Travel & Tourism is a key sector in North Wales as domestic tourism is presently providing a much-needed boost to help sustain many tourism destinations and businesses, and will continue to be a key driver of recovery in the short to medium term. It is also predicted to be one of the UK’s and the world’s fastest-growing industries post-pandemic.
Darllenwch y straeon newyddion diweddaraf

Rydym yn ymfalchïo yn llwyddiant diweddar fyfyriwr ar ein cwrs Sgiliau Byw yn Annibynnol Iolo Thomas, sydd wedi ennill y wobr aur am dynnu llun 2D yn yr adran Celf a Chrefft yn Eisteddfod T yr Urdd.

We are proud of the recent success of our Independent Living Skills student Iolo Thomas, who has won the gold award for 2D drawing in the Arts and Crafts section of the Urdd Eisteddfod.

Yr wythnos diwethaf, derbyniodd y myfyrwyr Lefel 3 nifer o wobrau, cymerwyd rhan mewn cwisiau a, sgwrsiodd â thiwtoriaid.

Last week, the Level 3 Applied Science students received a number of awards, took part in quizzes and were able to chat with tutors.

Mae myfyrwyr Celf yng Ngholeg Menai yn arddangos eu gwaith diwedd blwyddyn yn rhithwir.
Mae'r myfyrwyr sydd yn astudio ar y Radd Sylfaen mewn Celf a Dylunio (FdA), y Radd Celf Gain BA (Anrhydedd) a'r Cwrs Sylfaen Celf, yn arddangos eu gwaith ar blatfform rhithwir.

Art students at Coleg Menai will virtually exhibit their end of the year work.
Students studying the Foundation Degree in Art and Design (FdA), the BA (Hons) Fine Art Degree, and the Foundation Art Course, will showcase their work on a virtual platform.

Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod Coleg Glynllifon wedi sefydlu partneriaeth golegol yn ddiweddar gyda’r cwmni Almaeneg, Stihl, y cwmni llif gadwyn ac offer diogelwch.

We are delighted to announce that Coleg Glynllifon has recently established a collegiate partnership with German company Stihl, the chainsaw and security equipment company.

Welcome to ‘Our Grŵp’, the new staff profile feature for Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.
‘Our Grŵp’ will feature a new staff member every month: where you can get to know our Team a little better, hear about their roles, and the fantastic experiences they have had with the Grŵp.