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Myfyrwyr yn Dosbarthu Cardiau Nadolig i Breswylwyr Gofal yr Henoed

Gyda’r nadolig yn agosau, dosbarthwyd cardiau nadolig i breswylwyr Hafan Cefni, Llangefni, oedd wedi eu hysgrifennu gan ddysgwyr Iechyd a Gofal Lefel 2 Coleg Menai.

Yn ystod y tymor diwethaf, mae’r dysgwyr wedi bod yn rhan o gynllun ‘Clwb Brecwast’ y Coleg Cymraeg, i sicrhau eu bod yn cael brecwast sylweddol a chyfle i ddatblygu eu sgiliau Cymraeg.

Ariannwyd y prosiect gan grant hybu a hyrwyddo Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i gefnogi Cangen Grŵp Llandrillo Menai i wella hyder dysgwyr, mewn maes mor allweddol, drwy eu sgiliau llafar ac ysgrifenedig. Mae’r dysgwyr wedi bod yn trafod rhaglenni teledu S4C yn y sesiynau wythnosol ac i orffen y prosiect; cyfle i ysgrifennu neges mewn cerdyn nadolig i’w anfon at breswylwyr cartref Hafan Cefni.

Dywedodd Nia Lewis, Swyddog Cangen Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol y Grŵp,

‘Pleser oedd gwneud cysylltiad rhwng y prosiect a chartref preswyl Hafan Cefni. Gyda’r dysgwyr yn debygol o weithio yn y maes gofal yn y dyfodol, roedd yn amlwg eu bod yn awyddus i godi calonnau a chysylltu â’r preswylwyr.’

“Roedd yn braf gweld brwdfrydedd y dysgwyr i anfon cardiau at yr henoed, yn ogystal â gwerthfawrogiad staff a phreswylwyr Hafan Cefni o dderbyn y cardiau”.

Karen Vaughan Jones, tiwtor Iechyd a Gofal Llangefni oedd yn awyddus i ddechrau’r Clwb Brecwast.


‘Yr oeddwn eisiau iddynt gael y cyfle i ymarfer eu sgiliau Cyfathrebu Cymraeg heb bwysau dim byd ffurfiol na gwersi tradoddiadol. Maent wedi mwynhau y cyfle i sgwrsio am faterion y dydd ynghyd a rhaglenni teledu iechyd a gofal. Maer dysgwyr wedi cael boddhad mawr o fod yn ran o’r cynllun.’

During the past term, the learners have been part of Coleg Cymraeg’s 'Breakfast Club' scheme to ensure that they have a substantial breakfast. During the sessions, they are also provided with the opportunity to develop their Welsh language skills.

The project, funded through a Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol promotional grant, aims to improve learners' confidence in the use of the Welsh language in their oral and written skills.

During the Breakfast club sessions, students have been discussing S4C television programmes, and to finish the term, students had the opportunity to write a message in Christmas cards to send to Hafan Cefni home residents.

Nia Lewis, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Branch Officer for Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, said,

“It was a pleasure to link the project with Hafan Cefni residential home. With the learners likely to work in the care field in the future, it was clear that they were keen to connect with the residents”.

“It was nice to see the enthusiasm of the learners in sending cards to the elderly, as well as the appreciation of the cards by Hafan Cefni staff and residents”.

Karen Vaughan Jones, Health and Care tutor at Coleg Menai, was keen to start the Breakfast Club.

She said,

'I wanted them to have the opportunity to practice their Welsh communication skills without the pressure of attending anything formal or traditional. They have enjoyed the opportunity to chat about current affairs and health and care television programs. The learners have gained a great deal of satisfaction from being part of the scheme”.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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