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Myfyriwr yn cyrraedd y brig mewn cystadleuaeth Celf.

Rydym yn ymfalchïo yn llwyddiant diweddar fyfyriwr ar ein cwrs Sgiliau Byw yn Annibynnol Iolo Thomas, sydd wedi ennill y wobr aur am dynnu llun 2D yn yr adran Celf a Chrefft yn Eisteddfod T yr Urdd.

Mae Iolo yn fyfyriwr ar ein campws yn Nolgellau, ac yn aelod poblogaidd a chanolog yn ein hadran Sgiliau Byw yn Annibynnol. Cynhaliwyd Eisteddfod T sef Eisteddfod yr Urdd mewn fformat rhithiol eleni sy'n rhoi cyfle i blant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru a thu hwnt i gystadlu o'u cartrefi. Roedd 12,000 wedi cystadlu yn ystod wythnos yr Eisteddfod, mewn tasgau a chystadlaethau amrywiol.

Meddai Morfudd Pughe Richards o’r adran Sgiliau Byw yn Annibynnol.

“Rydym wirioneddol yn ymfaclhio’n llwyddiant Iolo, mae cyrraedd y brig mewn cystadleuaeth genedlaethol fel hyn yn destament i ymroddiad a gwaith caled Iolo. Mae Iolo yn hoff iawn o gelf, ac mae ganddo ddychymyg byrlymus a gwahanol iawn, sydd yn cael eu hamlygu yn ei waith. Da iawn ti Iolo, mae pawb yn Nolgellau yn falch iawn o dy lwyddiant”

Mwy o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau Sgiliau Byw yn Annibynnol YMA

Ydych chi'n barod i wneud cais? I'ch helpu i benderfynu, bydd y Grŵp yn cynnal digwyddiad agored rhithwir drwy gydol yr haf. O gyfforddusrwydd a diogelwch eich cartref, cewch ddysgu rhagor am ein dewis eang o gyrsiau, y profiad o astudio yn y coleg a'r gefnogaeth ragorol sydd ar gael. Yn ogystal, cewch wneud cais ar-lein a sicrhau eich lle ar gyfer Medi 2021.

Ond brysiwch – mae'r cyrsiau'n prysur lenwi! Ewch i'n gwefan heddiw ar

Iolo is a student on our Dolgellau campus, and a popular and central member of our Independent Living Skills department. This year's Eisteddfod T - the Urdd Eisteddfod was held in a virtual format that gives children and young people across Wales and beyond the opportunity to compete from home. 12,000 competed during the Eisteddfod week, in various tasks and competitions.

Morfudd Pughe Richards of the Independent Living Skills department in Dolgellau said.

“We truly are ecstatic with Iolo's success, reaching the top in a national competition like this is testament to Iolo's dedication and hard work. Iolo has a loves for art, and has a very lively and creative imagination, which are highlighted in his work. Well done Iolo, everyone in Dolgellau is very proud of your success ”

More information about our Independent Living Dep courses HERE

Ready to apply? To help you make your final decision, the Grŵp is running a virtual open event throughout the summer. You can find out more about the wide range of courses on offer, what it's like to study at college and the excellent support available from the comfort and safety of your own home. You'll also be able to apply online and secure your place for September 2021.

But hurry, as places are filling up fast! Visit our website today at

Iolo is a student on our Dolgellau campus, and a popular and central member of our Independent Living Skills department. This year's Eisteddfod T - the Urdd Eisteddfod was held in a virtual format that gives children and young people across Wales and beyond the opportunity to compete from home. 12,000 competed during the Eisteddfod week, in various tasks and competitions.

Morfudd Pughe Richards of the Independent Living Skills department in Dolgellau said.

“We truly are ecstatic with Iolo's success, reaching the top in a national competition like this is testament to Iolo's dedication and hard work. Iolo has a loves for art, and has a very lively and creative imagination, which are highlighted in his work. Well done Iolo, everyone in Dolgellau is very proud of your success ”

More information about our Independent Living Dep courses HERE

Ready to apply? To help you make your final decision, the Grŵp is running a virtual open event throughout the summer. You can find out more about the wide range of courses on offer, what it's like to study at college and the excellent support available from the comfort and safety of your own home. You'll also be able to apply online and secure your place for September 2021.

But hurry, as places are filling up fast! Visit our website today at

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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