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Canolfan Beirianneg Newydd i fod yn Hwb Mawr i Sgiliau Ynni Cynaliadwy

Ymwelodd Carolyn Thomas AS dros Ogledd Cymru, yn ddiweddar â safle’r Ganolfan Beirianneg newydd sbon gwerth £12.2m ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl.

Wedi’i ariannu’n rhannol drwy gynllun ‘Cymunedau Cynaliadwy ar gyfer Dysgu’ Llywodraeth Cymru, bydd y prosiect yn rhoi cyfle i bobl y rhanbarth ddatblygu’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen i gael gyrfaoedd llwyddiannus yn y sector peirianneg.

Bydd y cyfleuster tri llawr newydd yn 2,886m² ac yn cynnwys gwerth dros £2m o'r offer hyfforddi arbenigol diweddaraf: o ystafelloedd dylunio gyda chymorth cyfrifiaduron i beiriannau creu prototeip 3D a pheiriannau diwydiannol mawr i dorri metel a reolir gan gyfrifiaduron.

Mewn partneriaeth â'r cwmni rhyngwladol RWE Renewables, sy'n rheoli nifer o safleoedd ynni adnewyddadwy ym Mhrydain, bydd y datblygiad newydd yn cynnwys sefydliad newydd ar gyfer Technoleg Ynni Adnewyddadwy. Nodwedd amlwg o’r adeilad fydd neuadd gwasanaethu a chynnal a chadw tyrbinau gwynt diwydiannol tri llawr o uchder a fydd yn cael ei defnyddio gan weithwyr a phrentisiaid RWE.

Dechreuodd gwaith ar y safle’n ddiweddar yn dilyn dyfarnu contract mawr i Wynne Construction o ogledd Cymru, a disgwylir i’r Ganolfan gael ei hagor ar gyfer addysgu erbyn 2024.

⁠Dywedodd Lawrence Wood, Pennaeth Coleg Llandrillo:

“Mae cynnydd trawiadol wedi’i wneud ar y prosiect pwysig hwn – diolch i’n contractwyr Wynne Construction. Pan fydd wedi’i chwblhau, bydd y Ganolfan Beirianneg newydd yn rhoi cyfle gwirioneddol i’r rhanbarth ddatblygu’r sgiliau gwyrdd sydd eu hangen ar gyfer y dyfodol.”

Meddai Carolyn Thomas, Aelod o'r Senedd dros Ogledd Cymru,

“Roedd yn wych ymweld â Choleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl i weld y ganolfan ragoriaeth beirianneg newydd yn cael ei hadeiladu. Mae hon yn enghraifft wych o fuddsoddiad Llywodraeth Cymru a gweithio mewn partneriaeth i ddarparu cyfleuster a fydd yn rhoi’r sgiliau perthnasol i bobl leol a thu hwnt i weithio ar brosiectau adnewyddadwy yng Ngogledd Cymru a ledled y Byd sydd ar flaen y gad yn y dechnoleg.”

⁠Ychwanegodd, “Roeddwn yn arbennig o falch o glywed am y bartneriaeth gydag RWE ynglŷn â datblygu sgiliau yn y coleg i gynnal y tyrbinau gwynt yma yng Ngogledd Cymru, a chynllun RWE i greu hydrogen gwyrdd a allai ddarparu llwyth sylfaenol pan nad yw’r tyrbinau gwynt yn troi.”

Meddai Dafydd Roberts, a fynychodd ar ran RWE: “Roedd yn fraint cael mynd gyda Carolyn Thomas MS i ymweld â’r cyfleuster Peirianneg newydd hwn, sy’n hollbwysig i RWE wrth i ni geisio diwallu anghenion yr ymgyrch i sero net gyda gweithlu hynod o fedrus.

“Bydd hyn yn cynnwys hyfforddi ein holl brentisiaid technegwyr tyrbinau ar gyfer y DU gyfan mewn partneriaeth â Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yma yn y Rhyl, i’r safonau uchaf posibl.

⁠“Yn ogystal â safleoedd presennol fel Gwynt y Môr, Clocaenog ac eraill ar draws y DU, bydd hyn yn cynnwys safleoedd newydd posibl, megis fferm wynt alltraeth Awel y Môr a datblygiadau yn y dyfodol mewn gwynt arnofiol yn y Môr Celtaidd, fydd yn darparu gyrfaoedd ymhell i ganol y ganrif a thu hwnt.”

Am ragor o wybodaeth am y cyrsiau Peirianneg a gynigir gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

Part-funded through Welsh Government’s ‘Sustainable Communities for Learning’ scheme, the project will provide the people of the region with the opportunity to develop the skills needed to have successful careers within the engineering sector.

The new, three-floor 2,886m² facility will be packed with more than £2m worth of the latest highly specialised training equipment: from CAD computer design suites, through 3D prototyping machines, to computer-controlled, large industrial scale metal-cutting CNC machines.

Included within this exciting development will be a new ‘Institute for Renewable Energy Technology’, in partnership with international company RWE Renewables, which manages many renewable energy sites across the UK. A stand-out feature of the building will be a three-floor-high industrial scale wind turbine servicing and maintenance hall which will be utilised by RWE’s employees and apprentices.

Work recently started on site following a major contract award to north Wales-based Wynne Construction, and the Centre is expected to be occupied and open for teaching by 2024.

Lawrence Wood, Principal of Coleg Llandrillo, said,

“Impressive progress has been made on this important project - thanks to our contractors Wynne Construction. When complete, the new Engineering Centre will provide a real opportunity for the region to develop the green skills required for the future”

Carolyn Thomas, Member of the Senedd for North Wales, said,

“It was fantastic to visit Coleg Llandrillo in Rhyl to see the fantastic new engineering centre of excellence under construction. This is a great example of Welsh Government investment and partnership working to deliver a facility that will provide local people and beyond with the relevant skills to work on renewable projects in North Wales and across the World at the forefront of the technology”

She added, “I was particularly pleased to hear about the partnership with RWE regarding developing skills at the college to maintain the wind turbines here in North Wales, and RWE’s plan to create green hydrogen which could provide a base load when the wind turbines are not turning.”

Dafydd Roberts, who attended on behalf of RWE, said: “It was a privilege to be able to accompany Carolyn Thomas MS in visiting this new Engineering facility, which is of vital importance for RWE as we seek to meet the needs of the drive to net zero with a highly-skilled workforce.

“This will include training all of our apprentice turbine technicians for the whole of the UK in partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai here in Rhyl, to the highest possible standards.

“As well as existing sites like Gwynt y Môr, Clocaenog and others across the UK, this will include potential new sites, such as the Awel y Môr offshore wind farm and future developments in floating wind in the Celtic Sea, providing careers well into the middle of the century and beyond.”

For more information on the Engineering courses offered at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, please click here.

Part-funded through Welsh Government’s ‘Sustainable Communities for Learning’ scheme, the project will provide the people of the region with the opportunity to develop the skills needed to have successful careers within the engineering sector.

The new, three-floor 2,886m² facility will be packed with more than £2m worth of the latest highly specialised training equipment: from CAD computer design suites, through 3D prototyping machines, to computer-controlled, large industrial scale metal-cutting CNC machines.

Included within this exciting development will be a new ‘Institute for Renewable Energy Technology’, in partnership with international company RWE Renewables, which manages many renewable energy sites across the UK. A stand-out feature of the building will be a three-floor-high industrial scale wind turbine servicing and maintenance hall which will be utilised by RWE’s employees and apprentices.

Work recently started on site following a major contract award to north Wales-based Wynne Construction, and the Centre is expected to be occupied and open for teaching by 2024.

Lawrence Wood, Principal of Coleg Llandrillo, said,

“Impressive progress has been made on this important project - thanks to our contractors Wynne Construction. When complete, the new Engineering Centre will provide a real opportunity for the region to develop the green skills required for the future”

Carolyn Thomas, Member of the Senedd for North Wales, said,

“It was fantastic to visit Coleg Llandrillo in Rhyl to see the fantastic new engineering centre of excellence under construction. This is a great example of Welsh Government investment and partnership working to deliver a facility that will provide local people and beyond with the relevant skills to work on renewable projects in North Wales and across the World at the forefront of the technology”

She added, “I was particularly pleased to hear about the partnership with RWE regarding developing skills at the college to maintain the wind turbines here in North Wales, and RWE’s plan to create green hydrogen which could provide a base load when the wind turbines are not turning.”

Dafydd Roberts, who attended on behalf of RWE, said: “It was a privilege to be able to accompany Carolyn Thomas MS in visiting this new Engineering facility, which is of vital importance for RWE as we seek to meet the needs of the drive to net zero with a highly-skilled workforce.

“This will include training all of our apprentice turbine technicians for the whole of the UK in partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai here in Rhyl, to the highest possible standards.

“As well as existing sites like Gwynt y Môr, Clocaenog and others across the UK, this will include potential new sites, such as the Awel y Môr offshore wind farm and future developments in floating wind in the Celtic Sea, providing careers well into the middle of the century and beyond.”

For more information on the Engineering courses offered at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, please click here.

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