Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Llywyddion Undeb Myfyrwyr Newydd ar gyfer 2023/24

Cafodd Llywyddion Undeb Myfyrwyr newydd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai eu hethol ar gyfer y flwyddyn academaidd 2023/24.

Bydd y cynrychiolwyr newydd yn helpu i roi llais i fyfyrwyr ac yn gweithio i gyfoethogi profiad coleg eu cyd-ddysgwyr.

Bydd Kyra Wilkinson a Claire Bailey yn rhannu rôl Llywydd Undeb Myfyrwyr Coleg Llandrillo, tra bydd Jason Scott yn cynrychioli Coleg Menai, ac mae Kayleigh Griffiths wedi’i hethol i’r rôl ar gyfer Addysg Uwch.

Mae'r Grŵp yn dal i recriwtio ar gyfer rôl Llywydd Undeb Myfyrwyr Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor. Anogir unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb i gysylltu drwy e-bost â ⁠ erbyn diwedd mis Medi.

Mae Kyra a Claire ill dwy ar y cwrs Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Lefel 3 ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Meddai Kyra: “Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda holl fyfyrwyr Coleg Llandrillo a bydd fy ffocws ar gynwysoldeb a lles.”

Ychwanegodd Claire: “Fy nod yw cynnal llais a hawliau holl fyfyrwyr y coleg.”

The new representatives will help give students a voice and will work to enrich the college experience for their fellow learners.

Kyra Wilkinson and Claire Bailey will share the role of Student Union President for Coleg Llandrillo, while Jason Scott will represent Coleg Menai, and Kayleigh Griffiths has been elected to the role for Higher Education.

The Grŵp is still recruiting for the role of Coleg Meirion Dwyfor Student Union President. Anyone interested is urged to contact email by September.

Kyra and Claire are both on the Level 3 Health & Social Care course at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos campus.

Kyra said: “I’m excited to work with all the students of Llandrillo College and my focus will be on inclusivity and wellbeing.”

Claire added: “My aim is to uphold the voice and the rights of all the students in the college.”

The new representatives will help give students a voice and will work to enrich the college experience for their fellow learners.

Kyra Wilkinson and Claire Bailey will share the role of Student Union President for Coleg Llandrillo, while Jason Scott will represent Coleg Menai, and Kayleigh Griffiths has been elected to the role for Higher Education.

The Grŵp is still recruiting for the role of Coleg Meirion Dwyfor Student Union President. Anyone interested is urged to contact email by September.

Kyra and Claire are both on the Level 3 Health & Social Care course at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos campus.

Kyra said: “I’m excited to work with all the students of Llandrillo College and my focus will be on inclusivity and wellbeing.”

Claire added: “My aim is to uphold the voice and the rights of all the students in the college.”

Yn ogystal â rhannu rôl Llywydd UM, bydd Kyra a Claire hefyd yn helpu i gefnogi eu cyd-ddysgwyr fel llysgenhadon lles.

Meddai Jason, sy'n astudio Peirianneg Fecanyddol Lefel 3: “Dwi’n mynd i fwynhau bod yn Llywydd Undeb Myfyrwyr Coleg Menai. Mae'n dda i fyfyrwyr allu lleisio eu barn, a gallu newid pethau am y sefydliad y maen nhw'n rhan ohono."

Dywedodd Kayleigh Griffiths, sy'n astudio Rheolaeth Busnes Lefel 6 yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos: "Fy ffocws yw cyfathrebu'n effeithiol â dysgwyr AU yn y colegau a'r campysau i annog ymgysylltiad myfyrwyr."

Meddai Aaron Beacher, Swyddog Cyfoethogi Profiadau Myfyrwyr: "Hoffwn longyfarch Kyra, Claire, Jason a Kayleigh ar lwyddo i gael eu penodi ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2023/2024.

As well as sharing the role of SU President, Kyra and Claire will also help support their fellow learners as wellbeing ambassadors.

Jason, who studies Level 3 Mechanical Engineering, said: “I’m going to enjoy being Student Union president for Coleg Menai. It’s good for students to be able to have their voice out there and be able to change things about the organisation that they’re part of.”

Kayleigh Griffiths studies Level 6 Business Management at Rhos, and said: “My focus is to communicate effectively with HE learners at the colleges and campuses to encourage student engagement.”

Student Enrichment Officer Aaron Beacher said: “I would like to congratulate Kyra, Claire, Jason and Kayleigh on becoming successful in obtaining their posts for the 2023/2024 academic year.

As well as sharing the role of SU President, Kyra and Claire will also help support their fellow learners as wellbeing ambassadors.

Jason, who studies Level 3 Mechanical Engineering, said: “I’m going to enjoy being Student Union president for Coleg Menai. It’s good for students to be able to have their voice out there and be able to change things about the organisation that they’re part of.”

Kayleigh Griffiths studies Level 6 Business Management at Rhos, and said: “My focus is to communicate effectively with HE learners at the colleges and campuses to encourage student engagement.”

Student Enrichment Officer Aaron Beacher said: “I would like to congratulate Kyra, Claire, Jason and Kayleigh on becoming successful in obtaining their posts for the 2023/2024 academic year.

"Hoffem ddiolch am yr holl geisiadau a gyflwynwyd ar gyfer y rolau hyn.

"Anogir yr ymgeiswyr hynny na fu’n llwyddiannus y tro hwn i gymryd rolau gwirfoddol o fewn Undeb y Myfyrwyr i gefnogi’r Llywyddion lle byddant yn gaffaeliad mawr."

Cyn bo hir bydd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai hefyd yn recriwtio cynrychiolwyr dosbarth, sy'n rhan hanfodol o'r sefydliad. Mae cynrychiolwyr y dosbarth yn cyfathrebu'n uniongyrchol â thîm Undeb y Myfyrwyr ac yn mynychu Paneli Llais y Dysgwyr i sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn cyfrannu'n gadarnhaol at ddatblygiad parhaus eu cwrs, campws a phrofiad cyffredinol y coleg.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am Undeb Myfyrwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

“We would like to thank all the applications who put themselves forward for these roles.

“Those candidates who were not successful this time are being encouraged to participate in voluntary roles within the Student Union to support the Presidents, where they will be a great asset.”

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai will also be recruiting soon for class representatives, who are a vital part of the organisation. Class representatives communicate directly with the Student Union team and attend Learner Voice Panels to ensure learners contribute positively to the ongoing development of their course, campus and overall college experience.

For more information about Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Student Union, click here.

“We would like to thank all the applications who put themselves forward for these roles.

“Those candidates who were not successful this time are being encouraged to participate in voluntary roles within the Student Union to support the Presidents, where they will be a great asset.”

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai will also be recruiting soon for class representatives, who are a vital part of the organisation. Class representatives communicate directly with the Student Union team and attend Learner Voice Panels to ensure learners contribute positively to the ongoing development of their course, campus and overall college experience.

For more information about Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Student Union, click here.

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