Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Syniad arloesol myfyrwyr o'r adran wyddoniaeth ar frig y don

Enillodd dau fyfyriwr o Goleg Menai wobr arbennig am ddylunio teclyn sy'n cynnig cyfle i syrffwyr weld bywyd morol o dan y dŵr.

Daeth Nell Jones a Branwen Griffiths yn fuddugol yng nghystadleuaeth Her Mentergarwch ar ôl cyflwyno eu syniad i'r beirniaid Frankie Hobro, ⁠Cyfarwyddwr Sw Môr Môn a Chyfarwyddwr, Gareth Thomas.

Cyflwynwyd y tlws i'r myfyrwyr cyrsiau Lefel 3 mewn Gwyddoniaeth Gymhwysol wrth iddynt ddathlu gyda'u cyfoedion ar ôl cwblhau'r gwaith ar gyfer y Diploma Biofeddygol Estynedig.

Dan enw 'Red Riders' datblygodd y tîm y cysyniad o osod darn tryloyw ar fwrdd syrffio ynghyd â chamera tanddwr. Byddai hyn yn caniatáu i syrffwyr wylio bywyd morol wrth iddynt deithio dros y tonau ac mi fyddai'n anfon yr hyn sydd wedi'i recordio i'r lan i gael ei wylio eto.

⁠Cymerodd nifer o dimau o gyrsiau Lefel-A a chyrsiau Busnes ran yn yr her fel rhan o Fagloriaeth Cymru ac mi gyflwynodd y myfyrwyr nifer o gysyniadau i'r beirniaid o Syniadau Mawr Cymru mewn arddull tebyg i raglen 'Dragon's Den'.

Roedd Frank a Gareth yn teimlo bod safon ac ansawdd y gwaith gan bob tîm yn uchel iawn, ond bod syniad Nell a Branwen yn sefyll allan.

Daeth y tîm i'r brig oherwydd bod beirniaid yn teimlo bod eu syniad busnes yn un aml ddefnydd, a bod eu cysyniad yn "ddull cwbl unigryw o godi ymwybyddiaeth am y planhigion, anifeiliaid a'r organebau eraill sy'n byw yn y môr".

Mae myfyrwyr y cwrs Gwyddoniaeth Gymhwysol Lefel 3 wedi gorffen eu cwrs erbyn hyn a daethant at ei gilydd i ddathlu drwy gymryd rhan mewn cwisiau a chystadlaethau yng nghwmni tiwtoriaid a myfyrwyr y flwyddyn gyntaf.

Dywedodd Susan Parry, Arweinydd Rhaglen Gwyddoniaeth Fiofeddygol yng Ngholeg Menai: “"Rydym yn falch iawn o'r myfyrwyr, roedd hi'n braf dod ynghyd i ddathlu eu llwyddiannau.

Mae pawb wedi mwynhau defnyddio'r labordai newydd o safon diwydiant a'r cyfleusterau gwych ar gampws Llangefni. Bydd pob un o'r myfyrwyr yn mynd ymlaen i'r Brifysgol y flwyddyn nesaf - dymunwn y gorau iddynt!"

Mae Syniadau Mawr Cymru yn gynllun sy'n cynnig cymorth i bobl o dan 25 oed, neu bobl sy'n wynebu anawsterau sy'n eu rhwystro rhag dechrau eu busnes eu hunain. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cliciwch yma.

Mae'r cwrs BTEC Lefel 3 mewn Gwyddoniaeth Gymhwysol (Biofeddygol) dwy flynedd o hyd yn cyfateb i dair Lefel A. Rydym yn derbyn ceisiadau i'r cwrs ar hyn o bryd a gallwch ddarllen rhagor am y cwrs yma.

Nell Jones and Branwen Griffith won the Enterprise Challenge after their pitch impressed judges including Anglesey Sea Zoo director Frankie Hobro and director Gareth Thomas.

The Level 3 Applied Science students were presented with a trophy for their success as they and their course-mates celebrated the completion of their Biomedical Extended Diploma.

Under the team name ‘Red Riders’, they developed the concept of a surfboard with a transparent section and an underwater camera, enabling surfers to view marine life as they catch waves, and also sending the footage so it can be watched again.

Several teams from the A-Level and Business courses took part in the Enterprise Challenge as part of their Welsh Baccalaureate, which saw them come up with their concepts and then deliver ‘Dragons Den’-style pitches to the ‘Big Ideas Wales’ role model judges.

Frankie and Gareth felt the standard of work and quality of pitches from all the teams was very high, but that Nell and Branwen had the most innovative idea.

Their pitch won the judges over due to the multifunctionality of the business idea, with their concept described as “a truly unique concept for increasing awareness of the plants, animals and other organisms living in the ocean”.

Level 3 Applied Science students have now finished their course and enjoyed a celebration in which they took part in quizzes and competitions along with first-year students and tutors.

Susan Parry, programme leader for Biomedical Science at Coleg Menai, said: “We are very proud of the students, and it was great being able to celebrate their achievements together.

“We have enjoyed using the new industry-standard laboratories and facilities on the Llangefni campus. All of the students are going on to university next year - we wish them all the best!”

The Level 3 BTEC Applied Science course (Biomedical) is a two-year course and is equivalent to three A-Levels. Applications are now being accepted for this course and further information can be found here.

Big Ideas Wales is a Welsh Government scheme offering help to people under 25 or who are facing barriers that stop them from starting their own business. For more information, click here.

Nell Jones and Branwen Griffith won the Enterprise Challenge after their pitch impressed judges including Anglesey Sea Zoo director Frankie Hobro and director Gareth Thomas.

The Level 3 Applied Science students were presented with a trophy for their success as they and their course-mates celebrated the completion of their Biomedical Extended Diploma.

Under the team name ‘Red Riders’, they developed the concept of a surfboard with a transparent section and an underwater camera, enabling surfers to view marine life as they catch waves, and also sending the footage so it can be watched again.

Several teams from the A-Level and Business courses took part in the Enterprise Challenge as part of their Welsh Baccalaureate, which saw them come up with their concepts and then deliver ‘Dragons Den’-style pitches to the ‘Big Ideas Wales’ role model judges.

Frankie and Gareth felt the standard of work and quality of pitches from all the teams was very high, but that Nell and Branwen had the most innovative idea.

Their pitch won the judges over due to the multifunctionality of the business idea, with their concept described as “a truly unique concept for increasing awareness of the plants, animals and other organisms living in the ocean”.

Level 3 Applied Science students have now finished their course and enjoyed a celebration in which they took part in quizzes and competitions along with first-year students and tutors.

Susan Parry, programme leader for Biomedical Science at Coleg Menai, said: “We are very proud of the students, and it was great being able to celebrate their achievements together.

“We have enjoyed using the new industry-standard laboratories and facilities on the Llangefni campus. All of the students are going on to university next year - we wish them all the best!”

The Level 3 BTEC Applied Science course (Biomedical) is a two-year course and is equivalent to three A-Levels. Applications are now being accepted for this course and further information can be found here.

Big Ideas Wales is a Welsh Government scheme offering help to people under 25 or who are facing barriers that stop them from starting their own business. For more information, click here.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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