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Gwobr Ysbrydoli i fam ysbrydoledig

Mae myfyrwraig o Goleg Llandrillo, oedd yn absennol yn aml o'r ysgol oherwydd bwlio, wedi derbyn gwobr fel cydnabyddiaeth am ei hymroddiad ar ôl dychwelyd i fyd addysg.

Mae Bethan Humphreys, 40 oed, wedi bod yn astudio yng Ngholeg Llandrillo ers nifer o flynyddoedd. Pan oedd hi yn yr ysgol, cafodd ei bwlio am fod dros ei phwysau. Daeth i gasáu’r ysgol oherwydd hynny a gadawodd yr ysgol heb basio TGAU mewn Mathemateg.

Wedi cyfnod anodd yn dioddef o iselder a gorbryder, penderfynodd Bethan ddychwelyd i fyd addysg fel oedolyn. Dilynodd wersi Mathemateg a Saesneg ac ennill cymwysterau mynediad, ac yna mynd ymlaen i gyflawni tystysgrif Sgiliau Hanfodol ar gyfer Gwaith a Bywyd.

Mae Bethan yn dilyn cwrs NVQ erbyn hyn er mwyn bod yn gynorthwyydd dosbarth ac mae wedi ennill gwobr Ysbrydoli! yn y categori Sgiliau Hanfodol ar gyfer Bywyd o ganlyniad i'w hymroddiad i ddysgu. Mae Bethan yn un o'r 13 dysgwr i dderbyn cydnabyddiaeth yng ngwobrau Ysbrydoli! 2022. Cydlynir y gwobrau gan y Sefydliad Dysgu a Gwaith gyda chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru.

Mae gwobrau Ysbrydoli! yn cydnabod y rhai sydd wedi arddangos ymroddiad i barhau â dysgu. Mae pob enillydd gwobrau Ysbrydoli! yn dangos sut gall parhau i ddilyn cwrs addysg gynnig ail gyfle, feithrin hyder a chynorthwyo cymunedau i fod yn hyfyw a llwyddiannus.

Yn ogystal â dioddef bwlio, wynebodd Bethau nifer o heriau yn ystod ei bywyd; ganwyd ei merch gyda hypoplasia ar ei bawd, ac yna yn 2020, daeth llifogydd i'w chartref. Dioddefodd bwl gorbryder difrifol hefyd, a arweiniodd at gymryd tri mis o'i gwaith, ond roedd hi'n benderfynol o barhau i astudio.

Dywedodd Bethan: "Roedd yn rhaid i fy merch dderbyn triniaeth i dynnu ei bawd pan oedd hi'n ddwy oed ac mae hi wedi cael triniaeth bellach yn chwech oed.”

"(Yn ystod y llifogydd) mi ddeffron ni yn y bore i ganfod dwy droedfedd o ddŵr yn y tŷ. Llwyddodd fy ngŵr i achub fy ngwaith cwrs a fy nhiwtor, Sharon, sychodd a smwddio'r gwaith i mi. Roeddwn i'n benderfynol o achub fy ngwaith coleg.”

"Symudon ni i westy am rai nosweithiau ac yna i dŷ arall am chwe mis arall.”

"Mi wnaeth fy ngŵr helpu i addysgu'r plant yn ystod cyfnod Covid, doedd ganddo ddim gwaith am ychydig wedi iddyn nhw gyhoeddi'r cyfnod clo”, ychwanegodd Bethan.

"Mae o wedi bod yn gefn mawr i ni. Mi wnes i lwyddo i astudio rhwng gofalu am y plant. Rôn i'n mynd at y llyfrau ar ôl iddyn nhw fynd i gysgu, ac mi oedden ni i gyd yn eistedd wrth fwrdd y gegin i weithio, fy merch gyda'i gwaith ysgol a fi a'r mab gyda'n gwaith coleg.”

"Mae rhannau ohono wedi bod yn anodd ond mae fy nhiwtor wedi bod yn arbennig ac wedi egluro pethau'n dda iawn.”

"Pan oeddwn i yn yr ysgol uwchradd, roeddwn i yn y set is a doeddwn i ddim yn teimlo y gallwn i lwyddo gyda mathemateg, ond diolch i gefnogaeth ac anogaeth Sharon, dw i wedi magu hyder. Dw i'n anelu at wneud TGAU mewn Mathemateg."

Sharon Shaw, Darlithydd Sgiliau ar Gyfer Bywyd enwebodd Bethan. Meddai:

"Breuddwyd Bethan ydy bod yn gynorthwyydd dosbarth. Mae ei brwdfrydedd a'i hangerdd dros ei gwaith coleg yn ardderchog. Mi fedra i weld ei bod hi'n gweithio'n galed gyda'r hwyr ar ôl i'w merch fynd i'w gwely ac mae hi'n gofyn am waith ychwanegol yn rheolaidd. Dwi wrth fy modd ei bod i wedi ennill y wobr Ysbrydoli! hon; mae'n gwbl haeddiannol."

Ychwanegodd Martin Walker, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gymuned,

"Rydym i gyd yn eithriadol o falch o Bethan a'i chyflawniadau ardderchog. Mae hi'n gweithio'n galed iawn ac mae'r wobr hon yn brawf o hynny. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at barhau i gefnogi Bethan gyda'i hastudiaethau ac yn edrych ymlaen yn arw at weld beth fydd hi'n ei gyflawni nesaf!"

Meddai Jeremy Miles, Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg,

“Llongyfarchiadau i holl enillwyr ac enwebai gwobrau Ysbrydoli! Mae pob un wedi arddangos ymroddiad anhygoel i ddysgu a goresgyn heriau personol sylweddol i gyrraedd ble maen nhw rŵan. Mae gwobrau Ysbrydoli! yn ein hatgoffa nad yw hi byth yn rhy hwyr i ddysgu rhywbeth newydd, ac y gall dysgu gynnig llwybr at ail gyfle - i ddechrau siwrnai newydd, i ennill cymhwyster cydnabyddedig, neu ddarganfod diddordeb newydd. Mae ymroddiad pob un o enillwyr gwobrau Ysbrydoli i barhau i ddysgu yn esiampl i bob un ohonom, a dylem rannu eu straeon a'u dathlu.”

Bethan Humphreys, 40, who has been studying at Coleg Llandrillo for several years, was bullied at school for being overweight. She grew a dislike for school and left without a GCSE in Maths.

After struggling with depression and anxiety since she was 16 years old, Bethan decided to return to education as an adult. She took classes in Maths and English and gained her entry three qualifications, and then secured her Essential Skills for Work and Life Certificate.

Bethan is now undertaking an NVQ to become a classroom assistant [1] [2] [3] and her commitment to learning has earned her an award in the Essential Skills for Life category at the national Inspire! Awards.

Bethan is one of 13 winners to be recognised at the 2022 Inspire! Awards. Co-ordinated by the Learning and Work Institute with support from the Welsh Government.

The Inspire! Awards recognise those who have demonstrated a commitment to never stop learning. Each Inspire! winner demonstrates how learning can offer second chances, build confidence and help communities to become vibrant and successful.

In addition to being bullied, Bethan has faced other challenges in her life; her daughter was born with a hyperplastic thumb and in 2020, her home was flooded. She also experienced a severe anxiety attack and took three-months off work but she was determined to stay on track with her studies.

Bethan said: “My daughter had to have her thumb amputated when she was two and then had further surgery when she was six.

“[With the flooding] we woke up to discover two feet of water in the house. My husband managed to save my coursework and my tutor, Sharon, dried and ironed it. I was desperate to save my college work.

"We moved to a hotel for a few nights and then moved into a house for another six months.

“My husband helped with the homeschooling when Covid hit as he was out of work for a while after lockdown was announced," Bethan added.

"He’s always been really supportive. I managed to fit the studying in around the children. I’d get my books out after they’d gone to bed but we’d also all sit down at the kitchen table – my daughter with her homework, me and my son with our college work.

"Parts of it have been difficult but my tutor has been amazing and explains things really well.

“When I was in high school, I was in the lower set and didn’t feel I could ever be good at maths, but with Sharon’s support and encouragement I have been able to build my confidence. I’m now aiming to do a Maths GCSE.”

Sharon Shaw, Skills for Life Lecturer at Coleg Llandrillo, nominated Bethan. She said,

"Bethan’s dream is to become a teaching assistant. Her drive and enthusiasm for her college work is remarkable. I can see that she works hard in the evenings when she has put her daughter to bed and she regularly asks for extra work. I’m thrilled that she has been honoured by this Inspire Award; she deserves it.”

Martin Walker, Programme Area Manager for Adult Community Learning, added,

“We are all extremely proud of Bethan and her fantastic achievements. She works extremely hard and this award is testament to that. We look forward to continuing to support Bethan in her studies and can’t wait to see what else she achieves!”

Jeremy Miles, Minister for Education and Welsh Language, said,

“Congratulations to the Inspire! Award winners and nominees. Each and every one has demonstrated incredible commitment to learning and overcoming significant personal challenges to get to where they are today. The Inspire! Awards remind us that it’s never too late to learn something new, and that learning can pave the way for second chances – to start a new journey, to gain recognised qualifications, or to discover a new passion. The dedication of our ‘Inspire!’ Award winners to never stop learning sets an example for us all, and their stories deserve to be shared and celebrated.”

Not sure she is completing an NVQ -

Shall i just put qualification to become a classroom assistant instead?

I would just say she is continuing to develop her skills more to enable her to become a teaching assistant

Bethan Humphreys, 40, who has been studying at Coleg Llandrillo for several years, was bullied at school for being overweight. She grew a dislike for school and left without a GCSE in Maths.

After struggling with depression and anxiety since she was 16 years old, Bethan decided to return to education as an adult. She took classes in Maths and English and gained her entry three qualifications, and then secured her Essential Skills for Work and Life Certificate.

Bethan is now undertaking an NVQ to become a classroom assistant [1] [2] [3] and her commitment to learning has earned her an award in the Essential Skills for Life category at the national Inspire! Awards.

Bethan is one of 13 winners to be recognised at the 2022 Inspire! Awards. Co-ordinated by the Learning and Work Institute with support from the Welsh Government.

The Inspire! Awards recognise those who have demonstrated a commitment to never stop learning. Each Inspire! winner demonstrates how learning can offer second chances, build confidence and help communities to become vibrant and successful.

In addition to being bullied, Bethan has faced other challenges in her life; her daughter was born with a hyperplastic thumb and in 2020, her home was flooded. She also experienced a severe anxiety attack and took three-months off work but she was determined to stay on track with her studies.

Bethan said: “My daughter had to have her thumb amputated when she was two and then had further surgery when she was six.

“[With the flooding] we woke up to discover two feet of water in the house. My husband managed to save my coursework and my tutor, Sharon, dried and ironed it. I was desperate to save my college work.

"We moved to a hotel for a few nights and then moved into a house for another six months.

“My husband helped with the homeschooling when Covid hit as he was out of work for a while after lockdown was announced," Bethan added.

"He’s always been really supportive. I managed to fit the studying in around the children. I’d get my books out after they’d gone to bed but we’d also all sit down at the kitchen table – my daughter with her homework, me and my son with our college work.

"Parts of it have been difficult but my tutor has been amazing and explains things really well.

“When I was in high school, I was in the lower set and didn’t feel I could ever be good at maths, but with Sharon’s support and encouragement I have been able to build my confidence. I’m now aiming to do a Maths GCSE.”

Sharon Shaw, Skills for Life Lecturer at Coleg Llandrillo, nominated Bethan. She said,

"Bethan’s dream is to become a teaching assistant. Her drive and enthusiasm for her college work is remarkable. I can see that she works hard in the evenings when she has put her daughter to bed and she regularly asks for extra work. I’m thrilled that she has been honoured by this Inspire Award; she deserves it.”

Martin Walker, Programme Area Manager for Adult Community Learning, added,

“We are all extremely proud of Bethan and her fantastic achievements. She works extremely hard and this award is testament to that. We look forward to continuing to support Bethan in her studies and can’t wait to see what else she achieves!”

Jeremy Miles, Minister for Education and Welsh Language, said,

“Congratulations to the Inspire! Award winners and nominees. Each and every one has demonstrated incredible commitment to learning and overcoming significant personal challenges to get to where they are today. The Inspire! Awards remind us that it’s never too late to learn something new, and that learning can pave the way for second chances – to start a new journey, to gain recognised qualifications, or to discover a new passion. The dedication of our ‘Inspire!’ Award winners to never stop learning sets an example for us all, and their stories deserve to be shared and celebrated.”

Not sure she is completing an NVQ -

Shall i just put qualification to become a classroom assistant instead?

I would just say she is continuing to develop her skills more to enable her to become a teaching assistant

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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