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Buddsoddiad o filiynau o bunnoedd yn nyfodol Coleg Glynllifon

Mae’r camau nesaf mewn cyfres o brosiectau cyffrous newydd yng Ngholeg Glynllifon wedi’u datgelu gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, wrth iddo geisio adeiladu ar ei lwyddiannau diweddar a chyfnerthu ei safle ar flaen y gad ym maes dysgu amaethyddol a’r economi wledig.

Mae’r tri phrosiect, sydd wedi’u clustnodi i’w datblygu ar ei safle ger Caernarfon, yn cynrychioli buddsoddiad pellach o £16miliwn yn economi’r rhanbarth gan gynnwys darparu Hwb Economi Wledig Glynllifon, sy’n rhan o raglen Bwyd-Amaeth a Thwristiaeth Bargen Twf Gogledd Cymru.

Yn ogystal â rhoi hwb enfawr i economi gogledd Cymru, mae’r arian hefyd yn fuddsoddiad sylweddol yn nyfodol addysgol ei fyfyrwyr. Bydd y prosiectau newydd yn darparu ystod o gyfleusterau modern i helpu i feithrin mwy o ddysgu, entrepreneuriaeth, arloesi, trosglwyddo gwybodaeth a datblygu menter.

Mae’r cyhoeddiad am fuddsoddiad newydd sylweddol yn dilyn llwyddiannau diweddar i’r coleg, gan gynnwys ei fferm yn ennill y fuches Procross ganolig orau yn y DU, gan Viking Genetics, a’r adran goedwigaeth yn ennill Gwobrau Rhagoriaeth Addysg a Dysgu gan y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol. Hefyd, cafodd y rhaglen gyfalaf ddiweddar gwerth £2.1miliwn i ail-bwrpasu adeiladau fferm a adeiladwyd yn 1850 i fod yn ganolfan gofal anifeiliaid i arwain y sector ei chydnabod yn y Green Apple ​Environment Award​s yn Llundain, gan ennill cyfres o anrhydeddau, gan gynnwys gwobr Aur yn y categori prosiectau trawsnewid.

Gyda dros 750 erw o dir amaethyddol cymysg, mae campws Coleg Glynllifon yn adnodd unigryw sy’n darparu amgylchedd dysgu ysgogol i bobl ifanc a rhaglen gynhwysfawr o gyrsiau i wasanaethu anghenion economi leol y tir. Mae'r cyfleusterau'n cynnwys fferm arloesi, cyfleusterau addysgol sy'n addysgu dros 600 o ddysgwyr bob blwyddyn a chanolfan menter sefydledig, sy'n cyflwyno dros 200 o gyrsiau byr diwydiannau'r tir bob blwyddyn.

Gan adeiladu ar y cyfleusterau presennol hyn mae cynlluniau ar gyfer buddsoddiad gwerth miliynau o bunnoedd i ddatblygu cynhyrchiant a seilwaith llaeth, a fydd yn helpu i hyrwyddo lles anifeiliaid, cynaliadwyedd a thwf gwyrdd.

Gyda datgarboneiddio a symud i ddyfodol sero net wrth galon dogfen weledigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar ar gyfer y diwydiant bwyd a diod, mae’r prosiect yn gyfle gwych i Goleg Glynllifon fod ar flaen y gad ym maes ffermio llaeth carbon isel. Gyda chynlluniau’n cynnwys defnyddio technolegau fel roboteg, camerâu wedi’u galluogi gan Ddeallusrwydd Artiffisial a rheolaethau awtomataidd lles ac amgylchedd, bydd myfyrwyr a’r diwydiant amaethyddol ehangach yn gallu gwneud defnydd llawn o’r cyfleusterau newydd i ddod o hyd i atebion arloesol i heriau sy’n wynebu’r diwydiant yn y dyfodol.

Yn ogystal â'r ganolfan cynhyrchu llaeth newydd, mae cynlluniau hefyd i ddatblygu cyfleuster godro gwerth £1.3m ar y safle.

Bydd y cyfleuster newydd yn cynnwys parlwr godro ac unedau trin defaid ac yn gaffaeliad amhrisiadwy i’r diwydiant defaid a llaeth wrth iddo weithio gyda phartneriaid ehangach i hybu trosglwyddo gwybodaeth o fewn y sector a sefydlu dyfodol cynaliadwy ar gyfer cynhyrchu llaeth dafad yn Cymru.

Yn sail i ddadorchuddio’r ddau ddatblygiad newydd o fewn y diwydiant llaeth a defaid mae Hwb Economi Wledig Glynllifon, sy’n cynrychioli buddsoddiad sylweddol i ffyniant economaidd economi gogledd Cymru yn y dyfodol.

Mae’r prosiect yn rhan annatod o Fargen Twf Gogledd Cymru, ac yn cynnwys cynlluniau ar gyfer Unedau Deori Bwyd, a fydd yn cynnwys unedau gradd bwyd hyblyg wedi’u cynllunio i ddenu busnesau bach a chanolig newydd a rhai sy’n tyfu. Yn ogystal â hyn bydd Canolfan Wybodaeth a fydd yn creu cronfa o wybodaeth a phrofiad ymarferol i ysgogi arloesedd, twf menter a datblygiad gwledig ar draws pob sector, er enghraifft arddangos ynni cynaliadwy, roboteg a thelathrebu.

Mae’r cynlluniau ar gyfer Hwb Economi Wledig nodedig o safon fyd-eang yn rhoi cyfle trawsnewidiol i economi’r rhanbarth. Bydd yn helpu i ysgogi twf yn y sector bwyd a diod a diwydiannau ehangach drwy ddarparu llwyfan ar gyfer arloesi a’r buddsoddiad cynyddol mewn seilwaith digidol.

Mae rhai o amcanion cychwynnol allweddol y prosiect yn cynnwys cynhyrchu £50 miliwn o GYC ychwanegol i economi gogledd Cymru, creu dros 100 o swyddi newydd a chefnogi 200 o fusnesau bob blwyddyn i leihau eu hôl troed carbon ac ymateb i gyfleoedd newydd.

Fodd bynnag, nid economi’r rhanbarth yn unig fydd yn elwa o’r cyfleusterau blaengar newydd. Bydd y tri phrosiect newydd hefyd yn gwella a chyfoethogi profiad dysgwyr a staff Coleg Glynllifon yn fawr.

Wrth sôn am ei gyffro ynghylch y cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr a ddaw gyda’r datblygiadau newydd, dywedodd Dafydd Evans, Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, “Mae’r prosiectau hyn yn cynrychioli buddsoddiad sylweddol yn ein gweledigaeth ar gyfer Coleg Glynllifon i sicrhau ei rôl fel y prif ddarparwr gwybodaeth ac addysg amaethyddol yng Nghymru a'r DU.

“Byddant yn gweld Coleg Glynllifon nid yn unig yn parhau i ddysgu sgiliau newydd i bobl ifanc, ond hefyd yn rhoi cyfle trawsnewidiol i economi wledig gyfan gogledd Cymru ddod at ei gilydd a chyfnewid gwybodaeth, arloesi, a chael mynediad at gefnogaeth ehangach.”

Mae Bargen Twf Gogledd Cymru yn cynrychioli buddsoddiad o £240m i adeiladu economi mwy bywiog, cynaliadwy a gwydn ar draws y rhanbarth. Wrth gymryd i ystyriaeth ffrydiau ariannu ychwanegol drwy'r sector cyhoeddus a phreifat, bydd cyfanswm y buddsoddiad dros £1biliwn. Y nod yw adeiladu ar gryfderau presennol a hybu cynhyrchiant, wrth fynd i’r afael â heriau hirdymor a rhwystrau economaidd i sicrhau twf cynhwysol ar draws pob sector.

Wrth siarad am y buddsoddiad yn yr Hwb Economi Wledig arfaethedig, dywedodd Alwen Williams, Cyfarfwyddwr Portffolio Uchelgais Gogledd Cymru, “Hwb Economi Wledig Coleg Glynllifon yw un o’r prosiectau cyntaf i symud ymlaen drwy’r Fargen Twf, a bydd y datblygiad arfaethedig yn dod â chryn dipyn o fanteision hirdymor i ogledd Cymru gyfan.

“Wrth i ni i gyd brofi cost gynyddol bwyd, ni fu pwysigrwydd cynhyrchion cynaliadwy o ansawdd uchel, sydd wedi'u cynhyrchu'n lleol erioed yn fwy. Mae’r Hwb yn gyfle enfawr i’r diwydiant bwyd a diod yng ngogledd Cymru, a bydd yn helpu i ysgogi twf drwy gefnogi busnesau bwyd newydd a rhai sy’n datblygu, creu cyfleoedd gwaith newydd, cryfhau’r gadwyn gyflenwi a dod â mwy o fuddsoddiad gan y sector preifat i’r rhanbarth.”

The three projects, earmarked for development at its site near Caernarfon, represent a further investment of £16million in the region’s economy including delivery of the Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub, which forms part of the North Wales Growth Deal’s Agri-food and Tourism programme.

In addition to providing a massive boost to the north Wales economy, the money is also a significant investment in the educational future of its students. The new projects will provide a range of modern facilities to help nurture greater learning, entrepreneurship, innovation, knowledge transfer and enterprise development.

The announcement of significant new investment follows recent successes for the college, including its farm winning the best medium-sized Procross herd in the UK, by Viking Genetics, and the forestry department winning the Education and Learning Excellence Award​s by the Royal Society of Forestry. Furthermore, the recent £2.1million capital programme to sympathetically repurpose farm buildings built in 1850 to become a sector leading animal care centre was recognised at the Green Apple ​Environment Award​s​ in London, picking up a series of accolades, including ​a Gold award in the ​conversion projects category.

Set over 750 acres of mixed agricultural land, the Coleg Glynllifon campus represents a unique resource providing a stimulating learning environment for young people and a comprehensive programme of courses to service the needs of the local land-based economy. Facilities include an innovation farm, educational facilities which teach over 600 learners every year and an established centre for enterprise, which delivers over 200 land-based industry short courses annually.

Building on these existing facilities are plans for a multi-million pound investment to develop dairy production and infrastructure, which will help promote animal welfare, sustainability and green growth.

With decarbonisation and the move to a net zero future at the heart of the Welsh Government’s recently published vision document for the food and drink industry, the project represents a fantastic opportunity for Coleg Glynllifon to be at the vanguard of low carbon dairy farming. With plans including the use of technologies such as robotics, Artificial Intelligence enabled cameras and automated welfare and environment controls, both students and the wider agricultural industry will be able to make full use of the new facilities to find innovative solutions to future challenges facing the sector.

In addition to the new dairy production centre, there are also plans to develop a £1.3m sheep milking facility on the site.

Featuring a milking parlour and sheep handling units, the new facility will prove to be an invaluable asset to the sheep and dairy industry as it works with wider partners to drive knowledge transfer within the sector and establish a sustainable future for the production of sheep milk in Wales.

Underpinning the unveiling of the two new developments within the dairy and sheep industry is the proposed Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub, which represents a significant investment into the future economic prosperity of the entire north Wales economy.

An integral part of the North Wales Growth Deal, the project includes plans for Food Incubator Units, which will include flexible food grade units designed to attract start-ups and growth SMEs. In addition there will be a Knowledge Centre that will create a pool of “know-how” and practical experience to stimulate innovation, enterprise growth and rural development across all sectors, for example demonstrating sustainable energy, robotics and telecommunications.

The plans for a distinctive and world-class Rural Economy Hub provides a transformational opportunity for the region’s economy. It will help drive growth in the food and drink sector and wider industries by providing a platform for innovation and the increased investment in digital infrastructure.

Some of the key initial objectives of the project include generating £50million of additional GVA to the north Wales economy, creating over 100 new jobs and supporting 200 businesses every year to reduce their carbon footprint and respond to new opportunities.

However, it is not only the region’s economy that will benefit from the new cutting-edge facilities. The three new projects will also greatly enhance and enrich the experience of learners and staff at Coleg Glynllifon.

Speaking of his excitement at the opportunities for learners that will come with the new developments, Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai said, “These projects represent a significant investment in our vision for Coleg Glynllifon to secure its role as the leading agricultural knowledge and education provider in Wales and the UK.

“They will see Coleg Glynllifon not only continue to teach new skills to young people, but also provide a transformational opportunity for the whole rural economy in north Wales to come together and exchange knowledge, innovate, and access wider support.”

The North Wales Growth Deal represents a £240m investment to build a more vibrant, sustainable and resilient economy across the region. When taking into consideration additional funding streams through the public and private sector, the total investment will be over £1billion. The aim is to build on existing strengths and boost productivity, while tackling long-term challenges and economic barriers to deliver inclusive growth across all sectors.

Speaking about its investment in the proposed Rural Economy Hub, Alwen Williams, Portfolio Director at Ambition North Wales said, “Coleg Glynllifon’s Rural Economy Hub is one of the first projects to progress through the Growth Deal, and the proposed development will bring significant and long-lasting benefits to the whole of north Wales.

“As we all experience the rising cost of food, the importance of high-quality, sustainable and locally produced products has never been greater. The Hub represents a huge opportunity for the food and drink industry in north Wales, and will help drive growth through supporting new and developing food businesses, create new job opportunities, bolster the supply chain and bring increased private sector investment to the region.”

The three projects, earmarked for development at its site near Caernarfon, represent a further investment of £16million in the region’s economy including delivery of the Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub, which forms part of the North Wales Growth Deal’s Agri-food and Tourism programme.

In addition to providing a massive boost to the north Wales economy, the money is also a significant investment in the educational future of its students. The new projects will provide a range of modern facilities to help nurture greater learning, entrepreneurship, innovation, knowledge transfer and enterprise development.

The announcement of significant new investment follows recent successes for the college, including its farm winning the best medium-sized Procross herd in the UK, by Viking Genetics, and the forestry department winning the Education and Learning Excellence Award​s by the Royal Society of Forestry. Furthermore, the recent £2.1million capital programme to sympathetically repurpose farm buildings built in 1850 to become a sector leading animal care centre was recognised at the Green Apple ​Environment Award​s​ in London, picking up a series of accolades, including ​a Gold award in the ​conversion projects category.

Set over 750 acres of mixed agricultural land, the Coleg Glynllifon campus represents a unique resource providing a stimulating learning environment for young people and a comprehensive programme of courses to service the needs of the local land-based economy. Facilities include an innovation farm, educational facilities which teach over 600 learners every year and an established centre for enterprise, which delivers over 200 land-based industry short courses annually.

Building on these existing facilities are plans for a multi-million pound investment to develop dairy production and infrastructure, which will help promote animal welfare, sustainability and green growth.

With decarbonisation and the move to a net zero future at the heart of the Welsh Government’s recently published vision document for the food and drink industry, the project represents a fantastic opportunity for Coleg Glynllifon to be at the vanguard of low carbon dairy farming. With plans including the use of technologies such as robotics, Artificial Intelligence enabled cameras and automated welfare and environment controls, both students and the wider agricultural industry will be able to make full use of the new facilities to find innovative solutions to future challenges facing the sector.

In addition to the new dairy production centre, there are also plans to develop a £1.3m sheep milking facility on the site.

Featuring a milking parlour and sheep handling units, the new facility will prove to be an invaluable asset to the sheep and dairy industry as it works with wider partners to drive knowledge transfer within the sector and establish a sustainable future for the production of sheep milk in Wales.

Underpinning the unveiling of the two new developments within the dairy and sheep industry is the proposed Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub, which represents a significant investment into the future economic prosperity of the entire north Wales economy.

An integral part of the North Wales Growth Deal, the project includes plans for Food Incubator Units, which will include flexible food grade units designed to attract start-ups and growth SMEs. In addition there will be a Knowledge Centre that will create a pool of “know-how” and practical experience to stimulate innovation, enterprise growth and rural development across all sectors, for example demonstrating sustainable energy, robotics and telecommunications.

The plans for a distinctive and world-class Rural Economy Hub provides a transformational opportunity for the region’s economy. It will help drive growth in the food and drink sector and wider industries by providing a platform for innovation and the increased investment in digital infrastructure.

Some of the key initial objectives of the project include generating £50million of additional GVA to the north Wales economy, creating over 100 new jobs and supporting 200 businesses every year to reduce their carbon footprint and respond to new opportunities.

However, it is not only the region’s economy that will benefit from the new cutting-edge facilities. The three new projects will also greatly enhance and enrich the experience of learners and staff at Coleg Glynllifon.

Speaking of his excitement at the opportunities for learners that will come with the new developments, Dafydd Evans, Chief Executive of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai said, “These projects represent a significant investment in our vision for Coleg Glynllifon to secure its role as the leading agricultural knowledge and education provider in Wales and the UK.

“They will see Coleg Glynllifon not only continue to teach new skills to young people, but also provide a transformational opportunity for the whole rural economy in north Wales to come together and exchange knowledge, innovate, and access wider support.”

The North Wales Growth Deal represents a £240m investment to build a more vibrant, sustainable and resilient economy across the region. When taking into consideration additional funding streams through the public and private sector, the total investment will be over £1billion. The aim is to build on existing strengths and boost productivity, while tackling long-term challenges and economic barriers to deliver inclusive growth across all sectors.

Speaking about its investment in the proposed Rural Economy Hub, Alwen Williams, Portfolio Director at Ambition North Wales said, “Coleg Glynllifon’s Rural Economy Hub is one of the first projects to progress through the Growth Deal, and the proposed development will bring significant and long-lasting benefits to the whole of north Wales.

“As we all experience the rising cost of food, the importance of high-quality, sustainable and locally produced products has never been greater. The Hub represents a huge opportunity for the food and drink industry in north Wales, and will help drive growth through supporting new and developing food businesses, create new job opportunities, bolster the supply chain and bring increased private sector investment to the region.”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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