Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Nifer y Myfyrwyr yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai wedi Cynyddu'n Sylweddol ar ôl Cyfnod Covid

“Rydym yn falch iawn o weld bod nifer ein myfyrwyr yn cynyddu i lefelau cyn-Covid ar ôl cyfnod tawel mewn recriwtio oherwydd y pandemig. Mae'n galonogol iawn bod pobl yn awyddus i wella eu dyfodol drwy ymrwymo i gyrsiau addysg bellach ac uwch.

“Mae llawer o’n cyrsiau’n llawn ac mae yna hyd yn oed restr aros ar gyfer rhai ohonynt oherwydd maint y galw.”

Mae hyn yn ôl Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, Dafydd Evans, sy'n nodi isod pa gyrsiau yn y coleg allai eich helpu i gael swydd dda yn lleol.

Ymhlith y cyrsiau poblogaidd mae rhai ym maes Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo, sydd â chyn-fyfyrwyr arbennig fel Owen Vaughan a gyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol Masterchef a Dylan Owens sy'n Bennaeth Lletygarwch yng nghlwb pêl-droed Manchester City.

Maes rhaglen arall sy'n boblogaidd yn ein colegau yw Adeiladu a'r Amgylchedd Adeiledig, a da hynny gan fod y galw am grefftwyr proffesiynol yn uchel iawn wrth i'r diwydiant adeiladu rhanbarthol barhau i dyfu.

Bwriad sylfaenol Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yw cefnogi economi gogledd Cymru drwy roi i bobl leol y sgiliau a'r cymwysterau sy'n angenrheidiol i sicrhau bod y rhanbarth yn gystadleuol a llwyddiannus.

Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn aelod o fwrdd Partneriaeth Sgiliau Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru sydd wedi nodi nifer o sgiliau sydd eu hangen i fodloni'r galw presennol a'r galw a ragwelir am swyddi yn y rhanbarth.

Ymhlith y sgiliau y mae cyflogwyr lleol wedi nodi y bydd eu hangen yn y dyfodol yw rhai ym maes Peirianneg, a disgwylir y bydd digonedd o gyfleoedd cyflogaeth gael eu creu gan y prosiectau ynni ac isadeiledd sydd ar y gweill yng ngogledd Cymru.

Ar hyn o bryd mae canolfan ragoriaeth newydd sbon ym maes Peirianneg yn cael ei datblygu ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl, a bydd hon yn agor ym mis Tachwedd. Bydd y cyfleuster tri llawr newydd yn 2,886m² ac yn cynnwys gwerth dros £2m o'r offer hyfforddi arbenigol diweddaraf: o ystafelloedd dylunio gyda chymorth cyfrifiaduron i beiriannau prototeip 3D a pheiriannau torri metel diwydiannol mawr a reolir gan gyfrifiaduron.

Mewn partneriaeth â'r cwmni RWE Renewables bydd y datblygiad yn cynnwys sefydliad newydd ar gyfer Technoleg Ynni Adnewyddadwy. Nodwedd amlwg o’r adeilad fydd neuadd gwasanaethu a chynnal a chadw tyrbinau gwynt diwydiannol tri llawr o uchder a fydd yn cael ei defnyddio gan weithwyr a phrentisiaid RWE.

“We’re very pleased to see that our student numbers are increasing to pre-Covid levels after a lull in recruitment due to the pandemic. It’s really encouraging that people are eager to improve their future through committing to further and higher education studies.

Many of our courses are at full capacity and even have a waiting list due to their high demand.”

That’s according to Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Chief Executive, Dafydd Evans, who sets out below which courses at college may help you to secure a prosperous role in the local area.

Some popular provisions include Hospitality and Catering, which has a fantastic catalogue of alumni - such as Masterchef Finalist Owen Vaughn, and Dylan Owens who is Head of Hospitality at Manchester City football club.

Another booming programme area within our colleges is the Construction and Built Environment, which comes as good news as the demand for skilled tradespeople and professionals is really very high, whilst the construction industry continues to grow in the region.

Our core purpose at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is to support the economy of North Wales by equipping local people with the skills and qualifications needed to ensure the competitiveness and success of the region.

The North Wales Regional Skills Partnership (RSP) - which Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is a board member of - has identified a number of skills required to meet the current and predicted demand of jobs in the region.

One of the top future skills needs noted by local employers is Engineering skills, with a wealth of employment opportunities expected to be created by energy and infrastructure projects being proposed for North Wales.

A brand new Engineering centre of excellence is currently under development at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus, and will be operational from November. The new, three-floor 2,886m² facility will be packed with more than £2m worth of the latest highly specialised training equipment: from CAD computer design suites, through 3D prototyping machines, to computer-controlled, large industrial scale metal-cutting CNC machines.

Included within this exciting development will be a new ‘Institute for Renewable Energy Technology’, in partnership with RWE Renewables. A stand-out feature of the building will be a three-floor-high industrial scale wind turbine servicing and maintenance hall which will be utilised by RWE’s employees and apprentices.

“We’re very pleased to see that our student numbers are increasing to pre-Covid levels after a lull in recruitment due to the pandemic. It’s really encouraging that people are eager to improve their future through committing to further and higher education studies.

Many of our courses are at full capacity and even have a waiting list due to their high demand.”

That’s according to Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Chief Executive, Dafydd Evans, who sets out below which courses at college may help you to secure a prosperous role in the local area.

Some popular provisions include Hospitality and Catering, which has a fantastic catalogue of alumni - such as Masterchef Finalist Owen Vaughn, and Dylan Owens who is Head of Hospitality at Manchester City football club.

Another booming programme area within our colleges is the Construction and Built Environment, which comes as good news as the demand for skilled tradespeople and professionals is really very high, whilst the construction industry continues to grow in the region.

Our core purpose at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is to support the economy of North Wales by equipping local people with the skills and qualifications needed to ensure the competitiveness and success of the region.

The North Wales Regional Skills Partnership (RSP) - which Grŵp Llandrillo Menai is a board member of - has identified a number of skills required to meet the current and predicted demand of jobs in the region.

One of the top future skills needs noted by local employers is Engineering skills, with a wealth of employment opportunities expected to be created by energy and infrastructure projects being proposed for North Wales.

A brand new Engineering centre of excellence is currently under development at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus, and will be operational from November. The new, three-floor 2,886m² facility will be packed with more than £2m worth of the latest highly specialised training equipment: from CAD computer design suites, through 3D prototyping machines, to computer-controlled, large industrial scale metal-cutting CNC machines.

Included within this exciting development will be a new ‘Institute for Renewable Energy Technology’, in partnership with RWE Renewables. A stand-out feature of the building will be a three-floor-high industrial scale wind turbine servicing and maintenance hall which will be utilised by RWE’s employees and apprentices.

Maes sgiliau arall y mae galw mawr amdano yn ein hardal yw Technoleg Gwybodaeth (TG).

Mae angen dadansoddwyr data traws-sector, yn ogystal â pheirianwyr ym maes seiberddiogelwch a meysydd uwch ddigidol eraill. Gall dysgwyr yn ein colegau symud ymlaen i Brentisiaethau Gradd a ddarperir mewn partneriaeth â'r GIG mewn pynciau arbenigol fel Seiberddiogelwch. Mae’r cynnig cyffrous yn fodd i fyfyrwyr ennill cymhwyster Addysg Uwch gan ddechrau gyrfa ac ennill cyflog yr un pryd.

Yn ogystal, mae angen dybryd am weithwyr iechyd a gofal yn yr ardal, o swyddi gofal plant a therapyddion galwedigaethol i swyddi yn y gwasanaeth gofal iechyd. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu llwybrau addysg a hyfforddiant clir i wahanol alwedigaethau, ac yn ddiweddar sefydlwyd partneriaeth gyffrous rhwng Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn ac adran Iechyd a Gofal Coleg Menai sy'n rhoi cyfle i'n myfyrwyr gael profiadau ymarferol gwerthfawr gyda Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yr awdurdod lleol.

Mae llawer o'n dysgwyr Lefel 3 yn mynd ymlaen i gael gwaith yn y GIG ac yn symud ymlaen i gymhwyster Addysg Uwch gyda ni – fel y rhaglen Addysg Uwch i Ymarferwyr Gofal Iechyd. Mae eraill yn mynd ymlaen i Brifysgol i astudio Nyrsio, Bydwreigiaeth ac ati.

Mae'r nifer sy'n cofrestru wedi cynyddu ar draws y Grŵp o gymharu â blynyddoedd diweddar, ond mae yna'n dal le ar rai cyrsiau sy'n hanfodol i lwyddiant economi gogledd Cymru.

Chwiliwch ar-lein drwy'r dewis helaeth o gyrsiau sydd ar gael, neu cysylltwch â ni i drafod eich dewisiadau – bydd tîm cyfeillgar y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar gael i'ch helpu i sicrhau eich lle yn y coleg.

- Dafydd Evans

Prif Weithredwr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Another skills area in high demand in our region is Information Technology (I.T.).

Data analysts are required cross-sector, as well as cyber security engineers and other advanced digital roles. Learners at our colleges can progress onto Degree Apprenticeships in partnership with the NHS, in specialist subjects such as Cyber Security. This exciting offer allows students to take advantage of gaining an Higher Education qualification, whilst also embarking on their career in a paid role.

Health and care roles also urgently need filling in the region, ranging from childcare workers and occupational therapists, to roles within the healthcare service. We’re committed to developing clear education and training pathways into occupations, and recently an exciting partnership with Isle of Anglesey County Council has been established with Coleg Menai’s Health and Care department, where our students gain valuable on-the-ground experience within Social Services at the local authority.

Many of our Level 3 learners go on to gain employment within the NHS and progress onto a Higher Education qualification with us - such as the Healthcare Practice Higher Education programme. Others go on to University to study Nursing, Midwifery, and more.

Enrolment numbers have increased across the college group in comparison to recent years, however - spaces still remain on some courses which are vital to the success of the North Wales economy.

Please browse our wide range of courses online, or get in touch with us to discuss your options, our friendly Learner Services team is on hand to help you to secure your place at college.

-Dafydd Evans

Chief Executive Officer at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Another skills area in high demand in our region is Information Technology (I.T.).

Data analysts are required cross-sector, as well as cyber security engineers and other advanced digital roles. Learners at our colleges can progress onto Degree Apprenticeships in partnership with the NHS, in specialist subjects such as Cyber Security. This exciting offer allows students to take advantage of gaining an Higher Education qualification, whilst also embarking on their career in a paid role.

Health and care roles also urgently need filling in the region, ranging from childcare workers and occupational therapists, to roles within the healthcare service. We’re committed to developing clear education and training pathways into occupations, and recently an exciting partnership with Isle of Anglesey County Council has been established with Coleg Menai’s Health and Care department, where our students gain valuable on-the-ground experience within Social Services at the local authority.

Many of our Level 3 learners go on to gain employment within the NHS and progress onto a Higher Education qualification with us - such as the Healthcare Practice Higher Education programme. Others go on to University to study Nursing, Midwifery, and more.

Enrolment numbers have increased across the college group in comparison to recent years, however - spaces still remain on some courses which are vital to the success of the North Wales economy.

Please browse our wide range of courses online, or get in touch with us to discuss your options, our friendly Learner Services team is on hand to help you to secure your place at college.

-Dafydd Evans

Chief Executive Officer at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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