Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Cyflwyno Cyfleoedd Gyrfa ym Maes Lletygarwch a Hamdden i Ddisgyblion Ysgol

Aeth disgyblion o Ysgol Godre'r Berwyn i Bala Lake Hotel yn ddiweddar i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad arbennig.

Trefnwyd y digwyddiad ar y cyd gan Goleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Gyrfa Cymru, Canolfan yr Urdd, Glan-llyn a Bala Lake Hotel ac roedd yn llawn gweithgareddau treiddgar a rhyngweithiol.

Cyflwynwyd dosbarth meistr ar gyflwyno bwyd gan Brif Gogydd y Gwesty ac fe gawson eu tywys o amgylch y gwesty a'r spa. Trefnwyd sesiwn adeiladu tîm i'r disgyblion dan arweiniad Myfyrwyr Cyrsiau Awyr Agored Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor a'r Urdd.

Pwrpas yr ymweliad oedd arddangos y gwahanol lwybrau gyrfaol sydd ar gael yn lleol i bobl ifanc ym maes lletygarwch ac arlwyo. Siaradodd Huw Symonds o Wersyll Glan-Llyn ac Elain Russell o Bala Lake Hotel am eu profiadau a'r hyn maen nhw wedi'i ddysgu wrth weithio yn y diwydiant.

Meddai Sam Baker, Cynghorydd Ymgysylltu â Busnes gyda Gyrfa Cymru,

"Mae nifer o gyfleoedd gyrfa cyffroes ar gael yn y diwydiant Lletygarwch a Thwristiaeth, ac roedd y digwyddiad a gynhaliwyd yn Bala Lake Hotel yn gyfle ardderchog i arddangos yr ystod eang ohonynt sydd ar gael yn lleol."

Dywedodd Elaine Russell, Rheolwr Cyffredinol Bala Lake Hotel,

"Roedd hi'n bleser cynnal y digwyddiad yma yn Bala Lake Hotel. Rwy'n gobeithio bod y digwyddiad wedi tynnu sylw at y gyrfaoedd gwych sydd ar gael yn lleol yng Ngogledd Cymru."

"Edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda Gyrfa Cymru a'r Coleg yn y dyfodol."

Ychwanegodd Eifion Owen, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen yng Ngholeg Meirion Dwyfor,

"Rydym yn hynod ddiolchgar i Bala Lake Hotel, Gyrfa Cymru a'r Urdd am gynnal digwyddiad mor llwyddiannus."

"Mae cryn alw am waith ym maes Lletygarwch a'r diwydiant Gwasanaethau yn y rhan yma o'r wlad. Roedd y digwyddiad hwn yn gyfle gwych i bobl ifanc weld bod gyrfa dda ar gael yn lleol."

"Baswn yn annog unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn dilyn gyrfa yn y diwydiant i bori drwy'r amrywiaeth o gyrsiau sydd ar gael yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor".

Jointly organised by Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Careers Wales, Canolfan Yr Urdd ,Glanllyn, and Bala Lake Hotel, the event was jam packed with insightful and interactive activities.

The students were given a masterclass in plating food by the Head Chef at the hotel, and were also given a behind the scenes tour and demo of the spa. Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Outdoor Sports students in partnership with ‘Yr Urdd’ also held a team building session for the school children.

The visit was designed to show the vastly different career pathways that are available locally for young people in the hospitality and catering industry. Guest speakers at the event, Huw Symonds of Glan-Llyn, and Elaine Russell, the General Manager of Bala Lake Hotel, spoke about their experiences and knowledge of working within the industry.

Sam Barker, Business Engagement Advisor at Careers Wales, said,

"Exciting career opportunities are readily available within the Leisure and Tourism industry, and the event held at Bala Lake Hotel was invaluable in showcasing the wide range of opportunities available locally”

Elaine Russell, General Manager at Bala Lake Hotel, said,

"It was a pleasure to host the event here at Bala Lake Hotel. I’m hopeful that the event was successful in highlighting the fantastic careers available on the doorstep here in North Wales”.

“We look forward to working with Careers Wales and the college in the future”.

Eifion Owen, Programme Area Manager at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, explained,

"We are extremely grateful to Bala Lake Hotel, Careers Wales, and Yr Urdd, for hosting such a successful and inspiring event.”

“Careers within the Hospitality and Service industry are in such high-demand in this part of the country, the event was a fantastic opportunity for young people to see that a rewarding career is available on their doorstep”

“I’d encourage anybody who’s interested in a future in the industry to browse our variety of courses available at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor”.

Jointly organised by Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Careers Wales, Canolfan Yr Urdd ,Glanllyn, and Bala Lake Hotel, the event was jam packed with insightful and interactive activities.

The students were given a masterclass in plating food by the Head Chef at the hotel, and were also given a behind the scenes tour and demo of the spa. Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Outdoor Sports students in partnership with ‘Yr Urdd’ also held a team building session for the school children.

The visit was designed to show the vastly different career pathways that are available locally for young people in the hospitality and catering industry. Guest speakers at the event, Huw Symonds of Glan-Llyn, and Elaine Russell, the General Manager of Bala Lake Hotel, spoke about their experiences and knowledge of working within the industry.

Sam Barker, Business Engagement Advisor at Careers Wales, said,

"Exciting career opportunities are readily available within the Leisure and Tourism industry, and the event held at Bala Lake Hotel was invaluable in showcasing the wide range of opportunities available locally”

Elaine Russell, General Manager at Bala Lake Hotel, said,

"It was a pleasure to host the event here at Bala Lake Hotel. I’m hopeful that the event was successful in highlighting the fantastic careers available on the doorstep here in North Wales”.

“We look forward to working with Careers Wales and the college in the future”.

Eifion Owen, Programme Area Manager at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, explained,

"We are extremely grateful to Bala Lake Hotel, Careers Wales, and Yr Urdd, for hosting such a successful and inspiring event.”

“Careers within the Hospitality and Service industry are in such high-demand in this part of the country, the event was a fantastic opportunity for young people to see that a rewarding career is available on their doorstep”

“I’d encourage anybody who’s interested in a future in the industry to browse our variety of courses available at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor”.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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