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Dathlu llwyddiannau myfyrwyr prosiect SEARCH

Dathlodd myfyrwyr Prosiect SEARCH eu llwyddiannau gyda'u teuluoedd balch mewn seremoni a gynhaliwyd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo.

Cwblhaodd Coby Barrows, Dylan Hardwick, Angharad Jones, Sophie Skinner, Adam Whiteley a Rachel Williams interniaethau yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, Bodelwyddan.

Ers cwblhau'r cwrs, mae pob un o'r chwech wedi llwyddo un ai i ennill swydd neu wedi mynd ymlaen i gynllun prentisiaethau neu'r rhaglen 'Camu i Waith'. ⁠ Cyflwynwyd tystysgrif a thlws o wydr i bob un ohonynt ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Mae Prosiect SEARCH yn interniaeth 12 mis o hyd i bobl ifanc ag anableddau dysgu neu awtistiaeth sy'n gadael addysg. Nod y cynllun ydy eu cynorthwyo i ddatblygu sgiliau i'w cefnogi i fynd i fyd gwaith.

Mae'r fenter yn bartneriaeth rhwng Coleg Llandrillo, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, Asiantaeth Agoriad a Phrosiect SEARCH.

Ysbyty Glan Clwyd ydy'r busnes croesawu'r myfyrwyr ac yn cynnig profiad gwirioneddol o weithio mewn amgylchedd ysbyty iddynt.

Mae adran Sgiliau Byw'n Annibynnol Coleg Llandrillo yn cynnig yr elfen addysgiadol ac yn gofalu am les myfyrwyr, ac asiantaeth Agoriad yn cynnig hyfforddiant mewn swydd iddynt gan drosglwyddo'r sgiliau angenrheidiol ar gyfer rolau penodol a chefnogaeth yn y rolau hynny.

⁠Roedd myfyrwyr yn llawn canmoliaeth i'r cynllun ar fideo YouTube. Gwyliwch y fideo yma.

Coby Barrows, Dylan Hardwick, Angharad Jones, Sophie Skinner, Adam Whiteley and Rachel Williams successfully completed internships at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd in Bodelwyddan.

After passing the course, all six have either secured employment or gone on to supported shared apprenticeship schemes or the Step Into Work programme. They were presented with their certificates and a glass trophy each at the Rhos campus.

Project SEARCH is a 12-month internship for young education leavers with learning disabilities or autism, aimed at developing the skills to support them into employment.

The initiative is a four-way partnership between Coleg Llandrillo, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, Agoriad supported employment agency and Project SEARCH.

Ysbyty Glan Clwyd is the host business providing a fully immersive experience of working in a hospital environment.

Coleg Llandrillo’s Independent Living Skills department provides the education aspect and looks after student welfare, while Agoriad provides job coaching, teaching learners the skills needed for particular roles and supporting them while in those roles.

The learners praised the scheme in a YouTube video which you can watch here.

Coby Barrows, Dylan Hardwick, Angharad Jones, Sophie Skinner, Adam Whiteley and Rachel Williams successfully completed internships at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd in Bodelwyddan.

After passing the course, all six have either secured employment or gone on to supported shared apprenticeship schemes or the Step Into Work programme. They were presented with their certificates and a glass trophy each at the Rhos campus.

Project SEARCH is a 12-month internship for young education leavers with learning disabilities or autism, aimed at developing the skills to support them into employment.

The initiative is a four-way partnership between Coleg Llandrillo, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, Agoriad supported employment agency and Project SEARCH.

Ysbyty Glan Clwyd is the host business providing a fully immersive experience of working in a hospital environment.

Coleg Llandrillo’s Independent Living Skills department provides the education aspect and looks after student welfare, while Agoriad provides job coaching, teaching learners the skills needed for particular roles and supporting them while in those roles.

The learners praised the scheme in a YouTube video which you can watch here.

Dywedodd Coby, oedd yn gweithio yn adran arlwyo Ysbyty Glan Clwyd: "Dw i wedi cyflawni llawer yma. Dw i wedi cael cynnig contract ac wedi gwneud llawer o ffrindiau newydd a chyfarfod â nifer o bobl newydd.”

Meddai Angharad, sy'n gweithio tuag at fod yn weithiwr cymorth gofal iechyd: "Dw i wedi cyflawni llawer yma. Dw i wedi llwyddo i ddod yn annibynnol ac wedi magu hyder wrth weithio mewn tîm. Yr hyn dw i'n ei fwynhau am y rôl ydi fy mod gen i deulu gwaith sy'n fy nghefnogi i gyda phopeth. Gofalu am gleifion, mae rhywbeth newydd bob dydd."

Meddai Sophie: "Dw i wedi mwynhau bod yn rhan o'r tîm domestig. Dw i wedi cyflawni llawer hyd yma yn annibynnol, dw i wedi gweithio'n galed ac mae fy hyder wedi datblygu llawer hefyd."

Roedd Rachel hefyd yn gweithio yn y tîm domestig, dywedodd hi: Dw i wedi llwyddo i weithio'n annibynnol a gweithio mewn tîm. Dw i wedi magu llawer o hyder ar hyd y ffordd ac wedi dysgu sut i gael ffydd yn fy hun. Dw i wedi mwynhau cyfarfod â phobl newydd a gweithio mewn amgylchedd mawr.”

Meddai Adam, a weithiodd fel porthor: "Cyn dod yma doedd gen i ddim hyder na chymhelliant. Ond ers dod yma, mae fy hyder wedi cynyddu ac mae'n cynyddu bob dydd.

"Mae'n ymarfer corff da, dw i'n cerdded llawer oherwydd fy ngwaith fel Porthor, a dw i'n codi a chario llawer o bethau.”

Gweithiodd Dylan yn yr adran derbyn a dosbarthu. Dywedodd: "Y peth dw i wedi'i fwynhau am y prosiect SEARCH ydy gweithio gyda fy nghydweithwyr."

Agorwyd y seremoni wobrwyo gan Sam McIlvogue, Dirprwy Bennaeth Coleg Llandrillo ac anerchodd Prif Weithredwr Agoriad, Arthur Beechy y myfyrwyr, gan ganmol eu cyflawniadau.

Rhannwyd y tystysgrifau a'r tlysau gan Mandy Hughes, Rheolwr Moderneiddio'r Gweithlu, Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr.

Dywedodd Jane Myatt, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen, Astudiaethau Cyn-alwedigaethol a Sgiliau Byw'n Annibynnol⁠ yng Ngholeg Llandrillo: “Mae menter prosiect SEARCH wedi cynnig cyfleoedd arbennig i'r chwe pherson ifanc ac wedi arwain at swyddi gyda'r bwrdd iechyd a thu hwnt.

Mae pob un ohonynt wedi magu hyder ac wedi dod yn bobl ifanc cyfrifol yn gweithio mewn amgylchedd prysur gyda chefnogaeth yn ei le i gefnogi unrhyw anghenion dysgu ychwanegol.”

Dywedodd Jason Brannan, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Pobl gyda Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr: ⁠⁠ "Mae'n bleser gen i ddathlu gyda'r myfyrwyr a'u teuluoedd a chydnabod eu llwyddiannau.

Rydym eisiau bod yn sefydliad sy'n cefnogi ein cymuned ac mae prosiect Search wedi rhoi cyfle i'r myfyrwyr feithrin gwybodaeth a sgiliau sy'n eu paratoi ar gyfer y byd gwaith.

"Mae nifer ohonynt yn gweithio i'r bwrdd iechyd erbyn hyn a dw i'n edrych ymlaen at eu gweld yn parhau i ddatblygu a magu hyder."

Meddai Arthur Beechy, Prif Weithredwr Agoriad: “Mae Agoriad yn falch iawn o fod yn rhan o brosiect SEARCH gyda GLlM ac i weld llwyddiant y grŵp yn eu nod o ddod o hyd i waith.

"Hoffem ddiolch i Jane, Gwen a Rhian o'r Coleg ac i Mandy a Tracey o Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr am eu cefnogaeth ac am hwyluso profiad y grŵp a'u galluogi i lwyddo."

Yn genedlaethol, mae'r gyfradd gyflogaeth ar gyfer oedolion ag anableddau dysgu tua 90%. Mae prosiect SEARCH yn darparu cymorth i ddatblygu sgiliau ac ymddygiad sy'n cynorthwyo oedolion ifanc ag anableddau i ddod o hyd i waith ystyrlon.

⁠Mae tystiolaeth yn dangos bod gwaith yn cael effaith hir dymor ar iechyd a chynhwysiant cymdeithasol.

Coby, who worked in the catering department at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, said: “I’ve achieved a lot coming here. I’ve been offered a contract and I’ve made a lot of new friends and met a lot of new people.”

Angharad, who is working towards becoming a healthcare support worker, said: “I’ve achieved a lot. I’ve achieved my own independence and confidence working in a team. What I enjoy about this role is I get to have a work family which supports me with everything. Looking after patients, with each day it can be something new.”

Sophie said: “I’ve enjoyed being part of the domestic team. I’ve achieved getting to this point independently, I’ve worked hard and my confidence has grown a lot as well.”

Rachel also worked in the domestic team, and said: “I’ve achieved working independently and working in a team. I’ve gained a lot of confidence and I’ve learned to believe in myself. I’ve enjoyed meeting new people and working in a big environment.”

Adam, who worked as a porter, said: “Before coming here my confidence levels were very low, I was unmotivated. Ever since I came here my confidence levels have been going up and up with each day.

“It’s very good exercise, I do lots of walking because I do portering, and lots of manual handling.”

Dylan worked in receipts and distribution. He said: “The thing I’ve enjoyed about Project SEARCH is working with my colleagues.”

The awards ceremony was opened by Sam McIlvogue, Assistant Principal, Coleg Llandrillo, with Agoriad CEO Arthur Beechy giving a speech praising the achievements of the learners.

The certificates and trophies were handed out by Mandy Hughes, Workforce Modernisation Manager at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB).

Jane Myatt, Programme Area Manager for Pre-Vocational Studies and Independent Living Skills at Coleg Llandrillo, said: “The Project Search initiative has provided an excellent opportunity for the six young people, resulting in them gaining paid employment opportunities both within and external to the health board.

“The learners have all grown in confidence and become very responsible young people working in a very busy environment with ongoing support in place to support their additional learning needs.”

Jason Brannan, Deputy Director of People at BCUHB, said: “I am delighted to celebrate the interns and their families to recognise the amazing achievement they have all made.

“We want to be an organisation that supports our community, and Project Search has allowed the interns to gain knowledge and skills that prepare them for working life.

“A number of interns are now employees at the health board, and I am looking forward to seeing them continue to grow and develop.”

Agoriad’s Chief Executive Arthur Beechy said: “Agoriad feels proud to be involved with the GLLM P4 Project SEARCH supported internships and to witness the success the interns have had in their quest to gain employment.

“Our thanks go to Jane, Gwen and Rhian of the college and Mandy and Tracey of BCUHB for the support and facilitation roles they have played in enabling the interns to be successful.”

Nationally, the unemployment rate for adults with disabilities/autism is approximately 90 per cent. Project SEARCH supports the development of skills and behaviours that help young adults with learning disabilities or autism into meaningful paid employment.

The evidence shows employment has a positive impact on long-term health and social inclusion.

Coby, who worked in the catering department at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, said: “I’ve achieved a lot coming here. I’ve been offered a contract and I’ve made a lot of new friends and met a lot of new people.”

Angharad, who is working towards becoming a healthcare support worker, said: “I’ve achieved a lot. I’ve achieved my own independence and confidence working in a team. What I enjoy about this role is I get to have a work family which supports me with everything. Looking after patients, with each day it can be something new.”

Sophie said: “I’ve enjoyed being part of the domestic team. I’ve achieved getting to this point independently, I’ve worked hard and my confidence has grown a lot as well.”

Rachel also worked in the domestic team, and said: “I’ve achieved working independently and working in a team. I’ve gained a lot of confidence and I’ve learned to believe in myself. I’ve enjoyed meeting new people and working in a big environment.”

Adam, who worked as a porter, said: “Before coming here my confidence levels were very low, I was unmotivated. Ever since I came here my confidence levels have been going up and up with each day.

“It’s very good exercise, I do lots of walking because I do portering, and lots of manual handling.”

Dylan worked in receipts and distribution. He said: “The thing I’ve enjoyed about Project SEARCH is working with my colleagues.”

The awards ceremony was opened by Sam McIlvogue, Assistant Principal, Coleg Llandrillo, with Agoriad CEO Arthur Beechy giving a speech praising the achievements of the learners.

The certificates and trophies were handed out by Mandy Hughes, Workforce Modernisation Manager at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB).

Jane Myatt, Programme Area Manager for Pre-Vocational Studies and Independent Living Skills at Coleg Llandrillo, said: “The Project Search initiative has provided an excellent opportunity for the six young people, resulting in them gaining paid employment opportunities both within and external to the health board.

“The learners have all grown in confidence and become very responsible young people working in a very busy environment with ongoing support in place to support their additional learning needs.”

Jason Brannan, Deputy Director of People at BCUHB, said: “I am delighted to celebrate the interns and their families to recognise the amazing achievement they have all made.

“We want to be an organisation that supports our community, and Project Search has allowed the interns to gain knowledge and skills that prepare them for working life.

“A number of interns are now employees at the health board, and I am looking forward to seeing them continue to grow and develop.”

Agoriad’s Chief Executive Arthur Beechy said: “Agoriad feels proud to be involved with the GLLM P4 Project SEARCH supported internships and to witness the success the interns have had in their quest to gain employment.

“Our thanks go to Jane, Gwen and Rhian of the college and Mandy and Tracey of BCUHB for the support and facilitation roles they have played in enabling the interns to be successful.”

Nationally, the unemployment rate for adults with disabilities/autism is approximately 90 per cent. Project SEARCH supports the development of skills and behaviours that help young adults with learning disabilities or autism into meaningful paid employment.

The evidence shows employment has a positive impact on long-term health and social inclusion.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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