Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos


Darllenwch y straeon newyddion diweddaraf

College Students Officially Selected for London International Creative Competition

Creative Arts students at Coleg Llandrillo are celebrating after their end-of-year digital illustrations project was officially selected for the 2021 London International Creative competition, beating off stiff competition from around the world.

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Perfformiad Cyntaf Diwedd Blwyddyn y Celfyddydau Perfformio i Ymddangos ar-lein!

Ceir perfformiad cyntaf sioe fyw, wedi ei berfformio gan fyfyrwyr Celfyddydau Perfformio Coleg Menai, "Fosse and Jerome" ar Youtube heno (Nos Wener, 25 Mehefin) o 7pm.

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Coleg Menai’s Performing Arts’ End of Year Performance to Premiere Online!

This year’s live production show, performed by Coleg Menai Performing Arts students, ‘Fosse and Jerome’ will premiere on Youtube tonight, (Friday, 25th June) from 7pm.

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Trefnwyd cystadleuaeth i fyfyrwyr Celf a Dylunio Coleg Menai yn ddiweddar i ddylunio logo newydd a brandio ar gyfer Academi Gofalwyr Ifanc CiC.

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Art and Design students at Coleg Menai competed to design a brand new logo and branding for Young Carers Academy.

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Myfyriwr Teithio a Thwristiaeth yn Dod i'r Brig mewn Cystadleuaeth Genedlaethol!

Mae Jenna O'Brien, sy'n astudio ar y Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 mewn Teithio a Thwristiaeth yng Ngholeg Menai, wedi ei choroni yn enillydd yn y Gwobrwyon 'Next Generation Tourism Cenedlaethol'.

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Travel and Tourism Student Comes Out on Top in National Competition!

Jenna O'Brien, who studies the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism at Coleg Menai, has been crowned the winner of the National Next Generation Tourism Awards.

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Llwyddiant cenedlaethol i fyfyrwyr Dolgellau yng nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru.

Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod dau o fyfyrwyr ein cwrs Sgiliau Bywyd a Gwaith yn Nolgellau, sef Kamar ElHoziel a Damien Slaney yn ddiweddar wedi ennill gwobrau aur ac arian yng nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru.

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National success for Dolgellau students in Skills Wales competition.

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor is delighted to announce that two of its learners, Kamar ElHoziel and Damien Slaney - who are studying on the Skills for Life and Work course at the college's Dolgellau campus - have recently won gold and silver awards in Skills Competition Wales.

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Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn cyrraedd rhestr 100 Gweithle Mwyaf Cynhwysol

Mae'r Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Amrywiaeth wedi cynnwys Grŵp Llandrillo ar ei rhestr o 100 Gweithle Mwyaf Cynhwysol 2021.

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