Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Myfyrwyr Chwaraeon Moduro i Gystadlu ym Mhencampwriaeth Cwpan CityCar

Mae myfyrwyr Chwaraeon Moduro Lefel 3 o gampws Coleg Menai yn Llangefni yn cymryd rhan yn yr Her Chwaraeon Moduro myfyrwyr, fel rhan o'r Bencampwriaeth CityCar Cup.

Roedd y Coleg yn falch o groesawu sylfaenydd Student Motorsport, JP Latham, a'r Llysgennad Chwaraeon James Harvey, i lansio'r prosiect a chyflwyno'r rhannau a char rasio manylebau llawn i'r myfyrwyr.

Bydd cymryd rhan yn y gyfres rasio addysgiadol yn darparu cyfle heb ei ail i'r myfyrwyr i ddysgu, cystadlu a rhwydweithio yn yr amgylchedd chwaraeon moduro proffesiynol. Gan fynychu calendr o ddyddiau rasio o gwmpas y wlad, bydd y dysgwyr yn gweithio gyda gyrrwr proffesiynol allanol a fydd yn rasio eu car.

Roedd y diwrnod lansio yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o weithgareddau, gyda'r myfyrwyr yn cael y cyfle i edrych dros y car rasio manylebau llawn o Essential Racing, gan sylwi ar y gwahaniaeth rhwng hwn a'r car "rhoddwr" y byddant yn ei drawsffurfio, cyn troi eu llaw ar adeiladu cawell rowlio.

Darparodd JP o Student Motorsport drosolwg o'r rhannau newydd a fydd yn trawsffurfio Peugeot 107 y coleg yn gerbyd parod i rasio, tra aeth James dros yr agweddau technegol a rheoleiddiol ar rasio ceir ac offer gyrwyr.

Cystadleuodd myfyrwyr hefyd yn erbyn ei gilydd mewn timau o 4 mewn Her Stop Pwll, lle rhoddir iddynt sefyllfa stop pwll heb ei drefnu o flaen llaw i wneud newidiadau i gael y car nol yn y ras.

Ers y diwrnod lansio, mae ‘Titan Ynys Môn’, sydd wedi’i leoli yn Llangefni ac yn bartner cefnogol i’r Adran Chwaraeon Moduro, wedi darparu cydrannau a rhannau allweddol ar gyfer y car rasio.

Dros yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf, mae'r tiwtoriaid wedi arwain y tîm o ddeg o ddysgwyr i dynnu'r cerbyd rhoddwr a gwneud gwiriadau ac atgyweiriadau angenrheidiol. Mae’r tîm bellach yn trosi’r cerbyd yn gar rasio Her 2023, ac yn gweithio’n agos gydag adrannau eraill o fewn y coleg i gyflawni’r agweddau ehangach ar ddatblygu, cynllunio a rhedeg tîm rasio.

Eglurodd JP Latham, sylfaenydd Student Motorsport, “Yr ethos sylfaenol y tu ôl i’r her yw creu unigolion sy’n barod am waith, a thrwy hynny addysgu a chyflwyno dysgwyr i’r agweddau ehangach a’r diwydiannau ategol sy’n rhan o chwaraeon moduro.

“Bydd gweithgareddau’r tîm yn cynnwys gwaith cydweithredol o amrywiaeth o feysydd megis marchnata, y cyfryngau, lletygarwch, busnes a gwyddor chwaraeon, – i gyd wrth gwrs gyda’r nod o aros o fewn y gyllideb.”

Dywedodd Arron Peel, Dirprwy Reolwr Maes Rhaglen Peirianneg Coleg Menai,

"Rydym wedi cyffroi o fedru dod â'r cymhwyster a'r cyfle newydd hwn i'n myfyrwyr, dyma'r cwrs chwaraeon moduro cyntaf i Grwp Llandrillo Menai ei gynnig."

"Mae cael ein car ein hunain i gystadlu mewn pencampwriaeth rasio proffesiynol yn wych hefyd, mae'n darparu profiad lefel-diwydiant go iawn i'n myfyrwyr a fydd yn sicr yn eu helpu yn y dyfodol wrth iddynt fynd ymlaen i yrfa mewn Peirianneg Chwaraeon moduro.

"Rhaid diolch i JP Latham o Student Motorsport am roi o'i amser gan dreulio diwrnod cyfan gyda'n myfyrwyr, ac am ddarparu rhannau i ni ar gyfer y car rasio. "

"Diolch hefyd i'r busnesau lleol Titan Ynys Mon, Unit Thirteen, Lucas Oil, CSG Motorpsport a Slideways Motorsport and eu help a'u cefnogaeth"

Ychwanegodd Daron Evans, Arolygwr Sgiliau Ymarferol yn yr Adran Beirianneg,

“Trefnwyd siaradwyr gwadd o gwmnïau lleol , megis "Slideways Sport" eisoes ar gyfer y dysgwyr Chwaraeon Moduro, ac mi wnaethant hefyd yn ddiweddar fynychu'r Rali Cambrian am ddiwrnod, lle y gwnaethant helpu gyda'r stiwardio a'r gwaith archwilio'r cerbydau.”

"Mae medru cynnig y cwrs chwaraeon Moduro newydd hwn yng Ngogledd Cymru wir yn gyffrous, gan ei bod yn ardal gyfoethog o ran diddordeb i’r byd chwaraeon moduro. Mae'r cwrs yn darparu cyfleoedd ardderchog ar gyfer ein dysgwyr i ddatblygu sgiliau a gwybodaeth o fewn y sector a mynd ymlaen i addysg bellach a gyrfâu o fewn chwaraeon moduro".

The College was pleased to recently welcome the founder of Student Motorsport, JP Latham and Sporting Ambassador James Harvey to launch the project, beginning the team training and to introduce the parts and a full spec race car to the students.

Participating in the educational-based racing series will provide the students with an unrivalled opportunity to learn, compete and network in the professional motorsport environment. The team will start their campaign at the Anglesey race at Trâc Môn in June - where the learners will work with a professional driver who will race their car.

The launch day involved a variety of activities, the students were given the chance to look over the full-spec race car from Essential Racing, and notice the difference between this and the ‘donor’ car that they will be transforming, before trying their hand at constructing a roll cage.

JP from Student Motorsport also provided a detailed overview of the new parts that will transform the college’s Peugeot 107 into a race-ready vehicle, whilst James went over the technical and regulatory aspects of motor racing and driver equipment.

Since launch day, ‘Titan Ynys Môn’, based in Llangefni and a supporting partner to the Motorsport Department, has provided key components and parts for the race car.

Over the last few weeks, the tutors have guided the team of ten learners to strip the donor vehicle and make necessary checks and repairs. The team is now converting the vehicle into the 2023 Challenge race car, and is working closely with other departments within the college to carry out the wider aspects of developing, planning and running a racing team.

JP Latham, founder of Student Motorsport, explained, “The underlying ethos behind the Challenge is to create work-ready individuals, and thus teach and expose learners to the wider aspects and supporting industries that make-up motorsport.

“The team's activities will include collaborative work from a range of areas such as marketing, media, hospitality, business and sports science, - all of course with the goal of remaining within budget.”

Arron Peel, Deputy Programme Area Manager for Engineering at Coleg Menai, said,

“We are really excited to be able to bring this new qualification and opportunity to our students, it’s the first Motorsports course Grŵp Llandrillo Menai offers.”

“Entering our very own car into a national professional racing championship is fantastic too, it’s providing our students with real, industry-level experience, which will certainly help them in the future as they progress into a career in Motorsports Engineering”.

“We’d like to thank JP and James from Student Motorsport for taking the time to spend a full day with our students, and for providing us with parts for the race car.”

“Thank you also to local businesses Titan Ynys Môn, Unit Thirteen, Lucas oil, CSG Motorsport and Slideways Motorsport for their help and support”

Daron Evans, Practical Skills Supervisor in the Engineering department, added,

“The Motorsport learners have already been visited by guest speakers from local companies, such as - ‘Slideways MotorSport’, and they also recently attended the Cambrian Rally for a day, where they helped out with the marshalling and scrutineering of the vehicles.”

“Being able to offer this new Motorsports course in North Wales is really exciting, as it’s an area rich in motorsport interest. The course is providing excellent opportunities for our learners to develop skills and knowledge within the sector and progress into further education and careers within motorsport”

The College was pleased to recently welcome the founder of Student Motorsport, JP Latham and Sporting Ambassador James Harvey to launch the project, beginning the team training and to introduce the parts and a full spec race car to the students.

Participating in the educational-based racing series will provide the students with an unrivalled opportunity to learn, compete and network in the professional motorsport environment. The team will start their campaign at the Anglesey race at Trâc Môn in June - where the learners will work with a professional driver who will race their car.

The launch day involved a variety of activities, the students were given the chance to look over the full-spec race car from Essential Racing, and notice the difference between this and the ‘donor’ car that they will be transforming, before trying their hand at constructing a roll cage.

JP from Student Motorsport also provided a detailed overview of the new parts that will transform the college’s Peugeot 107 into a race-ready vehicle, whilst James went over the technical and regulatory aspects of motor racing and driver equipment.

Since launch day, ‘Titan Ynys Môn’, based in Llangefni and a supporting partner to the Motorsport Department, has provided key components and parts for the race car.

Over the last few weeks, the tutors have guided the team of ten learners to strip the donor vehicle and make necessary checks and repairs. The team is now converting the vehicle into the 2023 Challenge race car, and is working closely with other departments within the college to carry out the wider aspects of developing, planning and running a racing team.

JP Latham, founder of Student Motorsport, explained, “The underlying ethos behind the Challenge is to create work-ready individuals, and thus teach and expose learners to the wider aspects and supporting industries that make-up motorsport.

“The team's activities will include collaborative work from a range of areas such as marketing, media, hospitality, business and sports science, - all of course with the goal of remaining within budget.”

Arron Peel, Deputy Programme Area Manager for Engineering at Coleg Menai, said,

“We are really excited to be able to bring this new qualification and opportunity to our students, it’s the first Motorsports course Grŵp Llandrillo Menai offers.”

“Entering our very own car into a national professional racing championship is fantastic too, it’s providing our students with real, industry-level experience, which will certainly help them in the future as they progress into a career in Motorsports Engineering”.

“We’d like to thank JP and James from Student Motorsport for taking the time to spend a full day with our students, and for providing us with parts for the race car.”

“Thank you also to local businesses Titan Ynys Môn, Unit Thirteen, Lucas oil, CSG Motorsport and Slideways Motorsport for their help and support”

Daron Evans, Practical Skills Supervisor in the Engineering department, added,

“The Motorsport learners have already been visited by guest speakers from local companies, such as - ‘Slideways MotorSport’, and they also recently attended the Cambrian Rally for a day, where they helped out with the marshalling and scrutineering of the vehicles.”

“Being able to offer this new Motorsports course in North Wales is really exciting, as it’s an area rich in motorsport interest. The course is providing excellent opportunities for our learners to develop skills and knowledge within the sector and progress into further education and careers within motorsport”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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