Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Hwb i economi Gogledd Cymru yn sgil cytundeb prentisiaethau

Mae cytundeb gwerth £11m gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn helpu un o brif ddarparwyr prentisiaethau Gogledd Cymru i gefnogi adferiad economaidd yn y rhanbarth wedi'r pandemig.

Dros y 10 mlynedd diwethaf, mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, Arfon Dwyfor Training a Hyfforddiant Gogledd Cymru - trwy gydweithio o dan faner Consortiwm Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith Grŵp Llandrillo - wedi delifro mwy na 20,000 o brentisiaethau.

Mae'r Consortiwm yn un o'r darparwyr dysgu sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus o dan Gytundeb Fframwaith Rhaglen Gomisiynu Prentisiaethau Llywodraeth Cymru 2021-25. Bydd hyn yn helpu i sicrhau bod modd i gyflogwyr ac unigolion yng Ngogledd Cymru barhau i dderbyn hyfforddiant a rhaglenni datblygu sgiliau o'r radd flaenaf.

Bydd hyn yn creu cyfleoedd i ddatblygu cyfleoedd gwaith hirdymor o ansawdd i unigolion ac yn galluogi cyflogwyr i gadw staff wrth iddynt ailadeiladu yn dilyn cyfnod sydd wedi bod yn arbennig o anodd i fusnesau.

Meddai Paul Bevan, Uwch Gyfarwyddwr - Datblygiad Masnachol gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai: "Fel Consortiwm, mae gennym brofiad sylweddol mewn delifro prentisiaethau o safon uchel iawn.

"Mae prentisiaethau yn rhoi sylfaen ar gyfer adferiad economaidd, ac yn rhoi gwerth a chyfleoedd gwych i gyflogwyr ddatblygu gweithlu gyda'r sgiliau cywir, yn ogystal â chreu cyfleoedd gyrfaol i unigolion.

"Trwy Gytundeb Fframwaith Llywodraeth Cymru, gallwn barhau i weithio gyda'n gilydd i gefnogi economi Gogledd Cymru, ac i ymateb mewn ffordd hyblyg i anghenion cyflogwyr a gweithwyr - yn awr ac yn y dyfodol."

Ychwanegodd Paul: "Mae prentisiaethau yn allweddol wrth i ni gychwyn codi o'r pandemig Covid-19. Trwy fuddsoddi mewn pobl, yn enwedig y rheiny sy'n ymadael â'r byd addysg, gallwn roi hwb y mae mawr ei angen i'r economi lleol.

"Rydyn ni wedi gweld cynnydd sylweddol yn y galw am brentisiaethau yn y misoedd diwethaf, yn cynnwys ym maes lletygarwch lle mae cyflogwyr yn chwilio am weithwyr gyda'r sgiliau cywir.

"Ein tasg ni yw gweithio gydag eraill i ddatblygu cyfloedd gwaith hirdymor o ansawdd uchel yma yng Ngogledd Cymru, a helpu cyflogwyr i recriwtio a chadw staff."

"Ffordd wych o ddysgu..."

Cwblhaodd Siôn Wyn Owen a Jasmine Brown brentisiaethau'n ddiweddar - y naill mewn Lletygarwch a'r llall mewn Marchnata Digidol. Ers hynny, mae'r ddau ohonynt wedi dod o hyd i swydd ac eisoes yn mwynhau cychwyn llwyddiannus i'w gyrfaoedd.

Enillodd Siôn Wyn Owen deitl Prentis y Flwyddyn yng Ngwobrau Prentisiaethau 2021 a gynhaliwyd gan Busnes@Llandrillo Menai ar ran y Consortiwn Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith.

Ers cwblhau ei brentisiaeth, mae Siôn - a enillodd y categori Lletygarwch a'r Prentis Cyfrwng Cymraeg - wedi caei swydd fel cogydd yng Ngwesty Gwledig Ty’n Rhos ger Caernarfon.

Meddai: "Mi wnes i benderfynu gwneud prentisiaeth achos ro'n i isho dysgu mwy am y diwydiant lletygarwch, gwella fy hun fel person a dysgu gymaint â phosib.

"Dwi wedi bod yn y diwydiant ers tua 6 mlynedd, mi wnes i ddechrau yn golchi llestri. Ro'n i'n gallu gweld y cogyddion wrth eu gwaith ac mi wnaeth hynny wneud i mi fod isho datblygu fy sgiliau.

"Mae'r brentisiaeth wedi bod yn ffantastig ac mae wedi rhoi lot mwy o hyder i mi. Swn i'n argymell prentisiaeth i unrhyw un, mae'n ffordd wych o ddysgu a chael cymwysterau.

"Fy gôl yn y pendraw ydi agor fy mwyty fy hun. Swn i'n ei alw'n 'Sylvia's' ar ôl nain achos mai hi ydi fy ysbrydoliaeth mwyaf!"

Mae Jasmine, a enillodd Brentis TG a Digidol y Flwyddyn yn yr un gwobrau, yn gweithio i Tute, cwmni o Ogledd Cymru sy'n darparu addysg ar-lein ledled y DU.

Meddai: "Doeddwn i ddim yn hollol siŵr beth i'w wneud gyda fy nyfodol, i barhau mewn addysg neu gael swydd. Felly roedd prentisiaeth yn fy siwtio'n dda iawn.

"Mae fy nghyflogwr wedi bod yn hollol wych. Oherwydd bod Tute yn fusnes eithaf bach, nid oeddem yn siŵr beth yn union fyddai fy rôl. Ond fe lwyddon ni i weithio gyda'n gilydd, a chyda fy asesydd, i greu swydd sy'n addas i mi a'r busnes.

"Fe wnaeth y brentisiaeth fy helpu efo'r hyn rydw i eisiau ei wneud, a dod o hyd i swydd berffaith mewn maes na fyddwn i wedi meddwl amdano mae'n debyg.

"Fe wnes i orffen y brentisiaeth y llynedd ac rydw i eisoes wedi cael fy nyrchafu'n Gydlynydd Marchnata a Dylunio Graffig, felly gobeithio bod gen i yrfa hir a llwyddiannus o'n blaenau yn y cwmni."

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am brentisiaethau yng Ngogledd Cymru, ewch i

Over the past 10 years, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, Arfon Dwyfor Training and North Wales Training - working collaboratively through the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Work-Based Learning Consortium - have delivered more than 20,000 apprenticeships in North Wales.

The renewed Welsh Government 'Apprenticeships Commissioning Programme Wales Framework Agreement 2021-25' has been awarded to the Consortium as one of the leading providers in Wales. It will help ensure that employers and individuals in North Wales can continue to access high quality training and skills development.

Crucially, this will create opportunities to develop high value, long-term job opportunities for individuals and help employers retain the right staff as they recover and rebuild following what has been an exceptionally challenging time for businesses.

Paul Bevan, Executive Director - Commercial Development at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai said: "As a Consortium, we have a solid track record in delivering excellence in the form of apprenticeships.

"Apprenticeships provide a foundation for economic recovery, offering value and opportunities for employers to build a skilled workforce as well as creating successful careers for individuals.

"Through the Welsh Government Framework Agreement, we can continue to work together to support the North Wales economy and to respond flexibly to the current and future needs of local businesses and employees."

Paul added: "Apprenticeships are a key part of the solution as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. Investment in people, especially those leaving education, will ultimately give a welcome boost to the North Wales economy.

"We have seen a massive increase in demand for apprenticeships over the past few months including hospitality where employers are crying out for skilled workers to fill vacancies.

"Our job is to work with others to develop long term, quality employment opportunities in North Wales, and help employers recruit and retain staff who have the right skills."

"It's a great way to learn..."

Siôn Wyn Owen and Jasmine Brown recently completed apprenticeships in Hospitality and Digital Marketing respectively. They have both secured jobs and are already enjoying a successful start to their careers.

Siôn Wyn Owen was awarded the Overall Apprentice of the Year title at the 2021 Apprenticeship Awards, hosted jointly by Busnes@Llandrillo Menai on behalf of the Work-Based Learning Consortium.

Since completing his apprenticeship, Siôn, who also won the Hospitality and Welsh Medium Apprentice awards, has secured a job as a chef at the Ty’n Rhos Country House Hotel near Caernarfon.

He said: "I decided to become an apprentice because I wanted to learn more about the hospitality industry, improve myself as a person and learn as much as I could.

"I've been working in the industry for about 6 years - I started off washing dishes. I could see the chefs at work and that made me want to develop my skills.

"The apprenticeship has been brilliant and has given me so much more confidence. I'd recommend it to anyone, it's a great way to learn and get qualifications.

"My ultimate goal is to open my own restaurant. I'd call it 'Sylvia's' after my grandmother because she's been my biggest inspiration!"

Jasmine, who won the IT & Digital Apprentice of the Year at the same awards, works for Tute, a North Wales based company delivering online education across the UK.

She said: "I wasn't quite sure what to do with my future, to carry on in education or get a job. So an apprenticeship suited me really well.

"My employer has been absolutely fantastic throughout. Because Tute is a fairly small business, we weren't sure what exactly my role would be. But we managed to work together, and with my assessor, to create a post which suits me and the business.

"The apprenticeship really helped me identify what I want to do, and found me the perfect job in a field I probably wouldn't have thought of.

"I finished the apprenticeship last year and I've already been promoted to Marketing and Graphic Design Co-ordinator, so hopefully I have a long and successful career ahead within the company."

For further information about apprenticeships in North Wales, go to


Contact: Elliw Williams on 07766 335612 /

Over the past 10 years, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, Arfon Dwyfor Training and North Wales Training - working collaboratively through the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Work-Based Learning Consortium - have delivered more than 20,000 apprenticeships in North Wales.

The renewed Welsh Government 'Apprenticeships Commissioning Programme Wales Framework Agreement 2021-25' has been awarded to the Consortium as one of the leading providers in Wales. It will help ensure that employers and individuals in North Wales can continue to access high quality training and skills development.

Crucially, this will create opportunities to develop high value, long-term job opportunities for individuals and help employers retain the right staff as they recover and rebuild following what has been an exceptionally challenging time for businesses.

Paul Bevan, Executive Director - Commercial Development at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai said: "As a Consortium, we have a solid track record in delivering excellence in the form of apprenticeships.

"Apprenticeships provide a foundation for economic recovery, offering value and opportunities for employers to build a skilled workforce as well as creating successful careers for individuals.

"Through the Welsh Government Framework Agreement, we can continue to work together to support the North Wales economy and to respond flexibly to the current and future needs of local businesses and employees."

Paul added: "Apprenticeships are a key part of the solution as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. Investment in people, especially those leaving education, will ultimately give a welcome boost to the North Wales economy.

"We have seen a massive increase in demand for apprenticeships over the past few months including hospitality where employers are crying out for skilled workers to fill vacancies.

"Our job is to work with others to develop long term, quality employment opportunities in North Wales, and help employers recruit and retain staff who have the right skills."

"It's a great way to learn..."

Siôn Wyn Owen and Jasmine Brown recently completed apprenticeships in Hospitality and Digital Marketing respectively. They have both secured jobs and are already enjoying a successful start to their careers.

Siôn Wyn Owen was awarded the Overall Apprentice of the Year title at the 2021 Apprenticeship Awards, hosted jointly by Busnes@Llandrillo Menai on behalf of the Work-Based Learning Consortium.

Since completing his apprenticeship, Siôn, who also won the Hospitality and Welsh Medium Apprentice awards, has secured a job as a chef at the Ty’n Rhos Country House Hotel near Caernarfon.

He said: "I decided to become an apprentice because I wanted to learn more about the hospitality industry, improve myself as a person and learn as much as I could.

"I've been working in the industry for about 6 years - I started off washing dishes. I could see the chefs at work and that made me want to develop my skills.

"The apprenticeship has been brilliant and has given me so much more confidence. I'd recommend it to anyone, it's a great way to learn and get qualifications.

"My ultimate goal is to open my own restaurant. I'd call it 'Sylvia's' after my grandmother because she's been my biggest inspiration!"

Jasmine, who won the IT & Digital Apprentice of the Year at the same awards, works for Tute, a North Wales based company delivering online education across the UK.

She said: "I wasn't quite sure what to do with my future, to carry on in education or get a job. So an apprenticeship suited me really well.

"My employer has been absolutely fantastic throughout. Because Tute is a fairly small business, we weren't sure what exactly my role would be. But we managed to work together, and with my assessor, to create a post which suits me and the business.

"The apprenticeship really helped me identify what I want to do, and found me the perfect job in a field I probably wouldn't have thought of.

"I finished the apprenticeship last year and I've already been promoted to Marketing and Graphic Design Co-ordinator, so hopefully I have a long and successful career ahead within the company."

For further information about apprenticeships in North Wales, go to


Contact: Elliw Williams on 07766 335612 /

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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