the regional competitors had to complete three tasks in the ‘Light Vehicle Automotive Technology’ category to test their automotive skills: from diagnosing a starting fault, through carrying out a vehicle inspection, to changing a timing chain on an engine. Each task had to be completed within the 45 minute timescale. In the final, the trio will have to complete a diagnostic test on an online engine simulator.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and working to the latest Government guidelines and safety advice, Skills Competition Wales had to adapt the way in which its automotive competitions are being delivered this year. As a result, the competition national qualifiers - which are a search for automotive excellence within Wales - were held remotely.

The students’ tutor, Eifion Griffiths, said: “Considering everything that has happened this year with the lockdown, it is a testament to their dedication and talent that all three will now get the chance to compete against their peers in the national final. They have done brilliantly to get this far in the competition, and I'm sure they will do themselves and the staff at the Motor Vehicle department here in Rhyl proud when the take part in the final."

For more information on Coleg Llandrillo’s Motor Vehicle courses, please visit: or contact the college on 01745 354 797.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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