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Cymorth myfyrwyr o Goleg Menai i ddiwrnod Llwybrau Llesiant

Aeth grŵp o fyfyrwyr sy'n dilyn cyrsiau chwaraeon yng Ngholeg Menai ati i chwarae rhan flaenllaw mewn digwyddiad a drefnwyd gan y cyngor ar gyfer oedolion ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol ac anableddau.

Cefnogodd y myfyrwyr o adrannau Chwaraeon a Gwyddor Chwaraeon a Hyfforddi a Datblygu ym maes Chwaraeon, y rhai oedd wedi dod i gymryd rhan yn y 'Diwrnod Llesiant' a drefnwyd gan Gyngor Gwynedd drwy 'Llwybrau Llesiant'.

Hwylusodd y 10 myfyriwr amrywiaeth o weithgareddau yn cynnwys pêl-fasged, pêl-droed, boccia, sesiynau ffitrwydd, sesiynau meddylgarwch ynghyd â gweithgareddau datrys problemau fel Jenga a Connect 4.

Daeth dros 40 o ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth Antur Waunfawr, Ysgol Pendalar a nifer o ddarparwyr gofal dydd i fwynhau diwrnod llawn o weithgareddau. Cegin Arfon, sy'n cael ei redeg gan ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau dydd oedd yn gyfrifol am luniaeth ar y diwrnod.

Roedd cynrychiolwr o Gyngor Gwynedd yn bresennol i rannu gwybodaeth yn ymwneud â lles cyffredinol ag unigolion, gweithwyr a theuluoedd ynghyd â gwybodaeth am gyfleoedd o fewn Llwybrau Llesiant, Byw'n Iach, Dinesydd Digidol Cymru, Heini am Oes a sut i ddefnyddio'r Cynllun Atgyfeirio Cenedlaethol.

Prosiect dan adain Gwasanaethau Anabledd Dysgu Cyngor Gwynedd ydy Llwybrau Llesiant. Ariennir y prosiect gan Gronfa Gofal Integredig Llywodraeth Cymru. Nod y prosiect ydy datblygu potensial oedolion gydag anableddau dysgu drwy ddilyn gwahanol lwybrau llesiant.

Sport & Exercise Science and Sports Coaching & Development students from the college’s Bangor site supported and assisted the attendees during the 'Well-being Day', which was organised by Llwybrau Llesiant through Gwynedd Council.

The 10 students were involved with sporting activities such as basketball, football, boccia, fitness sessions, mindfulness sessions, as well as problem-solving activities such as Jenga and Connect 4.

Over 40 service users from Antur Waunfawr, Ysgol Pendalar, and other additional leaning needs day service providers, enjoyed a full day of activities. Cegin Arfon, which is run by day service users, provided the refreshments on the day.

A representative from Gwynedd Council was on-hand to share information relating to general well-being with individuals, employees, and families, about opportunities within Llwybrau Llesiant, Byw’n Iach, Digital Citizen Wales, Active for Life, and how to use the National Referral Scheme.

Llwybrau Llesiant is a project run by Gwynedd Council's Learning Disability Service. This project is funded by the Welsh Government's Integrated Care fund. Its goal is to develop the potential of adults with learning disabilities by following different well-being pathways.

Sport & Exercise Science and Sports Coaching & Development students from the college’s Bangor site supported and assisted the attendees during the 'Well-being Day', which was organised by Llwybrau Llesiant through Gwynedd Council.

The 10 students were involved with sporting activities such as basketball, football, boccia, fitness sessions, mindfulness sessions, as well as problem-solving activities such as Jenga and Connect 4.

Over 40 service users from Antur Waunfawr, Ysgol Pendalar, and other additional leaning needs day service providers, enjoyed a full day of activities. Cegin Arfon, which is run by day service users, provided the refreshments on the day.

A representative from Gwynedd Council was on-hand to share information relating to general well-being with individuals, employees, and families, about opportunities within Llwybrau Llesiant, Byw’n Iach, Digital Citizen Wales, Active for Life, and how to use the National Referral Scheme.

Llwybrau Llesiant is a project run by Gwynedd Council's Learning Disability Service. This project is funded by the Welsh Government's Integrated Care fund. Its goal is to develop the potential of adults with learning disabilities by following different well-being pathways.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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