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Lansio cynllun newydd i fyfyrwyr Coedwigaeth Glynllifon.

Mae cynllun newydd wedi ei lansio gan gwmni BC Plant Health Care o dalaith British Columbia yng Nghanada i ddenu pobol ifanc i fynd draw i weithio i’r cwmni am gyfnod amhenodol.

Yn ddiweddar daeth John Marsden, sydd yn wreiddiol o Swydd Gaer, ond sydd bellach yn gweithio i’r cwmni yng Nghanada draw i siarad gyda myfyrwyr Coedwigaeth Glynllifon. Bu’n rhannu ei brofiadau o weithio yn y diwydiant, a’r cyfleoedd sydd yn agored i unrhyw fyfyriwr sydd yn dymuno gwneud yr un peth.

Mae BC Plant Health Care yn cael ei gydnabod fel un o’r cwmnïau coedyddiaeth fwyaf blaenllaw yng Nghanada. Yn gweithredu yn ardal Vancouver a Dyffryn Fraser. Gydag enw da drwy’r holl wlad am eu ffocws amgylcheddol ac addysgol.

Gan fod sgiliau coedyddiaeth broffesiynol yn brin yn y wlad, a chan nad oes modd dilyn cyrsiau Lefel 3 mewn Coedwigaeth yno. Mae diffyg gweithwyr gyda’r cymwysterau addas ar gael. Oherwydd enw da Coleg Glynllifon yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol fel un o’r sefydliadau addysg gorau i astudio pynciau rheoli cefn gwlad a choedwigaeth, y daeth John Marsden draw i siarad gyda myfyrwyr y coleg yn y gobaith y bydd rhai yn dymuno mynd i fyw ac i weithio i Ganada.

Dywedodd John Marsden o gwmni BC Plant Health Care.

“Fel un sydd wedi byw a gweithio gyda phobol ifanc o ardaloedd mynyddig Cymru, dwi’n gwybod bod y rhain yn bobol wydn, sydd wedi arfer gweithio yn yr awyr agored mewn amgylchedd anodd a heriol. Dwi’n sicr y byddai myfyrwyr Glynllifon yn neidio ar y cyfle i ddod i weithio mewn gwlad fel Canada, lle mae’r cyfleoedd yn ddi-ben draw yn y maes hwn”

Ar gyfartaledd, mae cyflog i berson sydd yn cychwyn fel prentis i gwmni coedyddiaeth yng Nghanada yn sylweddol uwch na’r hyn a gynigir yn y Deyrnas Unedig.

Ychwanegodd John Marsden

“Mae’r cyfleoedd i ddatblygu’n broffesiynol yn y maes yma yn ddi-ben draw. Mae BC Plant Health Care yn gwmni anhygoel i weithio iddo, mae’r breintiau a’r cyfleoedd sydd yn agored i staff y cwmni gyda’r gorau sydd yn bodoli. Mae bywyd cymdeithasol a’r cyfle i wneud ffrindiau newydd o bob cwr o’r byd hefyd ynghlwm gyda’r holl brofiad. Ewch amdani, mae’n gyfle llawer rhy dda i’w golli.”

Dywedodd Jeff Rowland Jones, Pennaeth adran Rheoli Cefn Gwlad a Choedwigaeth, Coleg Glynllifon.

“Mi oedd cael clywed am brofiadau anhygoel John yn gweithio ac yn byw yng Nghanada wirioneddol yn agoriad llygaid i fyfyrwyr coedwigaeth Glynllifon. Mae hyn unwaith eto’n atgyfnerthu’r ffaith bod coedwigaeth a rheoli cefn gwlad yn feysydd eang iawn, a bod modd dilyn llawer o lwybrau gwahanol a diddorol wrth ddewis astudio’r pynciau yma.”

I ddysgu mwy am gyrsiau Rheoli Cefn Gwald a Choedwigaeth sydd gennym, clicia ar y linc isod.

John Marsden, who is originally from Cheshire, but now works for the company in Canada's province of British Columbia, recently came over to talk to the Glynllifon Forestry students.

He shared his experiences of working in the industry, and revealed the exciting opportunities open to the students who may wish to do the same.

BC Plant Health Care is recognized as one of the leading arboriculture companies in Canada. Operating in the Vancouver and Fraser Valley area. With a good reputation throughout the country for their environmental and educational focus.

As professional arboriculture skills are rare in Canada, there is a lack of workers with the appropriate qualifications available. Because of Coleg Glynllifon's reputation nationally and internationally as one of the best educational institutions to study the subjects of countryside and forestry management, John Marsden came over to speak to the students of the college in the hope that some will wish to go live and to work in Canada.

John Marsden of BC Plant Health Care said,

"As someone who has lived and worked with young people from the mountainous areas of Wales, I know that these are hardy people, who are used to working outdoors in difficult and challenging conditions. I am sure that Glynllifon students would jump at the opportunity to come and work in a country like Canada, where the opportunities are endless in this field"

On average, a salary for a person who starts as an apprentice for a forestry company in Canada is significantly higher than what is offered in the United Kingdom.

John Marsden added,

"The opportunities to develop professionally in this field are endless. BC Plant Health Care is an amazing company to work for, the privileges and opportunities open to the company's staff are the best there is. Social life and the opportunity to make new friends from all over the world is also involved with the whole experience. Go for it, it's too good an opportunity to miss."

Jeff Rowland Jones, Head of Countryside Management and Forestry department, Coleg Glynllifon said,

"Hearing about John's incredible experiences working and living in Canada was truly eye-opening for Glynllifon forestry students. This once again reinforces the fact that forestry and countryside management are very broad areas, and that it is possible to follow many different and interesting paths when choosing to study these subjects."

To learn more about the Countryside Management and Forestry courses we have, click here.

John Marsden, who is originally from Cheshire, but now works for the company in Canada's province of British Columbia, recently came over to talk to the Glynllifon Forestry students.

He shared his experiences of working in the industry, and revealed the exciting opportunities open to the students who may wish to do the same.

BC Plant Health Care is recognized as one of the leading arboriculture companies in Canada. Operating in the Vancouver and Fraser Valley area. With a good reputation throughout the country for their environmental and educational focus.

As professional arboriculture skills are rare in Canada, there is a lack of workers with the appropriate qualifications available. Because of Coleg Glynllifon's reputation nationally and internationally as one of the best educational institutions to study the subjects of countryside and forestry management, John Marsden came over to speak to the students of the college in the hope that some will wish to go live and to work in Canada.

John Marsden of BC Plant Health Care said,

"As someone who has lived and worked with young people from the mountainous areas of Wales, I know that these are hardy people, who are used to working outdoors in difficult and challenging conditions. I am sure that Glynllifon students would jump at the opportunity to come and work in a country like Canada, where the opportunities are endless in this field"

On average, a salary for a person who starts as an apprentice for a forestry company in Canada is significantly higher than what is offered in the United Kingdom.

John Marsden added,

"The opportunities to develop professionally in this field are endless. BC Plant Health Care is an amazing company to work for, the privileges and opportunities open to the company's staff are the best there is. Social life and the opportunity to make new friends from all over the world is also involved with the whole experience. Go for it, it's too good an opportunity to miss."

Jeff Rowland Jones, Head of Countryside Management and Forestry department, Coleg Glynllifon said,

"Hearing about John's incredible experiences working and living in Canada was truly eye-opening for Glynllifon forestry students. This once again reinforces the fact that forestry and countryside management are very broad areas, and that it is possible to follow many different and interesting paths when choosing to study these subjects."

To learn more about the Countryside Management and Forestry courses we have, click here.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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