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Anrhydeddu Natasha yn Fyfyriwr Plastro Gorau'r DU!

Mae myfyriwr Adeiladu o Goleg Llandrillo sy'n cydbwyso ei hyfforddiant gyda bod yn fam bellach wedi'i chyhoeddi fel y myfyriwr plastro gorau yn y DU!

Cipiodd Natasha Williams o Langernyw, sy’n astudio ar gampws y coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, y wobr mewn seremoni ddisglair yn Llundain.

Cynhelir y gystadleuaeth flynyddol gan The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, a chaiff myfyrwyr ledled y DU gymryd rhan. Gwobr ‘Myfyriwr y Flwyddyn’ yw gwobr fwyaf mawreddog y DU i fyfyrwyr plastro.

Ar ôl cyrraedd y rhestr fer yn wreiddiol, gwahoddwyd hi a’r ddau arall a gyrhaeddodd y rownd derfynol i’r brifddinas ar gyfer y seremoni wobrwyo flynyddol. Roedd y noson yn cynnwys 11 o wobrau, gyda Natasha yn ennill yr un mwyaf mawreddog: 'Myfyriwr y Flwyddyn'.

Cyhoeddwyd yr enillwyr o flaen cynulleidfa orlawn yn Plaisterers’ Hall, a chyflwynwyd y gwobrau gan yr Henadur Syr Charles Bowman o Swyddfa’r Arglwydd Faer. Mae’r gwobrau’n gydweithrediad rhwng FIS a The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers i gydnabod prentisiaid a myfyrwyr rhagorol ac unigolion a sefydliadau sydd wedi gwneud cyfraniad parhaol i hyfforddiant a datblygiad ym maes plastro a chrefftau mewnol.

Dywedodd Natasha: “Pan ofynnodd fy nhiwtor yn gyntaf a oedd a fyddwn i'n hapus iddo fy enwebu i ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth hon, ni feddyliais lawer fwy am y peth. Doeddwn i ddim meddwl fy mod i'n ddigon da, ond eto mae gen i barch aruthrol at fy nhiwtoriaid a gwelais gyfle o bosib i roi rhywbeth yn ôl iddynt.

"Roedd cael fy nghynnwys yn y tri uchaf a mynd i'r seremoni wobrwyo yn Llundain yn swreal. Y cyfan y gallwn i feddwl amdano oedd nad oeddwn i eisiau siomi fy nhiwtoriaid na fy ngholeg. Roedd ennill a sefyll ar y llwyfan yn cynrychioli fy ngholeg a'n nhiwtoriaid anhygoel yn deimlad rhyfeddol.

"Hon fydd fy mlwyddyn olaf fel myfyriwr llawn amser, ond rydw i'n sicr na fyddai byth yn stopio dysgu. Ar ôl cwblhau'r cwrs hwn, rydw i'n gobeithio dod o hyd i brentisiaeth.

"Unwaith y bydd gen i ddigon o brofiad a hyder, rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at ddechrau fy musnes fy hun, lle byddaf yn gallu trosglwyddo fy ngwybodaeth i'm mhrentisiaid fy hun a'u cefnogi a rhoi arweiniad iddynt. A phwy a ŵyr, efallai y byddai'n dysgu myfyrwyr yn ôl yma yng Ngholeg Llandrillo rhyw ddydd!”

Dywedodd eu tiwtor, Richard Jones: "Rhoddodd Natasha dro ar sawl crefft wahanol cyn penderfynu ar blastro; roedd hi'n arbennig o dda o'r dechrau un. Mae ganddi allu naturiol a pharodrwydd i ddysgu; mae'n bleser ei dysgu. Rydyn ni'n andros o falch o Natasha ac o adran blastro'r coleg... Rydyn ni wedi bod yn ceisio ennill y gystadleuaeth hon ers 20 mlynedd!"

Derbyniodd The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers ei Siarter Frenhinol cyntaf yn 1501, y cwmni yw'r 46ain yn nhrefn blaenoriaeth Cwmnïau Lifrai Dinas Llundain ac mae'n bodoli i annog rhagoriaeth ym mhob agwedd ar blastro.

Meddai Stephen Glibert, Meistr The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, ar y noson: “Mae’r Cwmni yn falch iawn o fod yn cynnal y gwobrau mawreddog hyn unwaith eto yn ein neuadd odidog. Eleni, mewn symudiad cyffrous ymlaen, rydym hefyd yn falch iawn o fod wedi ymuno gyda FIS i gydnabod cyflawniadau llawer o fewn y Sector Plastro a Gorffeniadau a Chrefftau Mewnol."

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Adeiladu yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, ewch i

neu ffoniwch Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr y coleg ar 01492 542 338.⁠



Natasha Williams from Llangernyw, who studies at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus, scooped the award at a glitzy ceremony in London.

The competition is run by the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, and is open to all students in the UK. The ‘Student of the Year’ award is the most prestigious prize in the UK for student plasterers.

After originally being shortlisted, she and the other two finalists were invited to the capital for the annual awards ceremony. The evening comprised 11 awards, with Natasha winning the most prestigious: ‘Student of the Year’.

In front of a packed audience at Plaisterers’ Hall, the winners of the awards were announced and presented by Alderman Sir Charles Bowman of the Lord Mayors Office. The awards are a collaboration between FIS and The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers to recognise outstanding apprentices and students and individuals and organisations that have made a lasting contribution to training and development in plastering and interior trades.

Natasha said: “When my tutor first asked if it was OK for him to enter me into this competition, I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t think I was good enough, but at the same time I have immense respect for my tutors and saw an opportunity to possibly give something back.

“To find myself in the top three, and going to the awards ceremony in London was surreal. All I could think about was not letting my tutors or my college down. To win and be standing on the stage representing my college and my amazing tutors was one of the best feelings ever.

“This will be my last year as a full-time student, but I never see myself stopping learning. On completion of my current course, I plan to find an apprenticeship.

“Once I have enough experience and confidence, I look forward to starting my own business, where I will be able to pass on my knowledge, support and guidance by taking on my own apprentices. And who knows, one day I may find myself teaching students back at Coleg Llandrillo!”

Her tutor Richard Jones said: “Natasha tried a few trades before deciding on plastering, which she excelled at straight from the off. Blessed with a natural ability and a willingness to learn, she is a pleasure to teach. We are delighted for Natasha and the college’s plastering department… We have been trying to win this competition for nearly 20 years!”

The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers received its first Royal Charter in 1501, is 46th in the order of precedence of Livery Companies in the City of London and exists to encourage excellence in all aspects of plastering.

Stephen Gilbert, the Master of the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, said on the evening: “The Company is absolutely delighted to once again be hosting these prestigious awards in our magnificent hall. This year, in an exciting move forward, we are also very pleased to have teamed up with FIS to recognise the achievements of many within Plastering and Finishes and Interior Sector."

For more information about Construction courses at Coleg Llandrillo, go to

or call the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



Natasha Williams from Llangernyw, who studies at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus, scooped the award at a glitzy ceremony in London.

The competition is run by the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, and is open to all students in the UK. The ‘Student of the Year’ award is the most prestigious prize in the UK for student plasterers.

After originally being shortlisted, she and the other two finalists were invited to the capital for the annual awards ceremony. The evening comprised 11 awards, with Natasha winning the most prestigious: ‘Student of the Year’.

In front of a packed audience at Plaisterers’ Hall, the winners of the awards were announced and presented by Alderman Sir Charles Bowman of the Lord Mayors Office. The awards are a collaboration between FIS and The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers to recognise outstanding apprentices and students and individuals and organisations that have made a lasting contribution to training and development in plastering and interior trades.

Natasha said: “When my tutor first asked if it was OK for him to enter me into this competition, I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t think I was good enough, but at the same time I have immense respect for my tutors and saw an opportunity to possibly give something back.

“To find myself in the top three, and going to the awards ceremony in London was surreal. All I could think about was not letting my tutors or my college down. To win and be standing on the stage representing my college and my amazing tutors was one of the best feelings ever.

“This will be my last year as a full-time student, but I never see myself stopping learning. On completion of my current course, I plan to find an apprenticeship.

“Once I have enough experience and confidence, I look forward to starting my own business, where I will be able to pass on my knowledge, support and guidance by taking on my own apprentices. And who knows, one day I may find myself teaching students back at Coleg Llandrillo!”

Her tutor Richard Jones said: “Natasha tried a few trades before deciding on plastering, which she excelled at straight from the off. Blessed with a natural ability and a willingness to learn, she is a pleasure to teach. We are delighted for Natasha and the college’s plastering department… We have been trying to win this competition for nearly 20 years!”

The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers received its first Royal Charter in 1501, is 46th in the order of precedence of Livery Companies in the City of London and exists to encourage excellence in all aspects of plastering.

Stephen Gilbert, the Master of the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, said on the evening: “The Company is absolutely delighted to once again be hosting these prestigious awards in our magnificent hall. This year, in an exciting move forward, we are also very pleased to have teamed up with FIS to recognise the achievements of many within Plastering and Finishes and Interior Sector."

For more information about Construction courses at Coleg Llandrillo, go to

or call the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



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