Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Myfyrwyr Coleg Menai wedi'u dewis i arddangos eu gwaith yn Arddangosfa Origins Creative yn Llundain mis yma.

Mae tri myfyriwr Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 UAL mewn Celf a Dylunio Coleg Menai wedi’u dewis gan Brifysgol Ceflyddydau Llundain i arddangos eu Gwaith Terfynol yn arddangosfa Origins Creatives yn Llundain mis yma.

Mae tri myfyriwr Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 UAL mewn Celf a Dylunio Coleg Menai wedi’u dewis i arddangos eu Gwaith Terfynol yn arddangosfa Origins Creatives yn Llundain.

Arddangosfa flynyddol yw hon a gynhelir gan UAL (corff dyfarnu Prifysgol y Celfyddydau Llundain).

Mae'n arddangos y gorau o waith y myfyrwyr:

Megan George, 17 oed

Teitl Gwaith ‘Cerfluniau Ffantasi bach 3D’

Cysyniad / Deunydd: Mae'n gerflun bach 3D o fyd hud wedi'i wneud o bren, clai, a cherdyn.

Celin Roberts, 18 oed

Teitl Gwaith: Benyweidd-dra

Cysyniad/Deunydd: Mae’n ffrog frodio ar raddfa fawr sy’n archwilio benyweidd-dra

Grace Williams, 17 oedTeitl Gwaith: Y Da a'r Drwg.

Cysyniad/Deunydd: Mae'n bâr o baentiadau olew ar raddfa fawr sy'n darlunio'r da a'r drwg yn y byd o'n cwmpas.

Mae’r tri dysgwr yn astudio Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 UAL mewn Celf a Dylunio, ac yn gyffrous iawn i fod yn mynychu’r digwyddiad agoriadol i weld eu gwaith yn cael ei arddangos yn Llundain, ymhlith gwaith creadigol gan fyfyrwyr o bob rhan o’r DU.

Trefnir Origins Creatives gan UAL Awarding Body ac mae’n rhoi cyfle i’r rhai sy’n hoff o gelf, beirniaid a gweithwyr proffesiynol y diwydiant o’r sector creadigol ddarganfod talent greadigol wreiddiol o bob rhan o’r DU a dathlu creadigrwydd a gwaith caled myfyrwyr.

Dywedodd Natalie Williams a Soo Rees-Jones, tiwtoriaid eu cwrs “Rydym yn hynod falch o lwyddiannau ein holl ddysgwyr ac yn falch iawn o Megan, Celin a Grace, bydd hwn yn brofiad gwych cael arddangos eu gwaith yn Llundain a mynychu digwyddiad mor fawreddog. Mae hefyd yn gyfle gwych i arddangos y talent sydd gennym yng Ngholeg Menai.”

Mae’r arddangosfa yn rhad ac am ddim yn arddangos gwaith gan rai o fyfyrwyr mwyaf talentog y DU mewn sefydliadau Addysg Bellach sy’n astudio ar draws meysydd pwnc UAL sef Celf a Dylunio, Busnes Ffasiwn a Manwerthu, Cyfryngau Creadigol, Perfformio a Chynhyrchu Cerddoriaeth a’r Celfyddydau Perfformio.

Eleni, bydd Origins Creatives yn arddangosfa bersonol ym Mragdy Truman yn Shoreditch. Bydd yr arddangosfa yn agor gyda golygfa breifat gwahoddiad yn unig ar 21 Gorffennaf am 6pm. Bydd ar agor i'r cyhoedd rhwng 22 a 24 Gorffennaf, ochr yn ochr â sioe arddangos ar-lein.Bydd yr arddangosfa yn arddangos gwaith dethol a grëwyd gan fyfyrwyr o Lefelau 1, 2, 3 a 4 ar draws pob maes pwnc. Gallwch ddisgwyl gweld ystod amrywiol o beintio, ffotograffiaeth, lluniadu, cerflunwaith, ffasiwn a mwy. O fewn yr arddangosfa, bydd rhestr chwarae cerddoriaeth Soundcloud a sioe arddangos o ddelweddau symudol sy'n cynnwys gwaith myfyrwyr yn cael eu chwarae.

Dywedodd Ross Anderson, Cyfarwyddwr, UAL Awarding Body:

“Sioe UAL Awarding Body Origins Creatives yw fy hoff foment o’r flwyddyn, ac rydw i mor falch ein bod ni’n gallu dychwelyd i ofod corfforol yr haf hwn. Mae Gwreiddiau yn rhoi’r cyfle i’n cymuned o gyrff dyfarnu ddod at ei gilydd a dathlu gwaith gwych a chyflawniadau anhygoel ein holl fyfyrwyr, a chydnabod ymdrechion rhyfeddol y tiwtoriaid a’r athrawon sydd wedi eu cefnogi. Mae angen creadigrwydd ar y byd, nawr yn fwy nag erioed, ac mae ein myfyrwyr yn llawn dop!”

Oriau agor arddangosfeydd i’r cyhoedd:

Dydd Gwener 22 Gorffennaf, 10.30 – 5pm

Dydd Sadwrn 23 Gorffennaf, 10.30am – 5pm

Dydd Sul 24 Gorffennaf, 11am – 3pm


G4 + G5,

Bragdy Truman,

Iard Elai,


E1 6QP

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn mynychu'r digwyddiad hwn, archebwch >>

Three Coleg Menai UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design students have been selected to exhibit their Final Work in the Origins Creatives exhibition in London.

This is a yearly exhibition held by UAL (University of Arts London awarding body). It showcases the best of the students' work.

Megan George, 17 years old

Titled ‘3D miniature Fantasy Sculptures'

Concept / Material: It is a 3D miniature sculpture of a magic world made of wood, clay, and card.

Celin Roberts, 18 years old

Work Title: Femininity

Concept/Material: It is a large-scale embroidered dress exploring femininity and caught the attention of UAL Awarding Body’s curator amongst nearyl 500 submissions.

Grace Williams, 17 years old

Work Title: The Good and the Bad.

Concept/Material: It is a pair of large-scale oil paintings depicting the good and the bad in the world around us.

All three learners are studying UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design, and are very excited to be attending the opening event to see their work exhibited in London, amongst creative work from students all over the UK.

Origins Creatives is organised by UAL Awarding Body and provides art lovers, critics and industry professionals from the creative sector the chance to discover original creative talent from across the UK and celebrate students’ creativity and hard work.

Natalie Williams, their course tutor said “We are extremely proud of all our learners achievements and very proud of Megan, Celin and Grace, this will be a great experience having their work showcased in London and to attend such a prestigious event. It is also a great opportunity to showcase the talent we have in Coleg Menai”

The free exhibition showcases work from some of the UK’s most talented students in FE institutions studying across the UAL subject areas of Art and Design, Fashion Business and Retail, Creative Media, Music Performance and Production and Performing Arts.

This year, Origins Creatives will be an in-person exhibition at The Truman Brewery in Shoreditch. The exhibition will open with an invite-only private view on 21 July at 6pm. It will be open to the public from the 22 – 24 July, alongside an online showcase.

The exhibition will showcase selected work created by students from Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 across all subject areas. You can expect to see a diverse range of painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, fashion and more. Within the exhibition, a Soundcloud music playlist and showreel of moving images composed of student work will be played.

Ross Anderson, Director, UAL Awarding Body said:

“The UAL Awarding Body Origins Creatives show is my favourite moment of the year, and I’m so pleased that we’re able to return to a physical space this summer. Origins provides our awarding body community with the opportunity to come together and celebrate the wonderful work and amazing achievements of all our students, and recognise the remarkable efforts of the tutors and teachers who have supported them. The world needs creativity, now more than ever, and our students are bursting with it!”

Exhibition opening times for the public:

Friday 22 July, 10.30 – 5pm

Saturday 23 July, 10.30am – 5pm

Sunday 24 July, 11am – 3pm


G4 + G5,

The Truman Brewery,

Ely’s Yard,


E1 6QP

If you are interested in attending this event, please book >

Three Coleg Menai UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design students have been selected to exhibit their Final Work in the Origins Creatives exhibition in London.

This is a yearly exhibition held by UAL (University of Arts London awarding body). It showcases the best of the students' work.

Megan George, 17 years old

Titled ‘3D miniature Fantasy Sculptures'

Concept / Material: It is a 3D miniature sculpture of a magic world made of wood, clay, and card.

Celin Roberts, 18 years old

Work Title: Femininity

Concept/Material: It is a large-scale embroidered dress exploring femininity and caught the attention of UAL Awarding Body’s curator amongst nearyl 500 submissions.

Grace Williams, 17 years old

Work Title: The Good and the Bad.

Concept/Material: It is a pair of large-scale oil paintings depicting the good and the bad in the world around us.

All three learners are studying UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art & Design, and are very excited to be attending the opening event to see their work exhibited in London, amongst creative work from students all over the UK.

Origins Creatives is organised by UAL Awarding Body and provides art lovers, critics and industry professionals from the creative sector the chance to discover original creative talent from across the UK and celebrate students’ creativity and hard work.

Natalie Williams, their course tutor said “We are extremely proud of all our learners achievements and very proud of Megan, Celin and Grace, this will be a great experience having their work showcased in London and to attend such a prestigious event. It is also a great opportunity to showcase the talent we have in Coleg Menai”

The free exhibition showcases work from some of the UK’s most talented students in FE institutions studying across the UAL subject areas of Art and Design, Fashion Business and Retail, Creative Media, Music Performance and Production and Performing Arts.

This year, Origins Creatives will be an in-person exhibition at The Truman Brewery in Shoreditch. The exhibition will open with an invite-only private view on 21 July at 6pm. It will be open to the public from the 22 – 24 July, alongside an online showcase.

The exhibition will showcase selected work created by students from Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 across all subject areas. You can expect to see a diverse range of painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, fashion and more. Within the exhibition, a Soundcloud music playlist and showreel of moving images composed of student work will be played.

Ross Anderson, Director, UAL Awarding Body said:

“The UAL Awarding Body Origins Creatives show is my favourite moment of the year, and I’m so pleased that we’re able to return to a physical space this summer. Origins provides our awarding body community with the opportunity to come together and celebrate the wonderful work and amazing achievements of all our students, and recognise the remarkable efforts of the tutors and teachers who have supported them. The world needs creativity, now more than ever, and our students are bursting with it!”

Exhibition opening times for the public:

Friday 22 July, 10.30 – 5pm

Saturday 23 July, 10.30am – 5pm

Sunday 24 July, 11am – 3pm


G4 + G5,

The Truman Brewery,

Ely’s Yard,


E1 6QP

If you are interested in attending this event, please book >

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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